Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 716: dfd

There is another meaning to this.

It depends on his luck.

Edo Dfd Headquarters

"The Bureau of Meteorology reported that abnormal weather occurred in the sea area where the incident occurred. After our analysis, the possibility of an unnatural phenomenon is as high as 80%."

The air flow in the sea area where the incident occurred was very strange, the temperature difference between the surrounding areas was very low, and no air convection occurred. Obviously this kind of weird huge beast is caused by this kind of thing df has encountered many times.

"What abnormal weather."

"It's a tornado."

"Oops, our fighter..."

"I believe in their driving skills, and also in our dfd's Fengzhu fighters."

The wind has a rather sacred position in the eleventh district.

Two sci-fi fighters with petite statures flew near the tornado and began to circle around.

The pilot of the long flight sent back a report to dfd headquarters: "This is Fengzhu No.1, which has arrived at the scene. The abnormal weather has interfered with our flight, and we are waiting for the time to approach."

Then the lead plane commanded the wingman Fengzhu No. 2 and ordered him: “Fengzhu No. 2, turn on the life detection system and search for victims in the nearby waters.”

Fengzhu 2’s driving skills are weaker, and it is relatively safe for him to keep him away from the storm zone.


Under the sea, Li He fought fiercely with the giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise chased Li He with the storm. While avoiding, Li He found the right time to launch a counterattack. The tornado is like a shield with its own deflection function, and most of the power released by Li He is thrown aside. It is difficult to fight against the giant. The tortoise's body causes damage.

"It won't work like this."

Li He condensed his eyes and looked at the giant tortoise at the center of the storm.

The tornado stirred the sea and set off turbulent waves. The center area is unusually calm.

Li He lurked in the sea, swimming like a fish, extremely flexible and explosive.

The storm approached, and instead of evading this time, Li He rushed up against the storm.

As he approached the storm circle, Li He screamed, and the long, thick and black physics holy sword in his hand, the crowbar, slammed into it.


Due to Li He’s shot speed is too fast, the air that is not obvious at ordinary times has become a sticky obstruction. A milky white sonic cloud surrounds the crowbar and Li He’s arm, and penetrates into the extremely fast spinning in the storm. A hole was torn in the tornado.

Li He jumped into it with a flash, standing on the back of the giant tortoise.

Li He almost forgot. It was the giant tortoise spinning in Feng's eyes that caused the tornado. Li He, who had just stepped on the back of the turtle, suddenly felt like the world was spinning around and was almost thrown out.

Li He hurriedly inserted the crowbar into the gap in the tortoise shell, which was able to stabilize.

After the rotation speed of Li He and the giant tortoise were synchronized, Li He stood at the center of the turtle's back, which is the center of the phoenix eyes, feeling very peaceful.

At this moment, Li He even had the strange illusion that the world was spinning and he was still.

Fengzhu No.1 circling around the tornado, the pilot inside is always staring at the situation of the tornado.

Suddenly, he felt that there was something more inside the tornado.

The sea water stirred by the tornado formed a wall of water that obstructed his vision. It is not good to judge by his feelings. He can be convinced of his feelings, but he cannot convince Fengzhu 2 and the headquarters.

"Try it with thermal imaging."

Fengsen Zhenghui thought of the infrared thermal imaging scanning system installed on Fengzhu No.1.

After pressing a few switches, the infrared thermal imaging system was successfully turned on, and everything with heat was displayed on the fighter's main control screen.


Suddenly, the automatic alarm sounded by the system.

Is that system broken?

Fengsen Zhenghui glanced at the alarm indicator and found that it was an infrared thermal imaging system.

The infrared imaging on the main control screen flashed back and forth, and Fengsen Zhenghui could vaguely see a huge turtle and a figure standing on the huge turtle.

Wait, how could there be someone up there? !

It can't be a person.

This was the first thought that came to Fengsen Zhenghui's mind.

But what about the humanoid image on the main control screen of the fighter? This doesn't make sense at all.

And the temperature shown in the humanoid image is actually 999 degrees! It may also be higher, because 999 degrees is the temperature measurement limit of this infrared thermal imaging system on the fighter.

How could this be possible, if it were a normal person, it would have been burned to ashes long ago under such a temperature.

Curiosity drove him to get in and see what happened.

"Fengzhu No.1, Fengzhu No.2 calls Fengzhu No.1."

"Fengzhu No.1 received, please speak."

"Fengzhu 2 spotted a fishing boat. They contacted me on their own initiative. It has now been confirmed that it was the police they called."

Feng Sen Zhenghui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very good, Fengzhu No.2, you protect them from this sea area, I will go in and take a look."

"Wait, Zhenghui Jun, you are going to enter there."

In desperation, the wingman Fengzhu No. 2 directly called out the real name of the Fengzhu No. 1 pilot.

On the battlefield, this is illegal.

Fengsen Zhenghui said in a pretentiously relaxed tone: "Of course it was in Feng's eyes."

"Fengzhu No.1 can't be so reckless. Headquarters will never allow it. The Fengzhu fighter is an important weapon of our dfd. This is too precious."

Fengzhu No. 2 hurriedly dissuaded, although he also knew that his dissuasion had little effect.

Zhenghui is a very arrogant person, but at the same time he has courage and ability. He is famous in dfd for these three items.

Relying on his courage and ability and the enviable "luck" Fengsen Zhenghui has completed many unfinished tasks.

Even if it occasionally violates orders, the headquarters chooses to close one eye.

After all, in general, he is the best fighter in dfd.

"I will leave the report to the headquarters to you, Fengzhu No.2."

After Fengsen Zhenghui made a gesture in the cockpit, he turned the nose and climbed quickly.

"Okay... Report to the headquarters, Fengzhu No.1 entered the tornado."

"Zizi... Headquarters received."

"Follow-up support will arrive in thirty minutes."

"Fengzhu No.2 understands."

Follow-up support is high-speed boats such as speedboats, or water transport aircraft. Their speed is not a bit slower than the Fengzhu series fighters.

The force of the tornado can easily tear apart the fighter. Even the most advanced aircraft is no problem.

And in a tornado, the output of the fighter's engine can't compete with it at all.

So Fengsen Zhenghui chose to climb first.

Three kilometers, five kilometers, six kilometers, seven kilometers, eight kilometers...

Fengsen Zhenghui drove the Fengzhu No. 1 to climb the tornado vertically until it reached a high speed of 8,000 meters.

This high speed has already surpassed the height of the tornado upright.