Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 290: Mistletoe

As the saying goes, a few happy and a few sad.

Seafarers with family members welcomed their families in the new world unfamiliar with joy or annoyance, but they finally got the reunion Christmas they were looking forward to.

Those who stay in place are the ones who are truly alone in this world.

Hina, Noya, and Wang also have no relatives alive; Catalina is tortured by past tragedies and is unwilling or daring to contact her relatives; Lorraine’s last relative in this life is in Hamilton, listening to be close at hand, but Lorraine doesn’t want to spend Christmas with him anyway, Daniel...

Lorraine looked at Daniel strangely: "Daniel, I never seem to hear you mention family members?"

Daniel leaned slightly: "My wife died of an illness six years ago. I thought that with my medical skills and alchemy, she could be taken back from death, but it was counterproductive."

Halfway through, his voice stopped suddenly.

"Today is not a suitable day to share grief. If there is a chance, maybe one day I will be willing to tell you my story, as long as you are willing to listen."

"I will wait." Lorraine responded in a low voice.

The only thing left out of the crowd was Bell.

Because he always talks about his sister, the fact that his mother and sister are both is well known on board. But seeing the people who greeted them were almost scattered, Bell still stood beside Lorraine with a hippy smile...

Hannah looked at Lorraine inquiringly.

Bell interrupted Hina's sight with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "Don't embarrass our master captain. He and our family have an old relationship. Maybe I am wanted by the Navy, which is somewhat unspeakable."

"But it's not." Lorraine shrugged and separated from Bell, retreating to the middle of Heina and Noah, "I think it is the right choice to tell Auntie about your recent situation as soon as possible, so I wrote a letter and asked Ramos to personally. Pass it to her. Judging from the reply, she and Eliza are in the manor right now. They should have doubts about your condition, so they didn't come to pick you up, but waited for you to explain."

Bell's face was faintly blue, and a smiling face was more ugly than crying.

"You...told my mother?"

"It is your right and duty to tell the truth, not mine. I just told her that you have a long holiday this year and have decided to come to me for Christmas."

"Thank God!"

Leaving this sentence, Bell ran away, Henna tilted her head and looked at his back, whispering softly.

"No matter how much he wants to see his family, his reaction seems to be overdone."

"Probably because it's not just pure thoughts, right?" Lorraine said uncertainly.

He also felt that Bell's reaction was a bit overwhelming, a bit less pleasantly surprised, and a bit more frightened instead.

But Bell's motive review was over long ago, and all the conclusions proved that he would not be harmful to the Chamber of Commerce or Lorraine.

That being the case, as the captain, Lorraine had no reason to continue to doubt his crew. That not only seemed reluctant, but also artificially created an atmosphere of instability on the ship.

Believe is because you need to believe.

Lorraine stretched out his hand and squeezed Henna's wrist: "After all, Bell's family is special. It is difficult for him to tell the truth to his aunt, and he is afraid of deceiving his relatives. He wants to see but dare not see, his reaction is not unreasonable."

"Don't let me continue to check him, am I?" Hina rolled her wrists, and naturally clasped Lorraine's fingers, "I understand."

"I know you understand."


Bell rushed to the manor in a panic, and on the way he was so busy that he didn't even have time to meet Lorraine, despite his family's duty.

"Miss Grumpy!"

"Ah! Mr. Starved Ghost, what are you..."

"To make a long story short, where are my mother and sister placed?"

"Your mother and sister?"

"Mrs. Judea! Jinri Judea and Eliza Judea!"

Ofi's mind suddenly jumped out of the demure and elegant lady and the same quiet and dignified girl as her mother.

Because the elegant temperament and plain clothes are too shocking, they are the ones who impressed Ophey the most among all the visitors.

"They... are your family?"

"Don't talk nonsense, where are you hiding them!"



Silence as death.

Only confined to the dead silence between the two.

"On the third floor, the third guest room in the east, Mr. Judea. If there is nothing else, please let me take care of the work."

Seeing Orphee's stiff face, Bell felt heartbroken.


"No thanks. But please understand that the housekeeper of Drake's house is different from the owner. We will not take people for extortion. Goodbye."

After speaking, Ofi turned around with grace and left.

Bell rolled his eyes sharply, completely wondering what this girl had imagined of the people on the ship, noble?

Normally, except for the nobles, no one else, such as bandits and pirates, takes abducting as their career?

But this doubt will definitely not be answered in a short time.

Bell rushed to the villa, passed through Sahuan’s nephew of Karen who ran downstairs, and let the teenage cousin who had been asking Pierce to ask questions, avoiding Carmen’s father who was sulking in the aisle alone, and smashed away from those who were about to entangle Acharin’s lips and teeth. Cecilia finally came to the door of the room that Offi said.


A voice came from the room: "Is it Bell?"

"Yes, mother, can I come in?"

"Until I get a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid I can't."

Madame Judea's voice was soft and firm.

"Little Lorraine told me that you came to him for Christmas because of a holiday this year. But Butler McCarthy said that you came here desperately. In order to meet Little Lorraine, you still did a long time in the plantation. Farmer. Who is telling lies, Bell?"

