Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 298: Sharks and dolphins

"Birthday is not to fall as a pirate ( to find the latest chapter!

It's like a declaration.

Bellamy's cynical face showed a solemn expression for the first time.

Of course he wouldn't really be ignorant of Lorraine as he did.

As one of the seven pirate kings in the Caribbean, the top figure in the pirate world, no matter how easy his nature is, the majesty and arrogance brought by that title will not allow him to be ashamed of a stranger who knows nothing. relatively.

In fact, there was only one reason why he deliberately approached Lorraine, and that was that some people wanted him to do so.

The man told him that there were three warships anchored in the south of the island, one modified five-level, one standard five-level, and one high-speed six-level, all flying the colorful pirate flag uniformly.

However, there is no record of colored pupil skulls in the records of the Brotherhood at Sea.

This discovery made the man suddenly alert.

According to the current naval algorithm, the ability of the colorful pupils to visit Turtle Island exceeds 100 shots. There are hundreds of pirates floating in the Caribbean, and this strength is enough to firmly rank in the top 30.

Not to mention the high quality of this mysterious fleet.

The ships are newly clustered and well maintained. The sailors showed good professional skills during the nearshore process, and the final berth and posture of the fleet showed that they have tactical qualities rarely seen in the pirate world.

If these positive conditions are also included in the calculation, the strength of the color pupil skeleton among the pirates of the Caribbean will be stabilized in the top ten. Even if it is still no match for the six existing pirate kings, it is definitely the most powerful under the position of honor. Pirate group.

Such a pirate group can never appear out of thin air!

Where did he come from, and why did he come? Is it an excellent colleague in other seas, or an invading force from other worlds?

With these four questions, the man found Bellamy and persuaded Bellamy to stand in front of Lorraine.

Now, Lorraine gave Bellamy's answer.

Privateer merchants.

Privateer in the Caribbean.

A privateer who wants to be a pirate king.

An excellent colleague from other worlds who wants to win the world of pirates.

Is this Lorraine's truth?

Bellamy squinted slightly, trying to tell the truth from Lorraine's expression.

But he can't do it.

Lorraine's expression has always been far away, and his true emotions have been concealed under his acting skills.

True or false, half-true and half-false, sometimes true and sometimes false.

There was only one message that Bellamy could recognize. Lorraine did not trust him, and he was not prepared to trust him.

What a miscalculation...

A strong sense of frustration lingered in Bellamy's heart.

He knew that he had come to a decent end. At this time, he should pass the information he asked from Lorraine to that person intact. As for whether it is true or not, interested people will continue to verify it.

But this means that he admitted failure.

Even if this victory or defeat has nothing to do with profit or life or death, but failure is failure, and Bellamy hates failure.

He suddenly laughed at himself, and while laughing, he pulled out the hand held by Lorraine and held it high until he retreated to social distance.

"Hey, Lorraine, you almost scared me out of your success." He said, "But think about it, what reason does a successful person like you have to get entangled with us street children?"

"There really is no reason." Lorraine stared into Bellamy's eyes, "but people's behavior is not entirely driven by reasons. Many times it will turn the cart before the horse, just like I want to be a pirate king, so I told myself that I need Destroy some hapless people who hang the skull and crossbones flag."

"This may be harder than you think."

"Or maybe it's not as difficult as I thought."

"Really?" Bellamy gave Lorraine a deep look. "I hope you really understand the weight of that sentence."

"Because you will bring it to everyone in the Brotherhood at Sea?"

There was a moment of silence.

After silence, Bellamy laughed loudly: "Did you guess it?"

"You guessed it from the moment you introduced yourself." Lorraine bowed slightly with a smile on his face, "Then your Royal Highness the Pirate Prince, would you like to convey my intentions?"

After a while, the domed hall.

Bellamy sat cross-legged on the sacred table of the Brotherhood, holding a dagger in his hand, and trimming long nails one after another.

Opposite him sat three old men.

The old man in the middle asked: "Leonardo, what does the color pupil skull say? Because of a whim, a privateer is going to join the fight for the pirate king?"

"I remember that my job was just to spread the word, old captain. It seems that Torrey, yours, is not obliged to add oil and jealousy."

"Then, do you think this is his truth?"

Bellamy grinned: "I don't seem to be obliged to judge the truth."

The old captain frowned displeased: "Leonardo, I taught you."

"That's why I insisted on sharing my wealth with the sacred Brotherhood of the Sea, instead of ignoring Turtle Island's call like several other Highnesses."

Bellamy stood up, stepped on the sacred table, and walked lazily to the showcase of the Code of Pirates.

"Times have changed, old guys. Fighting dolphins are about to flood into the sharks, and you... don't have the right to choose at all."


Lorraine and Hina were invited into the domed hall, and only Barto, who was a seaman, was allowed to accompany them, and the other sailors were turned away by force.

They are sitting at one end of the discussion round table. At the other end, twelve middle-aged and elderly people with no pirate temperament are squeezed. They each have a magnifying glass and work in groups of six, carefully studying the two seas that Lorraine handed over. Picture, from time to time, I have to talk a few words in a low voice, and the dispute is very fierce.

