Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 700: It's a lot.

Both the devil and the angel fell into absolute silence. Whether it was the demon fleet floating on the opposite side of the Zu'an fleet or the phalanx of the angel legion that stayed in front of the Zu'an fleet, they all took their swords into their sheaths, as if they didn't mean to go to war.

But the confrontation between the devil and the angel just like this, there is a pressure that makes people breathless.

Because everyone knows that tranquility is just a prelude to a storm.

"This is a war between gods and gods, a fateful battle between two god-level civilizations. It has nothing to do with you. I mean, you better go back half a light-year, no, it's a light-year distance, so as not to accidental injury."

Kesha on the throne and Ashe behind the throne are all expressions of indifference.

As soon as El Guanghui stood up and wanted to speak, Keisha waved back: "Change to a more complete life form to talk to me, you Zuan is a medium civilization anyway."

Al Guanghui was stunned, he couldn't understand this sentence a bit.

Kesha glanced around among the people in Zu'an, and finally pointed at Victor: "Just you, Victor."

Of course Victor knew what this incompleteness meant. Talking to an unsentimental being was as uncomfortable as a piece of cold steel in front of him. Maybe he couldn't detect this in Zuan, because many people became cold iron.

El Guanghui sat down and continued to look at his files, but he was afraid that he would not be able to show up afterwards, but fortunately, Victor still exists in all this.

Victor leaned slightly: "Dear King of Angels, I have no intention of offending your authority. I only want to ask one question on behalf of Zuan Civilization."

Keisha: "Say."

Victor: "Is the Lord Lee Hyuk participating in the war?"

Keisha stood up from the throne, walked to the porthole and looked at the deep cosmic background outside the window and slowly said: "He is the patron **** of your civilization. I can understand what you think, although whoever fights side by side is the freedom of that. , But as an ally of angels, as my lover, I think..."

"I will go to war."

Li He entered through the door and said four words in a simple and clear way.

With a flash, all the senior leaders of Zu'an Civilization stood up and said together: "Oath to advance and retreat with your Excellency, coexist and die!"

Li He is not hypocritical: "Okay."

Li He turned to look at Keisha. Kesha's wishes may not be the case. Although Zuan's fleet is an indispensable force, Keisha does not want to involve the innocent in this fateful battle.

After a moment of silence, Keisha said to Li He: "It's up to you."

Li He smiled slightly: "Then sit down and discuss the battle plan."

Once this war unfolds, I am afraid that it will not end so well. In the end, it is estimated that the damage and casualties will be countless. The demon fleet is complete, Morgana has completed another evolution, and her strength has greatly increased.

There is no need to worry about the battle of Gods. On Li He's side, with Kesha and Ivan, there are three ninth-level gods, and it is no problem to deal with a Morgana. Morgana is indeed very strong now, but Li Hye and the others are not weak either.

It's just that the Demon Fleet is a headache.

Compared with Zuan’s fugitive fleet, the ships of demonic civilization are combat ships. This is the essential difference. In terms of quantity, there are also gaps that are difficult to fill.

Now there are less than twenty ships of the Zuan Fleet plus the Ark. There are thousands of large, medium and small warships in the Demon Fleet. They are also full of demons. You don’t know how many demon warriors are carried on the wings of a demon alone. .

Keisha: "According to the analysis of the data I have just forcibly read, the middle-level combat power of the demon civilization is short, and there is only one eighth level. It is the daughter of darkness, Annie."

At the eighth level of combat power, there were originally three demonic civilizations, and now one is reluctant to think about it on Li He's side, and the other sword demon who is loyal to Morgana has been exiled to the endless void by Li He. Now there is only one little loli who is playing with fire.

Li He: "Oh, I remember that Annie still has a Tibbers forehead. That Shadow Bear can barely be counted as level eight, right?"

Keisha: "It would be fine if it was really like that. The Shadow Bear Tibbers is just a work on the Valoran continent, and cannot be regarded as a living entity. Strictly speaking, the little girl and that work can be regarded as a complete piece together. The eighth level."

A work? That is to say is a dead thing?

Is it possible that when facing that shadow bear, there is always a feeling that IQ is not online.

As a result, the disadvantages on the lowest battlefield have been moved back a little, and Li He is about to get together with the eighth level of combat power.

Victor, Valkyria, and El Glory can also be counted as one. Thornton probably can't play, but he can make up the number. Putting such an eighth level unit at home can also be a lot of peace of mind, and can guard against each other to a certain extent. Steal home.

And Cerberus, Bray.

In addition, Hela, who holds the Trident of the Sea Emperor, can barely be counted as an eighth level.

He broke his fingers in his heart and counted. Li Hyuk leaked a smile: "Not counting your legion commander Ashe, I have six and a half levels of eight."

Keisha: "What's the matter with that half?"

Li He explained: "You should have seen the Sea Clan. Their leader has great potential. Counting a special artifact can push her to the edge of the eighth level."

It's a pity that the Hai Clan's IQ is generally low, and the personality is simple and terribly simple. It is simply textbook-like silly and sweet.

Their power is acquired entirely by talent, and they have little understanding of the concept of power, but the Sea Clan generally can reach level 5 to level 6 when they are adults, and very few can have level 7.

Such as Hella.

Keisha: "We still have some time. If you can, I hope you can push Hela to the eighth level."

The corner of Li He's mouth twitched: "How to push?"

Keisha looked at Li He's eyes: "You should have a way."

Li He's black line, this inexplicable confidence comes from there, why do you have confidence that I don't have.

To a certain extent, advancement is evolution. The road to evolution becomes more difficult as you go up. After the seventh level, every step forward is a life barrier. If you want to make the seventh level, it is difficult to reach the blue sky.

Li Hyuk, as a past person, knows this very well.

Although he didn't encounter much difficulty when he advanced, Li Hye couldn't guarantee that everyone would be like him. More importantly, Li Hye had a system.

By the way, Li He still has a system.

Thinking of this, Li He's eyes lit up. Although Xiao Luo fell asleep helplessly and couldn't wake up at all, Luo Luo, who was coming to the future, was only stronger than Xiao Luo.

Keisha glanced at Li He, and Li He felt a little hairy when he was seen.

Because Keisha often can read a lot of things at a glance, including personal data, combat power, energy readings,