Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 173: Death wandering in the woods

In the night, the third team of the second team of the Robe Manor Guards was conducting a routine inspection around the village.

   This is their main job.

   As everyone knows, when Mr. Robbe arrived for the first time, he not only had shallow contacts with the squires of La Trinité, but also suffered a despicable scam and had to build his manor in such a remote place.

   There are far more beasts than people here. Counting from the day the manor was established, there have been 14 cases of missing children, all concentrated in the plantation village on the edge of the forest.

   The scene at the scene is terrible. Large-scale predators will go deep into the manor and even touch the vicinity of the villa to choose the food they find delicious.

   In order to protect his personal and property safety, Master Robbe had to expand his guard.

   The expanded **** is mainly responsible for two things.

   A detachment stationed on the beach, using two old forts on both sides of the pier to guard against pirate attacks.

   The second team is stationed near the villa, mainly responsible for driving away wild animals, and by the way, also beware of the natives and bandits who settle in the forest.

  Rouzhuang inspection is their main way of working, four groups of rotation, day and night.

   Today it happened to be the turn of the third and fifth teams for night inspections.

   Rested in the duty room until the fifth team returned. Team leader Roonet took his team members and two well-trained Portuguese water dogs to start his work.

  Northern vestibule, normal; Eastern pasture, normal; Southern cliff, normal......

The guards held torches and walked lazily in the quiet manor. It only took more than an hour to patrol three of them. As long as they go to the plantation village in the west and turn around, they can return to the duty room and enjoy the heat. The thick soup and comfortable bed.

   This speed is actually slightly faster...

   Roonet stared at his pocket watch for a long time, seeing the jungle approaching, finally made up his mind: "We will rest here for half an hour, and then continue to patrol after half an hour."

   The old partner was quite surprised by Roonet's decision: "Take a break during the patrol? Roonet, this is a bit out of order, isn't it?"

"It's not that you don't go to the village, just rest for a while, it doesn't matter." Roonet walked to the old partner, patted his pocket watch, and explained softly, "Joe, we are walking too fast. If we return to duty before two o'clock, Room, those guys in the five groups don't think everything is normal outside, they only suspect that we are sneaking and raping."

   "It's so much faster than usual?" Joe was taken aback, "But if you take a break in the middle, then it's really slippery. If the little things slip, let the deputy captain hear..."

   "I can't control so much." Roonet sipped at the grass, "It must be the responsibility of the front to be so fast. Little George is your nephew. Please remind him."

"how about you?"

   "Me? For half an hour, I went to the woods to shit..."

   "May the jaguar like your white butt." Joe rolled his eyes hard.

   "It's useless to like it." Rooney tightened the dog leash in his hand, "Gallo is here, the big cat can't get close to me."


   Climbing is the basic skill of Assassin.

   According to the legend, the top assassin can cling to his hands and feet on the smooth marble wall, hang upside down on the fragile plaster, and approach the target silently.

Hina was born in the age of the decline of Assassin. Both her skills and equipment have degraded a lot from her predecessors. The state of legend has long been a true legend for her, but if it was just like Robbe Cliff On the natural rock wall, she can still behave as sensitive as a bobcat.

   is different from Lorraine climbing step by step, her main way of traveling on the rock wall is jumping.

   Fingers and toes are buckled on the fulcrum with minimal force, the body is arched up, and the center of gravity is used to ensure that the body leans toward the rock wall, and the head is raised to find the next suitable fulcrum.

The new fulcrum is often within a radius of two meters. Once she finds it, she jumps up, rests her feet first, and then grabs her hand. The second choice.

   This is her climbing method, which requires lightness, dexterity, and inhuman precise control of body muscles.

   Lorraine never thought of this way. Even if Hina taught him hand in hand, his physique and skills would not be enough to successfully show it. I am afraid that the shale on the bottom of the foot would have been broken into two pieces with a kick.

Therefore, Hannah is climbing very fast. The nearly vertical rock wall of more than fifty meters is a sky trench in the eyes of mortals. She was not even able to delay five minutes under her feet. When Lorraine started climbing, she was already like a snake. Silently slipped onto the top of the cliff.

