Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 176: Scout

When the sun was up, the fleet finally bypassed the eastern end of the Kahawe Peninsula and anchored into the private dock of Robey Manor under the guidance of the pilot.

   This is a small single-plank pier. Its architectural pattern is similar to that of the sea-exploring pier in Bahiba Town. It is a long and long wooden plank road built on the beach area with insufficient water depth, extending forward until the water depth reaches the standard.

The Robey Wharf refers to the commercial port standard of 7.4 meters. It is a medium-sized wharf and can easily accommodate Tier 6 ships. The outer main berth can barely accommodate Tier 4 and Tier 5 ships. Except for very few giant merchant ships, it can generally meet the requirements. The draught demand of merchant ships of all classes.

The    Halloween fleet is all small ships that do not enter the battle line. The Badger and the Hornets are at level six, and the Golden Deer is at level five, so there is no obstacle to entering the port.

   Not long after the three warships were anchored, Nelson and Collingwood disembarked one after another, and joined together with Lorraine who was waiting on the plank road.

   Nelson looked tired: "Is the purpose of the action achieved?"

"273 people were captured, 84 people were killed, 2 people on our side were killed, and 27 people were slightly injured. Captain Leched has been checked against the manor’s roster, and no one has been leaked, which means that the French are not yet. Know the news that we dropped the army to Martinique."

   "I heard that it was landing from a cliff in the south?"

   Lorraine shrugged: "You don't know that a group of ducks can't afford the plan to land on the beach. The seasickness alone is enough to kill them."

   "That's not what I mean." Nelson smiled and shook his head. "Cuthbert said that if it were you, there should be a way to make suggestions to Captain Leheed with restraint."

   "Is that why you elected me to the advance team?"

   "The only reason."

   The three of them laughed loudly at the same time.

   After laughing, Lorraine took the power of attorney signed by Mr. Robbe from Noya and handed it to Nelson.

   "There are four more troublesome prisoners. As far as I know, Mr. Robbe is a gentleman of France. He was a viscount seven generations ago. The family has marriages in the Holy Rome and Spain."

   "Identity..." Nelson frowned and took a look at the authorization. "He wants to exchange our things for us for freedom?"

   "I suggested that he sign it. How can I put it... he and his children are looking forward to the holiday in Barbados."

   "It looks like you have persuaded him again."

   "It is the business's duty to convince others to accept reasonable suggestions." Lorraine smiled blankly, "I'm just doing my job."

After the    fleet docked, the baggage prepared for the eighth company was moved out of the cabin in batches, including guns, cannons, dry food, bedclothes, carriages and horses, and piled up on the side of the plank road.

   No one knows Leheed's next plan, nor how long he plans to stay in Robbe Manor.

   In the next twenty days, the land and sea will operate independently around Martinique's land and sea forces until the 23rd, completing preparations for the attack on Le Francois.

   The pressure on both sides is not light.

   On the sea, the French have double the artillery advantage. Both in quantity and quality, the defense fleet far exceeds the Halloween fleet.

   On land, the number of troops stationed on the island is ten times that of the eight companies. The number of troops stationed in the fortress town of La Trinité is as high as two companies.

   Both lines are weak, with fewer enemies and more enemies. After a short period of cooperation, the two sides will return to the solo link where they are good at.

   There is no need for anyone to worry about the other party, because for a long time in the future, everyone will have no spare capacity to cope, and there is no need to care about the life and death of the other party.

   In this way, the situation seems to be no different from when they did not communicate with each other in the first place. The two sides have only established a very limited "trust", and indeed a communication channel that may not be used at all.

   Then, Nelson was willing to believe that the Eighth Company would not surrender to the enemy on land and betray the plan, and Leched was also willing to pin his retreat on the sea, at least verbally, he said so.

   "What a blind action..."

   The Golden Deer was immersed in the pre-war preparations. Lorraine completely put the worries about the post-war behind, and did not even attend the final farewell with Leched and others.

