Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 296: Blood path

"Birthday is not to fall as a pirate ( to find the latest chapter!

Turtle Island, the sanctuary of pirates.

The pirate island hanging at the exit of the Windward Channel is the South Pole of the Bahamas. From a geographical point of view, it should be regarded as the Lu Yan of Hispaniola Island.

It has a long and narrow island with a length of 32 kilometers and a width of less than five kilometers. It stretches on four legs and embraces the bay.

These extended beaches and cliffs make it look like a tortoise lying on the sea, and the occasional sea fog makes its position looming, even if it is near the more developed French colony of Santo Domingo. Will attract too many visits.

Islands like this are everywhere in the Caribbean Sea, and Turtle Island can be chosen by picky pirates only because it has the most precious and precious fresh water in the sea.

There is a silent volcano in the center of the island, and there is a water source at the southern foot of the volcano. Like a gift of nature, a miraculous silver belt is outlined in the island, allowing the entire island to have endless water.

Abundant freshwater resources shape the dense vegetation on the island, and the dense vegetation nurtures the tropical ecology of the mountains and plains.

Lorraine has always been curious about how those ocean-fearing species have taken root on the islands.

Although the knowledge of later generations told him plainly, most of the terrestrial animals were in ancient times, and migrated before the land channel was submerged by the sea.

In short, it is amazing.

In contrast, the people on the island are not so magical.

Because humans can build ships, and pirates can sail ships.

Pirates living toward the sea landed on this small island hundreds of years ago. The history of human settlements is the same as the time when the Spanish opened up the New World.

But even after such a long time and prosperous for such a long time, the unproductive sea wanderers still failed to leave civilization on this island, and even a decent pier on the tortuous coastline here Could not be established.

"Pirate... what value does this species have to humans?"

Leaning against the sea breeze on the new bow of the Golden Deer, Lorraine muttered to himself with a playful smile.


"Pay attention to turbulence, be careful of turbulence, and inform the wing ship to pay attention to coordination!"

"The admiral has orders! The wing ship does not dock, and anchors on both sides of the flagship. All maintain the third level of alert, the third level of alert!"

"Now when the tide is low, be careful to run aground. Full rudder on the right, horizontal!"

With a message, the Golden Deer turned slowly and steadily over the bow, and the anchor clashed and sank, smashing into the floating sand at the bottom, fixing the entire ship on the sea more than ten meters away from the beach.

Lorraine saw the Eros and the Three-Eyed Crow.

They stayed at the position of the Golden Deer about 20 meters in a symmetrical manner, and were turning their heads in order to turn the bow of the ship 45 degrees obliquely to the sea away from the sea to give full play to the density and power of the side gunfire.

Lorraine laughed blankly at the sight of them.

"Temporary Golden Deer and slanted wing, are you going to bomb Turtle Island? It's too nervous."

Dylan, who is in charge of coordinating the overall operation of the fleet, is serious and serious.

"Admiral, be prepared! Barto prepares fifty guards for you, all equipped with long and short guns, and he will personally lead the team..."

"Look at the colorful pupils on the tip of our mast, old Dylan, don't ignore our identity." Lorraine smiled and pointed to the flying pirate flag. , But as pirates, we don’t need to be nervous here."

Dylan did not relax because of Lorraine’s advice: "Admiral, you are going to Tortuga. Everyone there is a filthy scum and scum. There is nothing but life, you It's totally different from them!"

"I always feel that you even scolded me..." Lorraine rolled his eyes, "but it's not important, um... fifty guards don't need to be. We each step back, I only take Henna, you Let Barto reduce the number of guards to 30, and at least make one of the boats more spacious..."


The boat was lowered, carrying Lorraine, Henna and the guards toward the beach.

It's just that the boat is still a bit overloaded.

Although the number was agreed with the nervous temporary seafarers, Barto conspired with Dylan and still changed the way to get people on the boat.

The **** is the escort. In addition to the escort, each boat also needs four oarsmen and two guard posts, so that there are 12 more people, plus 33 on the island, the assault boat with a load of 40 people was stuffed into 45. people.

Fortunately, they still took care of Lorraine's arrogance. 30 of the 45 people crossed the sub-boat with canned sardines. The main boat of Lorraine had only 15 people, which barely met the requirement of spaciousness.

Lorraine could only smile at this kindness.

The place they are going to is called Tortuga, the literal translation of Spanish is Turtle Island.

As the origin of the name Turtle Island, it has now become a special name for pirates, referring to the pirate shrine located deep in the jungle and where the Sea Brothers Council is located.

Catalina said that it was a wooden domed hall built on the edge of a small lake. Inside it was enshrined the original copy of the Code of Pirates by Morgan and the [New Code] written by the black quasi-baron Pavlo Miu by the "pirate pseudo-emperor". ], just as the "Old Testament" and "New Testament" mean to Christians, they are sacred objects in the pirate world.

The resentful spirits and reputations of the Sea Brotherhood and the sea kings of the past have guarded them.

This is the fact.

The Brotherhood of the Sea is a veteran organization composed of 12 people, known as the Guardians of the Code, and each of them has come into contact with the Morgan chart that inherits the honor of pirates.

Regardless of whether it is the lucky ones who turned in the picture to the Brotherhood, or the careerists who joined the king's competition, their names will be recorded by the Brotherhood.

When the 12 people are vacant, someone will find them in order and ask them if they are willing to sacrifice their pirate ship to the ship grave at the east end of Turtle Island, and then go ashore and become the guardian of the code who accepts all the pirates and remains neutral forever. .

Most pirates could not bear such a simple temptation, especially in the legend, a pirate swore on the gallows to become the guardian of the code, and was released by the executed navy on the spot.

In Lorraine's view, such rumours of obviously giving money to himself have no credibility at all, but he is here to report his qualifications today. Since he needs to be used by others, he is also willing to support the other party's political propaganda for the time being.

That’s right, navies all over the world wear a pair of trousers with These criminals who can't even build a dock are widely respected all over the world, such as King George, King Louis and others. He didn't dare to stroke his tiger's whiskers at all.

Or... killer whale baleen?

Strolling along the beach, Lorraine and the guards walked slowly to the middle of the island.

Along the way, he was in the embrace of the waves and dense forests, except for the pirate ships that can be seen from time to time on the sea, almost no trace of people was felt.

Up to this point, he saw two oaks that had been clearly pruned, one bent to the left and the other bent to the right. The branches and leaves were intertwined, forming a towering door.

On the bark, someone wrote messy handwriting in blood-like paint.


Blood trails, blood-stained trails, also have a special meaning in China, that is, the alias of animal roads.

Lorraine couldn't help laughing.

"Gu Nong is mysterious, but the name of the road is appropriate. It's a pity that the person who named it probably won't understand the meaning of the name, and it's a bit wasteful to use it to intimidate people."

Hina was as interested in these weird things as usual, raised her hand and tightened her wide coat, showing her face and asking, "What's wasted?"

"Bloodpath, I think it's too wasteful to hide such an overbearing name on the desert island."

Hina curled her lips in disdain: "Even the sacred mountain of Assassin doesn't dare to call herself a **** trail, a mere pirate..."

Lorraine laughed nonchalantly: "It sounds like you've been to the holy mountain."

"When I was a child, my father and I went to the sacred mountain, but it was already corrupted. After the fall of Eagle's Nest, no one stayed there anymore."

"That's also expected." Lorraine shrugged, "Come up, gentlemen, we are going to visit the legendary Brotherhood of the Sea, don't let anyone underestimate Drake's descendants."