Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 302: Time to choose a cemetery

"Perfect performance, Mr. Pedro. After seeing your skills in dealing with pirates, I began to wonder if you took advantage of my unpreparedness to send out the news of the enemy attack."

"How can I fool you, Mr. Drake...I...I'm innocent..."

"Don't be afraid, those who uphold justice never want justice to be tarnished, so I never cross the river to tear down the bridge. You need to convince yourself now and then laugh."

The pirates are gone.

After a simple investigation, the Irian turned its head, Leonard poked Pedro by the waist and stood on the side of the ship to send off. Lorraine also came to join in the fun, watching Cotton Jack’s pirate flag drifting further and further.

He gave an order to set sail.

The Three-Eyed Crow slowly started and turned into the west exit grandiosely.

At the moment the bow cut into the inner waters, Lorraine said to Pedro: "Mr. Pedro, you should go and choose a cemetery for yourself."

Pedro knelt on the ground as soon as his feet softened.

"De... Mr. Drake..."

"Misunderstood again." Lorraine sighed, "I just let you prepare for the worst and pick a favorite place on the boat. I won't kill you."

"But... the cemetery..."

"Everyone on this ship is prepared to die before boarding. This is determined by the nature of the mission." Lorraine tilted his head and thought. "Besides, for the sake of your excellent performance just now, Although the stern compartment is very comfortable, I recommend that you choose the lower compartment."

Pedro finally followed Lorraine's advice.

Under the **** of the sailor, he descended into the cabin like a mourning concubine, looking at the inner decks that hadn't even cleaned the bark along the way, he couldn't help but recall the experience of being cursed by Satan these days.

That was 28 days ago.

He took his son with him on his cherished Santander Cavalier Mixed Sail SNaku and just completed the order for Tampico.

It was a wonderful experience. The nobleman of Tampico paid him a whole thousand more for a strange gold object!

He was ecstatic, his heart was full of joy, he and his son were lying on a boat covered with gold coins and invariably felt the call of God, and then they decided to make a vote while the iron was hot!

Nine days later, they were blocked in the open sea less than 50 kilometers away from Bimini by three powerful battleships with colorful skull flags.

Hunfan Skuner was originally a merchant ship known for its balance, and his sailors were far less than the elite elite selected by Drake, so after only three kilometers, the Santander Cavaliers were easily caught by the Golden Deer. The reins were put on the ground.

Lorraine jumped off the deck, carrying the knife, and only asked Pedro a few words.

"This hapless gentleman, are you a merchant ship of the English Chamber of Commerce?"

"If not, do you want to be my friend or a dead person?"

The Santander Knight was kidnapped to the desolate Palm Island.

On the island, his sailors were forced to work with strange pirates, mainly three jobs.

Cut wood, cut off the palm trees on the island, cut out the main trunk and cut it in the middle, then cut it into a suitable length, glued it to the inside of the hull, and tried every means to reinforce it.

Boiling glue, all the things that can be boiled into glue are gathered into one piece and boiled day and night. The Golden Deer also made a trip to Bermuda, from where it bought the full cabin of gum and iron, and brushed it layer by layer under the waterline and In a watertight cabin.

Braided rope, weave a large number of straw ropes and sacks, filled with sand and gravel into the cabin, piled up the cabin.

In addition, Pedro also knew that more than a hundred pirates under the leadership of Lorraine made a strange type of deck gun plate, which was polyhedral in appearance, with strong wooden brackets and card slots, and attached to the surface. On the iron sheet, it's like fighting a big battle.

The whole meaningless and ambiguous work lasted for 17 days before it came to an end.

On the 18th day, his sailors were asked to independently build five crosses. After the crosses were erected, five sailors who had been missing for many days were brought up with their faces covered.

Lorraine told them that the five men tried to **** the assault boat and escape, and also wounded a pirate. They need to be hanged because they did something that is not in line with the status of friends.

Then they were hanged.

The quiet Pedro and his son were summoned by Lorraine after observing the torture. Lorraine asked his son to lead the sailors to erect a cross on the island. He also asked Pedro to fulfill his friend's duty, which is what he just did. Let this The ship looked unscathed, but Brigentine, which had been transformed into a sea fortress, disguised as a new ship of the Pedro Merchant Group and entered the safe haven of Bimini.

It’s just that Pedro can’t figure it out. What can a sea fortress enter into the haven... what can it do?


The Three-Eyed Raven slid into the mouth of the bay without any hindrance with the calmness that a Bermuda ship could never have.

Standing on the side of the ship, Lorraine saluted the pirate who was piloting on the reef, and ordered loudly: "Right full rudder! Unwind the sail, put it horizontally!"

His command clearly passed to the pilot's ears, and the pilot stared blankly at the three-eyed crow twisting the bow awkwardly, even though he heard a strange sound of breaking through the air.

puff! puff!

Two crossbow arrows rushed to pierce his chest, and the poison smeared on the arrows took effect quickly, crawling all over his body along the blood.

The pilot fell to his knees and stretched out his hands. Until the moment when his breathing was cut off, he still didn't want to understand why the Brigentine's draught was so deep, and why it had to be placed sideways at the mouth of the bay...

"Arrive at the midline of Wankou!"

"Anchor! Release the assault boat!"

The anchor chain and boat chain were lowered at the same time, crashing into the soft sand, fixing the three-eyed crow in the center of the bay mouth.

The two assault boats also roared into the water. They slammed into the water, and the rising waves drenched the tall canvas on the boat.

Twenty prepared sailors jumped down from the ship's gunwale, swam quickly to the side of the boat, and swam vigorously with the cable, one group forward and one group backward.

The two boats were quickly towed to the designated position, still in the center line, the center line between the bow and the North Island, and the center line between the stern and the bayou reef.

"Sinking boat!"

The starter yelled on the Three-Eyed Crow, and the sailors immediately dived, drew out a chisel and chipped away the cork in the bottom of the boat.

The assault boat full of sand and gravel sank quickly, and the sea water passed the freeboard and sandbags, and only a short while later there was only a dome more than one meter wide still covered with canvas.

The bay mouth was completely blocked.

It was originally only 60 meters wide, and the 30-meter-long Three-eyed Crow went halfway to the center and a pestle. Two small boats with a length of 5 meters were divided into the left and right again, leaving only four in the entire bay mouth. With a narrow and narrow passage of 5 meters wide, the standard hull has no way to go, and the smaller one can only drift slowly along the water.

Lorraine looked at the two man-made islands with satisfaction ~ ~ When the sailors started to swim, he nodded slightly to Leonard.

Leonard's face blushed: "Cut off the sail line! Get off the sail, discard the sail!"

"The people in the bay will soon discover the strangeness! If you don't want to die, gentlemen, set up the anti-cannon board tightly, and do everything as quickly as possible!"

"Run! Put the sandbags on the deck, behind the anti-gun board, the more the better!"

"Muskets! The Musketeers are ready to fight! The deck is ready to fight! The cabin is ready to fight! The boatmen are concentrated in the bottom compartment!"

"Cut off the wheel rudder, cut the cable net! If you have enough energy, go and help assemble the anti-gun board!"

"Don't forget that we need to hold on until the Golden Deer arrives! Hold on until the Golden Deer arrives like a tortoise! ​​Don't stop and pray!"

"God bless us!"

"Please God bless us!"

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