   "Safety", sometimes it is so cheap.

   It was almost noon when a large amount of supplies were finally emptied, and Mr. Robbe's family also embarked on a voyage to Barbados along with the temporarily requisitioned sloop Renaissance sloop.

   The lightly-packed Golden Deer turned around in the vast bay, formed an inverted triangle formation with the Badger and the Hornets, and fell alone at the end.

   The sailor trot to Lorraine: "Report to the captain, the admiral, order to set sail, head to the northwest, keep the formation!"

   Lorraine nodded: "Bell presides over the rudder, and Acharin presides over the coordination of the fleet, heading northwest, aiming at Port Le Lorraine. Golden Deer, set sail, set sail!"

   "Goal Le Lorin, set sail!"


   The small ship shook gently with the water waves. This is the Family Glory, a Srup sailing vessel with an enlarged cargo compartment.

   Family Glory and Renaissance are both the property of Robe Manor. As you can see from the name, they entrusted Mr. Robe's magnificent dream of rejuvenating the family.

   Of course, this colorful bubble has almost exploded now, and the remaining soap stars are probably sticking to his last tuxedo, heading for the prisoner-of-war camp in Barbados.

The    family glory became the scout ship of the Easter fleet. It has appeared in the sea off Le Lorin since last night, like a serious fishing boat, with nets and nets, praying for the gift of the sea.

  The sailors of this era, everyone believes in the existence of the ocean, Niald, Poseidon, Mazu, Aiya, Roulaux...

   Regardless of how they are called, whether they are male or female, they are tirelessly paying attention to the physical and mental health of the sailors.

   People with ghosts cannot get the preference of the ocean, just like the family glory keeps breaking the net, but the real catch is not as good as the fishing rod in Lorraine's hand.

   Another stupid fish caught the bait. It was a salmon weighing less than a catty. Lorraine glanced in disgust, struggling whether to release the animals or continue to let White Ears wipe out the evidence.

   Before I could figure it out, Noya approached in a hurry, picked up the bucket, and dumped all the big fish and shrimps in it back into the sea.

   Lorraine opened his mouth innocently: "This... Noya..."

"Don't feed White Ears anymore!" The shy girl is rare and strong, staring with big curved eyes, her small face flushed red, "The bow pulls the net to feed it, and you feed it in the stern. White ears now only eat fish. Belly, if you develop a bad habit, you don’t want to catch mice again!"

   "It's only one day, isn't it?"

   Lorraine looked at Noya's white ears on his shoulders with From the kitten's vertical pupils, he saw the four characters of "Sheng Wu Ke Lian".

   The cat has obviously given up struggling...

   He sighed and threw away the fishing rod: "How's the condition of the dock?"

"Compared with last night, it hasn't changed much." Noah turned over the splint on his hand. "There are five ships in the berth, two of which are armed merchant ships, Skuner and Brigentin. Six hours ago, there was one more ship. When Brig entered the port, the people who came ashore had already figured out that it was the frigate Lucky Horseshoe of the Defense Fleet, but the purpose of it was unknown."

   "The information three hours ago?"

   "The next exchange is one hour later, maybe we can find out the horseshoe's intention."

   Lorraine nodded noncommittal: "Where's shore defense?"

   "18 forts were confirmed on the shore, and only 7 of them were confirmed on the sea."

   "11 shore artillery with unknown tracks, putting them on is more troublesome than that piece of horseshoe..."

   Lorraine touched his chin, eyes flashing.

   "Take a risk, the main mast hangs the white flag, and the Family Glory enters the port. Acharin!"

  Acharin, who was dozing off with nothing to do, woke up suddenly: "Yes! Captain, I'm here!"

   "Next, we are going to play Mr. Robbe's merchant ship, and you will proceed as soon as we negotiate. Others keep their eyes open and close their mouths, and find out all the shameless forts, and none of them are allowed to fall!"

"Yes, sir!"

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