Reborn As a Pirate

v1 Chapter 51: Hormone Cannon

  "The butterfly rudder left, the cattail rudder right! The two wings double-fold, squeeze the channel!"

   On the wide open sea west of the island, two Brigantine sailing boats with colorful skull flags are braving the wind and waves.

  They are chasing two Kirk-type ships with the French flag.

   Such an unassuming pursuit was naturally discovered by the Kirk type early on, but the design of the wide-bottomed, slightly fat and single-masted sail made this kind of boat impossible to race.

   This is especially true in the current crosswind environment.

  The only way for them to borrow the wind is to fold the line, but the two Brigentines are like giant beasts with their jaws, one left and the other right, forcing their course more and more straight.

  The space for turning and turning is getting smaller and smaller, and the utilization rate of sails is getting lower and lower. They also heard that the tall young admiral in the upper wind issued new orders to the pirate fleet.

   "Forced landing! Allow shelling!"

  The densely packed cannon doors opened from the inside, and Acharin closed one eye and raised his thumb behind a nine-pounder gun.

"Shelling is a romance second only to pick-ups, gentlemen." He said to the gunners standing behind him, "I know that English gunners are well-trained. We fire two rounds, and you can often fire three rounds. Warships are even faster. . But why can’t England still rule the world? That’s because you are not romantic enough.”

   He squinted, stretched his arms, and stood motionless on the violently undulating gun deck with his feet rooted.

"Wind speed, wind direction, wind force, ignition time, aiming target, everything must be considered. Just like a pick-up girl, you have to know her preferences, her growth, her fear and love, and then you can hit it. , Take it straight...Ignite!"


There was a roar from the nine-pound cannon in the third cabin, and the red-burning shells made a beautiful, slightly slanted arc, which landed on the Kirk-type main deck with small cannons more than 50 meters away, straight. Smash through.

   A big fire ignited on the inside of the deck, artillery and explosives collapsed inward along the hole, and then...


   With the blessings of Hormonal fallacies, Yacharin’s first shot triggered an explosion.

   The explosion occurred in the inner compartment of the hull, and the blast rumbled the Kirk-shaped hull into two halves from the center.

   The thick plume of smoke rose into the sky, and a huge wave was raised on the calm sea. The wave was so big, five or six meters high, it almost overturned the butterfly flower on the side.

   Everyone, including Yacharin, watched the tragic scene in a daze.

   Remnants, broken arms, intact human bodies, huge shipwrecks, and goods sealed in wooden boxes, and goods that have long been unsealed in wooden boxes...

   Like rain.

   The gunners were all in awe: "Chief Cannon, the French are as good at shooting as you?"

"Hmm!" Yacharin coughed, "What...go to the deck for an emergency landing. For a romantic gentleman, we only need to care about when a woman will lie down on the bed, and we don't need to understand why she will lie down on the bed. ."


   The battle ended abruptly.

  The companion in deep **** was still sinking in despair not far away. The sailor's wailing sound came out from the depths of the whirlpool. The surviving Kirk-type captain heard it and immediately decided...raise the white flag, lower the sail, and surrender.

   Yacharin's hormone cannon has done a wonderful job.

   The battlefield entered the inventory stage, Ramos asked his third officer to take the sailors on the landing ship, and soon he brought news to Lorraine.

  According to the captain's account, they were actually two transshipment ships that accidentally moved away from the coastline in order to chase the wind.

   Their bottom compartment is full of porcelain and embroidery from the East, with a total value of more than 13,000 pounds.

   Lorraine is like falling in the clouds.

   Ten thousand...Three thousand pounds...

   Excluding seized ships and charts that cannot be exchanged for money, the General Chamber of Commerce's profit last month was more than four thousand pounds, and last month, it was less than two thousand pounds.

   It can be seen that with the current capacity and channels of the Drake Chamber of Commerce, two thousand pounds is the normal monthly profit standard of the Chamber of Commerce.

   Wanting to earn the next three thousand pounds with his skills, Lorraine had to run on the Cantabrian route for half a year with horror.