Very ridiculous feeling.

Lorraine looked at the code guardians who were neither noble nor brave nor domineering or even strong, and accidentally saw a dusty boot print in the middle of the table.

He suddenly regretted putting Katerina on the road sign.

Here is the clean South Beach, the drunks and wild ducks by the lake, the wretched brotherhood, the arbitrarily trampled discussion table...

He urgently needs someone to tell him whether these violations are the unruly tradition of pirates or the sacred depravity of the Brotherhood.

As Bellamy said, he knew nothing about the pirates of the Caribbean and the sacred sites of pirates, and these ignorances had begun to hinder his judgment.

what can we do about it?

He glanced at Barto, who was obviously too nervous, and at Hina, who looked irrelevant, suddenly stretched out his hand and poked Hina at the back of his hand.

Henna tilted her head and threw a question mark.

"Henna, you will start the communication for a while. I need to figure out some things."

Henna blinked, retracted the first question mark, and threw two more backhands.

"You can do it according to your temperament, don't care about the result."

"I see." She whispered in a sandy voice.

After a long time, the guardians of the Code finally verified the authenticity of the chart.

They dragged the heavy high-back chairs back to their seats, tidy up their clothes, and looked serious.

The old man third from the right struck the wooden hammer.

"Now, ask the time."

Lorraine frowned, because the old man used the word [admonishment], but the scene did not feel any coercive atmosphere.

"Lorraine Anason Drake, where did your pirate king's token come from!"

Lorraine just closed his eyes.

"Snatched it." Henna said crisply.

"Uh... what we want to know is where it came from."

"Black Mamba, and red-haired Katerina."

"Black Mamba's name!"

"Too long, forget it." Hina was straight and strong. "He said you gave it to him. You should be familiar with him."

"Of course we remember!" The fourth middle-aged from the left rushed into the crown, "Lorraine Yanason Drake, where are Hemanny Ferrard and the redhead Katerina!"

Hina raised her eyebrows: "The man is killed, the woman is let go."

"Where are the Viper and the Spanish Rose?"


"It's all sinking?"

Henna thought about it for a while and nodded: "It's all sinking."

This is the effect that makes Hina come from temperament... Lorraine sighed, and the corners of her mouth had already turned up inadvertently.

He finally reached a conclusion on the question of thinking.

Loss of authority and courage.

Regardless of the glorious past of the Brotherhood at Sea, there are only a group of useless old people left here.

This means that Lorraine does not need to have any scruples.

He gently squeezed Henna's hand, smiled and said, "End this boring conversation, gentlemen. It seems to me that you should have received the news, knowing that Felad ambushed Katerina, and knew Katerina. I escaped on my ship, knowing that my execution of Philard was in line with pirate etiquette, and that I exchanged charts with Catalina on the Viper."

"Originally, you may not be able to connect the two together. After all, my Golden Deer has undergone a lot of modification. My skull and crossbones were only seen by Philad and his team members before they died. Did not appear anywhere."

"But when you see the chart, all of this should be connected. You may want to verify the authenticity of the message or recall the details of the intelligence by asking, but since the chart is true, all this is actually unnecessary. ."

"The sea chart belongs to me. Whether I buy it from an auction house, pick it up from the water, or gift it from a friend, its sacred property rights will not change, and the rights and interests it brings should also be protected~ The sixth old man from the left sneered.

"Holy property rights? Lorraine Anason Drake, this is Turtle Island. We are discussing the holy relics of the emperor of the Pirates of the Caribbean. Only the Sea Brothers are entitled to have their real property rights. If we want Take it back, you can only obey."

Hearing this, the competent Henna was about to violent immediately.

Lorraine clutched her hand, neither stunned nor angry.

"This sentence, can I understand that you have the willingness to redeem the charts?"

Zuo San snorted coldly: "You can also understand it this way, for businessmen who are profitable and profitable."

"In that case, we are doing business." Lorraine slowed down and tapped the table every time he said a sentence, just like in the bottom of a person's heart. "This is a chart worth millions of pounds, and it points to The legendary fountain of youth. The fountain of youth is invaluable, but the unconfirmed news is not worth too much for the treasure itself."

"Considering that everyone here may not be good at mathematics, let's keep it simple and make a price of 1.2 million pounds. If the chart is worth 2.2 million, then one of the 22nd is 100,000 pounds, and two copies are two. One hundred thousand pounds..."

"You are blackmail!" You Er exclaimed.

"The merchant does not blackmail, but only offers choices." Lorraine said indifferently, "I have the right to choose under what circumstances to accept your redemption conditions, and you also have the right to choose whether to redeem or not to redeem or publicly acknowledge my ownership of the chart. It can bring me all the powers, legal rights."

Talking about legality in the sanctuary of lawbreakers, the dolphins ejected the ball in the center of the shark school.

"Dear guardians of the Code, merchants and pirates have different understandings of time and contracts. So please tell me, should I exercise the power of pirates with your permission, or skip you and do my own thing?"