Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 576: escape?

Li He looked at everyone and said loudly, "Now I tell you, neither can I!"

Now is not the time to forcefully pretend to be b, because this stupid behavior is likely to ruin a civilization, so Lee Hyuk is outspoken.

Everyone was in consternation, they didn't expect Li Hyuk to be so straightforward.

"It's not your fault that you want to fight the evil god. You are overwhelmed at what is wrong. You can only see in front of you but not behind you."

In Li He's stern eyes, almost everyone bowed their heads in shame. Li He didn't just let them go.

"As a commander, you can’t just consider your own dignity. That bit of shit-like dignity was earned by the lives of your soldiers. Your lives are now pioneers, and countless martyrs are traded with your own lives. You are not allowed to waste it. !

You still have the idea of ​​resisting, which is great, but you have to survive before you have a chance to continue fighting! Whether it is fighting or fleeing, for the future of Zu'an, for the future of all life, these two problems need to be solved today. Do you understand that? ! "

"Follow your teaching!"

"Talk about business."

Li He sat down, and the others who had just stood up also sat down slowly.

"Commander Al Guanghui, how much power do we have now?"

"There are now 15 fully organized regiments. Their combat power is equivalent to the pre-war level 1 regiments, and there are 68 guerrilla regiments equivalent to the pre-war level 2 regiments. The 83 legions total 3 million people."

There are currently 227 rebels counted. The number of these rebels generally ranges from 200,000 to 2,000. They can quickly support each other through underground tunnels, and they are also connected to the underground holy city. The total number of rebels is 4 to 5 million. People, the top resistance force is equivalent to the level 1 battle group, there are 3 in total, the light of darkness, the last oath, the knights of the gun and the sword.

Among them, the number of Dark Lights is the largest, and the number of goblins can no longer be counted. It is estimated that it has exceeded 1 million. "

These data are the clearest for Al Guanghui, this is all that Zuan can hold.

The goblins of the Dark Light do not have good statistics. Their racial talent determines that they are naturally sensitive to the power of darkness, and they also have a racial advantage as a dawn species, so they have extremely strong survivability.

The birth rate of goblins is not slow. Although goblins are killed almost every day, everyone can find that with the growth of time, there are more and more goblins, and the total number of goblin races is still a mystery.

Want to know this question is very simple, the leaders of the dark light are all here.

Li He turned his face and asked, "Valkyria, Ivan, who knows how many people there are in the Light of Darkness now."

Valkyria represents the highest force of the dark light, and Ivan represents the highest technology of the dark light. It can be said that these two people represent the dark light, but neither of them is in charge. One is not talented, and the other is too busy.

Valkyria pondered for a moment and said: "It may be a million..."

Ivan: "No, including the goblins in various regions and the goblins who floated along the river to other basins to support, the total number has exceeded 2.6 million. I don't know how much."

Nearly three million goblins, very good and powerful!

Valkyria was shocked; "How come there are so many?" Not only Valkyria but also other commanders were shocked. The number of three million is equivalent to the total number of all first-level battle groups.

Ivan shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know why there are so many. Since a few small groups of troops brought out the technology of the goblin transformation laboratory, the population of the goblin race has exploded."

"Perhaps the goblins will need to implement family planning in a while."

Li He said abruptly, in fact, he was just joking.

Later, Li Hyuk himself did not think that his words and deeds had become something like "God Proverbs" during this period. This sentence was recorded by the divine envoy "Big Ivan" who is closest to the God of Hope and passed on to future generations. Become a prophecy of the true god.

And it played a significant role. It was unbearable to add a large galaxy to the population of goblins. They followed the prophecies of God in the past, and the whole family decisively implemented family planning.

Of course, all of this is a later story.

After six hours of intense discussions or simply quarreling, finally there was a result.

That is: stay seven and go three.

Regardless of age, regardless of race, whether it is an old person who is about to end his life, or a young person who is not long after birth, whether it is Victors or goblins, they have the right to live, and they all have the right to live for the continuation of civilization. The duty to fight to the end.

Among all the people, 70% will stay and fight against the evil gods, with the goal of being together.

The remaining 30% will escape from Zu'an Star and float to the distant unknown universe in a huge interstellar spacecraft for the purpose of survival.

"Please allow me to dedicate my life to Zuan star and our home planet, sir, I want to protect her one last time,"

A commander stood up and said solemnly.

"I am also willing to lay down my life for the mother star. Please let me lead my legion to prepare for the last stop."

"Commander-in-chief, Your Excellency Li He, please let me prepare for the last stop. I don't mind playing for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years!"

Li He and Al Guanghui looked at each other and started to have a headache.

Thirty percent of the people in the plan are to flee, including those from the joint command post. They also have 30 percent of the quota. But now 99% are willing to be the 70%.

It's like rushing to die.

Li He: "Sit down for me, do you want to rebel?!"

Al Guanghui Jizhongshengzhi came up with a way: "Shut up all, this matter is finally decided by lottery, you have no right to choose."

Everyone was quiet now.

Li He: "Now we are discussing the second question, how do we escape? Where to escape."

El Guanghui: "Almost all the Seed of Civilization vaults have been discovered, plus we deliberately exposed them to attract demon firepower. I don't know it, we no longer have seeds to use. For the evil **** forces whose technological level is higher than ours, we can no longer choose to continue to escape underground."

Li He: "Then open all the Seeds of Civilization vaults that have just been sealed up. At this time, we are in need of a large number of cherished materials and technical scientific research personnel."

Everyone's eyes moved between Li Hyuk and Al Guanghui.

Al Guanghui: "Now listen to Lord Lee Hyuk."

"Yes! Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief!"