Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 512: God do you understand.

God do you understand.

"Even if it is you, you have to die!"

Bering looked at Li He with craziness in his eyes, and the manipulator that protruded from his back swayed gently, as if silently mocking.

The big sword that seemed more powerful than the Heart of Steel pointed at Bering. Inexplicably, Bering felt a suffocating pressure in an instant. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Li He stepped into the air from the ground and appeared in front of Bering's eyes. This step seemed to have broken the boundaries of time and space.

When there was a cry, the sound of the violent collision reverberated in the sacrificial field, and the center was the godless giant sword and the gun that could emit death rays.

When Li He struck out with a sword, Bering hurriedly blocked it with his gun.

Unsurprisingly, Li He smashed Bering to the ground and hit a big pit. His body was also obviously damaged. When he stood up with the gun body, every time he trembles Some broken parts fell on the body. What is surprising is that Bering was injured so badly, but the gun that withstood Li He's blow was nothing, not even a trace.

"Reaper's technology is really good."

Li He moved his wrist, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and laughed happily.

As a poor and white god, the most passionate thing is to take what he sees as his own. No, Li He's behavior should be called seizure.

Looking back at Karthus, the **** of death who was still awake, although there were countless light years between the two, Li He clearly felt a familiar aura in Karthus. That is the unique breath of the endless void.

He was digesting these powers that attempted to assimilate him, and this digestion was not without a price, using death divine power to offset the more difficult void power, the exchange ratio between the two was at least three to one, or even more.

However, Kor'thas, who is located in his temple, is at his home court. Even if he consumes more divine power, he can replenish it in a short time. This will not cause his strength to decline, but it will delay his awakening time and descending ancestors. Ann time time.

With the absorption of "death" in countless worlds and the belief in Karthus in the fear of countless believers, Karthus is also replenishing the divine power he has consumed while digesting the power of the void. There is a very obvious rule in this, just like a pool of water filling at the same time, the discharge port is smaller than the water injection port, ask how long the pool can be slowed down.

Having mastered this law, Xiao Luo could already accurately calculate the time when the **** of death Karthus woke up.

With the accidental death of the twentieth Congressman, this time has accelerated by a few seconds.

Because this large-scale sacrificial act of Zuan Star originally contributed a huge amount of water injection to Karthus, especially when life forms with relatively high energy levels appeared in the sacrificial ceremony.

Just as the battle was in the midst of the fierce battle in the sacrificial grounds, a huge gap suddenly appeared in the sky of Zuan Star, from which a neat engine roar and the sound of wings flashing came out.

At this time, a darker color than the night enveloped Zuan.

The believers of the **** of death raised their heads to look at God. They felt that their faith had been severely impacted, and another **** was tempting them to worship.

Morgana’s temptation ability in the known universe is unparalleled. Because of the idea of ​​being a goddess and falling freedom, there are not so many life forms willing to actively believe in Morgana. At this point, the gods of death have to bow down.

"Queen, we have reached the destination."

"Very well, ready to come."

A corner of a huge castle began to appear from the sky, and most people were panicking. This scene has appeared in the poor world of Zu'an three times, the first being an unknown evil god, and then Knowing that there is a powerful person in the universe, and then now, the devil queen of the fallen god, Morgana, whose reputation has spread billions of light years in the universe.

Li He and Bering withdrew their gazes from the sky, holding the weapons in their hands and looking at each other.

"Senior, you are not my opponent." Bering tore off his broken face and said.

The name Senior is almost equivalent to the recognition of the Eighth Congressman in disguise that the man with a hand outstretched behind his back is the mechanical pioneer, Your Excellency Victor.

It doesn't matter who it is, what is important is that the energy level is enough. If he is killed at this moment and dedicated to the death, maybe Karthus can truly descend into this world.

At that time, the power of God will rule the world again, and the gift of God belongs to Bering. From now on, he will be the highest member of Zuan. No, he is the absolute ruler of Zuan. Although he is in the parliament, Bering is also tired of the mechanism of parliamentarians. He doesn't want a simple decree to go through half a day of arguing and discussion. He wants to be dictatorial and he wants to be the king of this world.

A gray mist emerged from Bering's chest, condensed into a vine, which could only be measured to replace Bering's hands with the gun.

That is, the death ray has been brewing in the muzzle, and now there is only one person who prevents him from becoming the king of Zuan, that is, Li He. Now as long as you kill him, all the problems of death coming will naturally be solved, including the demonic civilization that descended from the sky.

As for El Guanghui, Bering was completely disregarded now, because God was a mortal and was not in the same world.

Standing on the altar, Bering dodges Lee Hyuk’s fatal attack while walking and killing other councillors and soldiers, including members of the Death Church.

He doesn't care who died under his hand, whether it is an enemy or his own subordinates, he only cares that he becomes stronger during the killing, and the tentacles extending from his chest are getting more and more. The stronger. He can manipulate more weapons at this time, or simply use his tentacles as weapons to pass through someone's chest, pierce the life engine and send each life to the end.

Li He stood in the center of the altar frowning.

"Master, Bering's energy rating is rising rapidly."

Seventh and eighth, when the last member except the third member hangs on Bering’s tentacles, after he transfers all the deaths and the power gained in the killing to himself, he becomes a god. It seems that some unnoticeable changes have taken place between heaven and earth.

Because a new **** was born in this world.

"Jiejie, now, who can stop me... I am already a god, god, do you understand!" Bering roared to everyone.

"So, kill a false **** and dedicate it to Karthus, then he should wake up."

Li He said lightly.

The feat of killing gods.