Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 271: BEACONⅥ: Night Attack

Noisy night.

Tonight is the second night of mooring into the front bay. According to the sequence, it should be Catalina leading, Hina and Noya assisting.

It's just that Lorraine's heart has been difficult to settle.

Since staying in the hotel was also restless, he simply took Karen back to the ship without getting into the night, and forcibly exchanged the confused three women back to the hotel to rest.


There is no reason, Jingui's captain is just not used to the "poor man's chicken" at dinner.

The three women were quickly replaced by the ship, Lorraine and Karen took over the ship's defense again, and started a boring and slow watch on the deck for the second time.

After adjusting his defense, Karen found Lorraine holding two glasses and a keg of rum.

"Captain, are you interested?"

Lorraine nodded indifferently, and continued to fill in his voyage records.

[Undercurrents in Boston, the sons of freedom formed by capitalists, pioneers formed by maritime merchants, saints formed by religious groups, and the Continental Army...]

[Four forces on the land, two forces on the sea, outside are eye-catching British, and there are slaves with heads and tails in the city. 】

[But even in such a state of enemies inside and outside, the army in the city still does not show the taste of harmony, like everyone's own calculations, the critical moment, a mess of sand. 】

[If the British knew that the Bostonians were of this kind of virtue, they would have come over happily, right? 】

[Do you want to backhand to cut a wave of dividends for the second formation? 】

[It’s about to go to war with the so-called pirate king. Of course, the more friends on the sea, the better...]

At this point, Lorraine stopped writing, picked up the rum prepared by Karen from his hand, and took a sip.

"Captain, how does the Boston native White Rum feel?"

"Not comparable to Caribbean brewing." Lorraine told the truth, "I will not send them to Europe for the same cost."

"But they seem to be more expensive."

"Liquor tax. After independence from the United Kingdom, the US liquor tax has become a plus, and their production costs were originally higher than those of Caribbean origin, because sugarcane is not produced here, and finished syrups have to be imported from the Caribbean."

Karen shrugged uninterestingly: "Captain, why do I think you don't like this place?"

Lorraine was stunned for a moment: "You feel it?"

"Very strong."

Lorraine frowned and thought for a long time: "It's not like I don't like it, it's just that everything here is covered with fog, which gives me a sense of crisis that will hit the rocks at any time."

"On the rocks?"

This is a very serious rhetoric.

No one among the sailors wants to encounter a rock hit, because hitting a rock at sea will harm the ship, and the consequences are even more serious than hurting people. In severe cases, it will endanger the lives of all the people on the ship.

Of course Kethic became nervous: "Captain, the reef or the reef?"

"It's a more troublesome situation. I don't know whether the reef exists or not. I don't know its true appearance."

"damn it……"


The sudden gunshot pierced the night sky, and the style was so familiar, exactly the same as Lorraine heard on Jefferson's boat during the day.

Lorraine stood up in shock and only took two steps before the cabin was pushed away by the sailor on duty.

"Captain! Hundreds of people gathered under the ship at some point. They were slaves with guns, blacks and Indians! They shot us suddenly and someone was injured!"

"Black...and Indians..."

Lorraine couldn't think of the method used by hundreds of gunmen to surround the Jackdaw unconsciously, but it was obviously not the time to pursue it.

"Karen, you are in charge of the bow and starboard side, and I am in charge of the port side. Order the sailor to fight back and shoot as long as it looks threatening. I can afford it!"



The gunshots resounded like puffed beans under the night of Qianwan.

Lorraine and Karen pushed out the door, and four or five sailors were already lying on the deck, bleeding loudly and wailing.

More sailors began to fight back.

Lorraine equipped the ship with long and short firearms, and required the gun to be loaded at night. This requirement played a role at the critical moment, allowing the Jackdaw to survive the first round of the most panic-prone. Relying on the condescending and dense platoon of guns, he barely formed a shooting situation with the attacker.

Lorraine strode to the port side of the trestle road, raised his hand to take over Charville who had been filled by a sailor, and shot the swaying figure more than 20 meters away.


The figure screamed and fell into the water, and more people dodged from his position and launched a charge towards the narrow plank road.

"How many of our people have arrived!"

"Twenty on the port side, six on the bow, thirty-two on the starboard, two more dead and seven seriously injured!"

Lorraine lowered his head to avoid the sound of a gunshot, and the muffled sound of lead bullets and pieces of wood came from his ears.

"What about the other side?"

"At least one hundred and forty or fifty, and all of them have guns!"

"We have guns too!" Lorraine gritted his teeth, his face was pale, "Arrange ten people to move Charleville, move more ~ ​​ ~ let the shot be accurate, and the other person will reload! Even if it doesn't With the use of goods, we can also guarantee six manpower!"


The sailor cat beside him rushed into the restaurant where the gun was stored. Lorraine raised himself and brought down another attacker, but saw more people rushing to the plank road, endlessly killing him.

"Is the ship's plank put away?" he asked loudly.

The sailor on the side paled: "Sorry, I immediately..."

"Wait!" Lorraine suddenly realized, "Don't take the board! Let Karen bring most of the manpower to the port side. Only seven or eight people are left on the starboard side and the bow of the ship, who are responsible for shooting and killing enemies who swim and climb the ship. !"

The guns went back and forth, and the hooks were fixed to the pillars.

"One-third of the rotation, the tongue I grabbed is so confession, all three."

"One-third of the 200 people...66. Tsk tsk, listen to the row of guns, listen to the density, I thought there were hundreds of people shooting."

"So you'd better cut down on nonsense, otherwise it will be your turn to get on the boat illegally when the slave mobs die."

Ryan spread his hands and looked helpless: "I haven't lived enough yet. So it's just a small task to dive into the cabin. Please don't expect too much."

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