Bell felt that his head was about to explode: "Mother, didn't Miss Offie say that you didn't know you were my mother?"

"She doesn't know." Madame Judea explained slowly, "She just talked to the two most annoying people when arranging a room for me. The evil infidel should be Little Lorraine, a shameless fraud. It's... it should be you, right?"


Bell opened his mouth wide and made a long, meaningless voice for a long time.

"You have to listen to me, mother. Also, please warn Eliza immediately to stay away from all the men in this room. She is 14 years old and can easily be fooled by bad men."


It's night.

Lucy Manor gradually turned calm after a busy day.

Lorraine entertained all the guests from afar at the dinner, and then toasted, formally inviting them to attend the Christmas Eve banquet scheduled for December 24th and the Drake 1779 Lucy Annual Meeting on December 27th.

There are still 11 days before the annual meeting. Ramos and Eddie from Northwest Europe will bring their families to Lucy in the next few days, and those from the Caribbean will arrive on the day of the annual meeting after Christmas. .

Everyone accepted the invitation for granted.

After the dinner, Lorraine took Henna to visit Mrs. Judea as a junior.

Eliza from Xiaojiabiyu and Bell from the bashful eyebrows accompany his wife obediently. The fireplace in the room is blazing with flames, and the room is full of spring.

Mrs. Judea looked carefully at the brown Henna.

"Little Lorraine, I haven't seen each other in years."

"Yes, Auntie, the last time I visited you was in 1775, and Bellhai and I had a trial vacation."

"In 4 years, you are stronger than your father." Madam smiled and said, "And the vision is more unique than your father, except that you are not afraid of the world, which is exactly the same."

Lorraine raised his eyebrows in a different place.

He brought Henna over just to try to defuse Henna's wariness against Bell, but Madam seemed to have a misunderstanding.

How to explain this problem?

Lorraine glanced at Henna, seeing the blush on Henna's face.

A faint blush is dyed under the healthy shiny skin, reflecting the emerald-like pupils, but it is not matched with the shyness and withdrawal that a normal girl should have.

In front of strangers, she never showed her weakness.

Lorraine suddenly decided not to explain.

He smiled back and said in a low voice: "The lady and father only met once in Plymouth and Tavistock, but they spoke like old friends."

"Because your mother and I are my best friends, Helena's topic will never leave her most proud husband and son."

"As always, I can't tell you."

Madame Judea was a little bit happy, raised her hand and rubbed Bell's hair, and asked softly: "You came here to see if Bell confessed to me, right?"

"I have no need to hide it from you."

"He said, Major General Drake asked him to protect you."

This answer was far beyond Lorraine's expectations, and obviously also beyond Hina's expectations.

Really? Fake?

From Bell, they can't tell the truth of this answer at all, and from the previous few motivation reviews, it seems that they can't give an absolute answer.

Bell... came on Shaq's order?

With full of doubts, the two of them should not end the visit, holding hands, and walking silently to Hina's room.

Henna opened the door gently, stepped into the door line, and turned around again.

"Lorraine, do you think..."

"I don't know, I can't guess it." Lorraine frowned. "If it is true, I don't understand Shaq's motive. If it is false, I don't understand Bell's thinking."

"Will he deceive Madam?"

"Whether it is true or false, this reason is not a deception. Because he did come out of the army, and he is here with me."

"But Madam doesn't seem to know about his crime."

"That crime was awkward. Look how many times Emmons stepped on the line over the years. If Shaq was really selfless, the snake would have been hanged long ago."

"Then... is what Bell said true?"

"The key to the problem is time. We have also discussed before. The Caribbean branch only started when Bell left the army, and smuggling is far from taking shape." Lorraine sneered, "I didn't have any reason to be pityed by a good brother at the time. , And there is no reason for people like Bell to bet on fame."

Henna has to admit that Lorraine's analysis is very sensible, at least not affected by his prejudice against Shaq.

Since both true and false are not desirable, then... half true and half false?

Bell was squeezed out of the army because he offended Shaq. In order to reassure his wife, did he find this false reason that is not a lie?

It seems that this is the most likely explanation.

Both of them felt some Seeing the moon in the sky, Lorraine leaned forward and hugged Hina gently: "Good night, a rare holiday, take a good rest."


After cherishing each other, Lorraine let go and prepared to go back to the room. Without warning, Henna grabbed him and stood on tiptoe. Her soft lips covered Lorraine's lips without any hesitation for a long time.

Above their heads, the emerald green mistletoe was entwined in a circle, and the bright red ribbon was flying lightly in the wind.

Long kiss to the end.

Lorraine touched her hot lips and looked at Henna strangely.

"Why kiss me suddenly?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Carmen told me that if I don't kiss you under the lintel today, she will kiss you tomorrow. I don't want you to kiss, that's it."

"Ah..." Lorraine maintained the motion of touching his lips, thinking for a long time, "Then, good night? Or kiss again?"

"Good night!"


"Hey, blame the woman..."

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