Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 600: Sea King

Xiao Luo: "Master. What's wrong with you?"

Li He: "I feel that something is going to happen."

Li He looked up to the sky. A vague black spot is gradually becoming clearer.

A voice sounded deep in Li He's consciousness: "I'm back."

What is going on with this feeling?

Li He frowned, his wings spread out behind him, and he flew into the sky.

That group of disgusting things with a bunch of wings and swaying flying, 80% of them were criticized.

It was a brood that continuously produced evil dragons, and a large number of evil dragons were already guarding it next to it.

Behind Naxu, there was a fearful guy hiding. This product is a stranger.

Another scumbag appeared in front of Li Hye, she is a female mechanical lifeform that conforms to Li Hye's aesthetics.

Li He didn't know that the body in front of him was only her believer, and the negative energy reaction nearby was a little bit indistinguishable.

The sorrows belong to one line, they, or they all have a common feature.

That is the desire, the boundless desire, the unsatisfied desire, just in line with your taste, the desire to tempt you.

To put it simply, the show is the same as the chicken.

Even if it is a mechanical life form, as a member of the evil, she strives to show herself scratching her head and posing, seducing Li He all the time.

If Naxu is a idiot who specializes in chemistry.

Trick is a coward who specializes in magic

So scumbag is a female PR who specializes in psychology

"Don't you have no desire?"

The woman who blocked Li Hyuk put on a charming gesture and said.

"Yes, but I'm not interested in Fu Steel."

Li He said coldly.

"At least not interested in you."

Speaking of a pitch-black giant sword appeared in Li He's hand, he immediately slashed it at the shaman in front of him.


Halfway through the cut, Li He suddenly turned his head and slashed the giant sword in his hand to his back.


"Just relying on this little trick is like confuse me." Li He smiled contemptuously.

In the spiritual realm, spiritual pollution is something that makes people misjudge. Lee Hyuk, who has installed an "anti-virus software", is not harmed by these viruses at all.

The woman was cut into two sections by Li He with a single sword, and did not die immediately. One section of her body continued to float in mid-air, making a strange cry that made her scalp numb.

"Oh oh oh~ can you give me another sword, just one sword, brother, your big sword is so powerful, the people who do it can't stand it at once."

Lee Hye...

Madder is perverted!

The supernova appeared in Li He's hands, and a beam of light shot out, directly erasing this perverted existence.

Li He breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably after the shame disappeared.

Glancing at Naxu and Yinqi as a warning, Li He put away the supernova, put it in his chest, and then led the fleet behind him to the sky.

Bingchuan is about to come down.

Xiao Luo's voice appeared in Li He's will: "The concentration of Zuan's atmosphere is 0.3, which is slightly weaker than the earth's 0.5, which can reduce the consumption of ice by friction."

Li He nodded, this is best.

Now any point of clean water is precious.

"Notify Al Guanghui and let the fleet find a way to tighten up the rain falling from the sky."

Although the atmosphere of Zu'an is thinner than that of the earth, there is an atmosphere, which will slow down and frictional meteorites flying in the universe to a certain extent.

"Yes, master."

After a while, Xiao Luo said: "Master, there is no trace of water scattered by the friction and heating of Bingxue. All the water is restrained by Bingxue."

"What's the matter? See the undead? Why don't you drop the water?"

"There is an energy binding force field on the ice, and I feel that there is a breath of life on it."

Xiao Luofei raised his head beside Li He and said.


What is going on here?

Demon civilization, flagship of the demon fleet, demon wings:

Morgana sat on the throne, looking at the map with a dazed expression.

"what happened?"

"Report to the queen. According to the intelligence analysis we have so far, it is Trick among the four evil gods. Using the curse-level magic "Meteor Fall", he captured a meteorite from the nearest universe and forcibly pulled it down to Zuan Star."

"The main component of this meteorite is ice, which includes a race and a weapon. The weapon should be an artifact that Lee Hyuk lost."

Morgana yelled: "Damn, the guy who hasn't succeeded enough to fail!"

"Have you found Atto?"

"Report to the queen, there is no fragment of the soul of Lord Atuo yet."

"Continue to find, let the demon of the technical department speed up the progress of technological development, explore the endless void as quickly as possible. If you can't get it next year, just delete the account."

"Yes... Queen."

Deletion means real death to the devil.

Deleting the soul data from the terminal can completely wipe out the existence of a demon.

When Morgana's words reached the demon's technical department, the technical demons were all trembling with fright.

But for the sake of their nickname, they had to put out a crazy energy to research the technology of the void field.

Li He felt a call in the dark.

Strange and familiar. The closer you get to the meteorite, the stronger the feeling.

Na Xu's evil dragon was eager to try, but after seeing that Lu Xie and Yin Qi had no intention of doing anything, Na Xu also flinched.

Now Li He's breath is soaring and getting stronger and stronger, and he is about to break through. Be smart, no one dares to touch Li He's mold at this time.

After the friction of the outer atmosphere of Zuan Star, the ice has gradually warmed up, and the outer ice has melted, but it has been bound together without the slightest meaning of dispersing. Now it looks like a large water ball.

With a bang, the water ball exploded, and a black shadow quickly flew towards Li He.

Li He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a trident appeared in Li He's hand.

"Sure enough, it's you."

Li He smiled slightly and stroked the trident lightly.

The Sea Emperor's trident trembled lightly and responded to Li He.

"See Sea Emperor!"

"See Sea Emperor!"

"See Sea Emperor!"

Li He, who was holding the Sea Emperor's trident in midair, shook his hand suddenly, and almost didn't throw out the artifact he had just returned to his hand.

Li He looked at these beautiful women standing on the surface of the huge water polo, and was stunned.