   There is a forest on the cliff.

   The forest is not big, but the trees are dense, and the lush broad-leaved canopies are layered, woven into a thick cover to cover the moonlight, and only small spots of light penetrate through the gaps.

   Henna closed her eyes and recalled the information of the manor.

  The villa is built on the cliff, and there are uncut virgin forests on both sides. However, the forest on the east side does not overlap with the rocky beach. No matter how far the advance team deviates during the journey, it is impossible to get in, so this forest can only be on the west side.

   After confirming the position and using the cliff as a reference, Henna quickly walked to the edge of the forest and found Joe who was busy teaching his nephew.

  Guard? sentinel? Two people? A dog?

   Is this their guard post? Why do we have to set up guard posts at the intersection of cliffs and woods? In order to guard against cliff-climbing bandits or pirates? Are there many people who like to use rock climbing to make sudden attacks?

   Henna covered her hood with almost a pause, carefully hid her short blond hair, and turned her head quickly.

   Assuming that this is a holy place for unscrupulous people to climb by hand, and it is very popular. Are these two people all the manpower of the sentry? If there is a clear whistle, will there be another secret whistle for early warning? Where is the secret whistle?

   She calmed down and listened.

   Tonight is a breeze, there is a light rustle of leaves on the top of the head, there are waves of snakes and insects plucking the blades of grass under the feet, and the vulgar and fierce swearing of the sentry in the distance, and the night owl's intermittent calls, cooing, cooing...

   There is no obvious abnormality.

   Henna is very confident in her hearing. Although she can't be completely sure, in general, she believes that there is no hidden whistle nearby.

   Is it farther away?

   Lorraine told her that in the coordination of the light and dark whistle, the light whistle is the bait, the cheese on the mouse trap.

   No matter how the dark whistle is set up, its only observation target is the clear whistle.

  Environment, field of vision, space...There are not many suitable locations for setting up dark whistles. Henna quickly selected five, three on the tree and two under the tree.

   She bent down and loosened the laces of her leather boots. With a flick, she stepped barefoot on the grass, passing over all the spots silently like a ghost.

  There really is no secret whistle in the forest. Close observation, the two people and a dog outside the forest are not like serious sentry at all.

   They have no backpacks on their bodies, and there are no normal facilities and bonfires where they stay. They are not so much sentries as they are the young ones who want to be lazy on the patrol and are being warned by the older ones.

In this case……

   Henna was close to Joe and George under the cover of the trunk, they were facing her without threat. On the contrary, it is the water dog on the side, seeming to be lying lazily on the ground, but whether it is the motionless tail or the ridged ears, it shows that it is still conscientious and has not relaxed its vigilance for a Unfortunately, Henna would neither let it hear the sound nor let it smell the smell...

   The cold light flashes!

   The red velvet flying knife flew out of the forest suddenly, crossed the space in the blink of an eye, and plunged through the right ear from the right ear before the water dog could react, crossing the brain diagonally, and the water dog stood dead.

   Its soaring head slammed on the ground with a pop, and before it had time to sound a warning, Joe and George didn’t notice anything unusual.

   wiped out the biggest threat, Henna gently climbed up the tree, drew a slender sling from her pocket, and knotted a loop.

   The loop was thrown out, lightly, rubbing the tip of Joe's nose and hanging it on his shoulder. Joe's cursing stopped abruptly, he touched his chest in confusion, and felt a thin leather rope.

"This is……"

   When it was too late, then it was fast, Henna jumped off the tree abruptly, the loop was tightened, and Joe's neck was strangled to death.

   Joe struggled desperately with his eyes protruding, leaning his body, and making long drag marks with his feet on the grass.

   Little George was scared silly.

   He saw a dark shadow leaping down from the tree, floating, flying, and shaking his wrist at his brow...puff!

   After a while, Joe stopped struggling and turned into a corpse hanging on a tree branch. George and the water dog were lying together, and the oozing blood formed a thick puddle of blood on the grass. Hina silently retracted her Piso and Throwing Knife, wiped it and retracted her pocket.

   "The threat is cleared... Lorraine is about to climb up too, it's time to go back..."