   And now... half of them are in the captive ship, and half are at sea...

  Where are the black plumes of smoke and traces of war floating in this vast sea? It is gold pounds, time, more ships, bigger guns...

   In the final analysis, they are all golden pounds!

  Lorraine's eyes were red.

"Send the order, the fleet is anchored! The first level alert status of the Butterfly Flower, the Cattail Flower will devolve all the crew, feed the captured ships, and count the cargo!" He took a deep breath, "Tell Ramos, Niold is not We need porcelain and silk, and those floating on the sea...all belong to us!"

   Following Lorraine’s orders, Drake’s two delicate flowers anchored and sailed in this dangerous sea area, and the anchor chain went down to the seabed nearly 70 meters deep.

   Cattail Flower completely gave up its combat readiness.

   In addition to leaving the twenty or so sailors necessary to keep the ship stable, thirty people landed on the captive ship, pulled out a dozen cables, and almost tied the captive Kirk and the Cattail Flower together.

   There are more than 20 people paddling assault boats, scattered in the vast sea to salvage the goods that fly out.

   The nearby cargo was directly salvaged by the sailor swimming, and one piece was recovered and sent back to the ship like a sea lion arch ball.

   Butterfly Flower is the opposite. Hina climbed up to the foremast observation deck and supervised the southwest, while Pierce stood on the mainmast observation deck and looked far to the northeast.

   All the artillery doors were opened, all the artillery was loaded in place, Lorraine personally took the steering wheel, and even the sailor held the sails tightly, fully guarded in his position.

   Everyone's heart is in his throat, like a deer, banging.

   Hurry up, hurry up...

   This is close to the main channel of Cantabrian. Barge robbery in such a terrible place is like prying over a money-carrying truck on a highway. When picking up money, any fast-moving car can kill them.

   Reasonable and constantly persuaded Lorraine to give up everything and stay mobile. How can money matter?

   The sensual villain laughs contemptuously next to him. If people can act in accordance with reason, how could the word fluke be coined?

   The two villains started quarreling. In Lorraine's mind, the quarrel made Lorraine's heart It burned for two hours.

   The salvage has not yet been completed,

   There were about 6,000 pounds of cargo piled up on the captive ship, and 4,000 pounds wet and scattered on the deck of the Cattail Flower. There were still nearly 3,000 pounds of cargo floating up and down in the sea.

   The salvaged boats are rowing farther and farther, and the swimming sailors are getting slower and slower.

   "God!" Pierce let out a scream, "Reindeer! The Reindeer is found at twelve o'clock, full sail, full speed!"

   He tore off his headscarf abruptly, but couldn't grasp it for a while, and could only see the headscarf fluttering and fleeing.

   "The wind is heading south, level 6, and it has a stroke!" He muttered to himself in a daze, his voice getting higher and higher, and shouted towards the stern, "Brother! It is 18 kilometers away, and the Reindeer is expected to arrive within an hour!"

   Listening to Pierce's screams, Lorraine turned his head silly and stared at the horizontal line of the North Sea without any shadows.

   "Is this... a lesson? Insufficient greed, too late?" He gritted his teeth, "Semaphore! Let Ramos immediately abandon the captive ship and take back the sailor! Ask him how long it will take!"

   Ramos responded immediately, forty-five minutes.

   "I will give him fifty minutes... how much the cargo hold of the captive ship can be moved, all the sailors take back the Cattail Flower, and then... flee to Bilbao!"

   There was a bad premonition in the seamen's hearts, and Karen asked instead of everyone: "What about us?"

   "We..." Lorraine took a quick breath. "The Reindeer ran too fast. If we want the Cattail Flower to escape, we have to pull her hind legs."

   Karen's eyes widened: "To pull the hind legs of a destroyer?"

   "The adventure has begun, my friend..." Lorraine laughed bitterly, and while laughing, he ordered, "The butterfly flower, change the flag of the Chamber of Commerce, lift the anchor!"