Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 307: Mars

On the front deck of the Holy Anne, the black and strong Chernoli embraced his arms in an imposing manner.

He is 1.9 meters tall, his broad shoulders are more reliable than the seawall, and his thick muscles are stronger than rocks.

He is still a distinguished Latin, with bronze-greasy skin and a sculpturally handsome face.

As the storm captain of the Holy Anne and the Marine Captain of the Cotton Jack Pirates, he is a well-deserved combat expert.

Whether it is physique, martial arts, or strength, he has few rivals in the regiment. Even if you look at the entire world of Pirates of the Caribbean, he is also a beast at the top of the food chain. It is a shark in the ocean, a lion in a grassland, a crocodile in an island, and a rain forest. Giant snake.

He enjoys the thrill of hunting down enemies.

That kind of helpless eyes because of his invincibility, that kind of dying wailing and futile begging for mercy, will make him fall into an eerie and charming situation.

In the situation, he is as omniscient and omnipotent as God!

Now, the new prey is here...

The weird Bermuda Brigantine was leaning on the bow of the truly holy Anne, and a dozen straight hooks connected the two ships tightly.

Asaros liked her very much.

Not long ago, Rodriguez and one hundred and thirty or forty pirates of the Orlando received the ship, but less than 10 escaped, and the rest became blood in the sea, and she was pushed off the ship like bait.

That's why Ashalos picked up the pirates of the Black Goat and formed four stormtroopers with a total of 280 people.

This kind of mighty battle that took place in a single-ship duel was unheard of in the Caribbean. From the wafting gunpowder, Chernori smelled his favorite Roman epic.

He took a deep breath, took his Viking sword and the large fur-covered buckler from the close person close to him, and danced it twice at will.

Regrettably, Asaros has made it clear that he will personally direct this battle.

Chernori will lead the first team to rush to board the enemy ship, bite and bite the prey on the deck, so as to lay the foundation for the subsequent boarding and prepare.

He had almost seen the fate of the prey hiding in the tortoise's shell on the other side.

These part-time pirates from the business group, these cowards who won the first half with the weird setting will meet the real sea warriors. They will be afraid, will run away, and will be run over from behind by his carefully trained pirates. The sword cuts off the neck.

The result of this battle is destined, and this battle will only add glory to his reputation!

Chenoli saw the red flags waved by the three of them, and he grinned and raised his sword aloft.

"The first team, get on board, board!"

The accumulating pirates howled and rushed towards the bow of the ship, and at the same time the blast of guns broke out from behind the gun baffle on the opposite side.

Bang bang bang bang!

Thirty shots knocked down seven or eight pirates in one round, followed by the second and third rounds...

Ten seconds, three rounds?

Chernori was a little dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at the menacing pirates crying and crying to their mother to escape back. Seventeen or eight corpses had already been left before he even tried to jump.

The other side chased after another volley, and Chenori's brow twitched heavily.

He knew that there must be more than 20 dead people...

"We have to lean up!" He furiously rushed to Asaros. "The other side doesn't know how many guns are hidden. It only depends on the small bow to connect the ship, like letting our brave subordinates use their chests. Get the lead bullet, this is murder!"

Asaros looked at the pretentious stupid man in disgust.

"Holy Anne won't rely on the side, and you won't refuse orders, Chernori."

"You don't even know the current situation. Just when Rodriguez was fighting Orlando, you still took your idiots to drink in the cabin!"

"Kid Drake is bombarding the haven, a fifth-tier ship is bombarding the haven, and a fifth-tier ship is speeding toward us. There will be at most 15 minutes before she will throw the holy Annena into the distance through the tortoise on the opposite side!"

"So this connection is not the same as usual. Holy Anne will not stop by the boat and wait for you. When the four stormtroopers are sent over, she will turn her head and leave until we grab the control of the turtle. , Will come back again and **** us to open the passage."

"If you leaned on the shipboard, the space left would not be holy enough. Annie turned her head..."

Asaros sipped heavily.

"Go and do your thing, give full play to your specialties, and use your brain. You are the first to board the ship, and I am the last to board the ship. We are the beginning and the end of this battle. Victory, no defeat!"

Chernori took a half step back in panic.

After half a step back, his face was flushed: "Asaros! You are the bravest pirate in the regiment to pay for your incompetence. I will tell the regiment leader!"

"It's up to you, if you can still see the leader."

A sharp whistle sounded on the boat.

Chernori carried his shield and sword and waved in the crowd: "First, second team, immediately collect all the planks on the ship! You have five minutes, five minutes later, all members will board the ship!"

"This time there is no retreat!" He shouted from the center of the ship, "I will stand in front of you, and the deputy commander will guard behind you! You only have the only task to kill!"


"Kill! Kill! Kill!" He slapped the shield with his sword with his eyes bare, "Kill all the people on the opposite ship today, and kill Drake tomorrow by going to Kingston!"


"Kill, kill, kill!" he roared.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The pirates roared together!

"Connect the ship!"

Chenori tore his jacket with a hiss, revealing the lumpy muscles, every piece was shaking, longing for blood and killing.

He took a step!

Holding a shield and a sword, like an ancient Roman warrior and a Viking warrior in one body, take a big step and shake the deck!


He ran up and reached a high speed in three or two steps. Hundreds of pirates followed behind him, arrogant and murderous!


Three-eyed Crow came from Barto's manic palm: "Pull guns ready! Let go!"

Bang bang bang bang!

"The first group retreat, the second group, let it go!"

"The second group retreat, the third group, let it go!"

With three rounds of guns, the charging pirates fell one after another, and dozens of people were killed and injured, but the Chernoli, who rushed to the front, dressed the most and attracted the most firepower, was unscathed!

He held the shield high and hid himself behind the huge round shield, rushing like a bull.

The lead bullet could not break the shield covered with heavy fur, and the impact of the musket could not stop his powerful steps. He rushed to the bow of the ship, pedaling heavily on the deck, and the huge Achilles-like body flew up. .


Chernoli flew up. The 2.5-meter-high freeboard difference prevented the baffles from being an obstacle to the connection. Instead, they became steps. Chernoli stepped on the steps and hit the three-eyed crow like a plummet. In the middle of the deck.

The Marine Commuter, with a bayonet in his hand, stabbed out from behind the baffle, and Chenori steadily withdrew from the top shield.

With a pop, the bayonet pierced the shield.

Chernori laughed wildly and turned the shield half a circle, the seemingly light movement was as heavy as everything, the sailor's face flushed, and the spear shot out.

Almost all the outstanding young people who are willing to sign up for the journey to death this time are outstanding young people who are committed to Drake's long-term appointment, even an ordinary sailor, who have accumulated excellent accumulation in daily training.

The sailor was not flustered when the spear was released. He stepped back two steps and took out the short spear.

But what he was facing was Chernori, the most skilled fighter in the Cotton Jack Just stepping back and digging out his guns, Chernori had already grinned and cut it up, the sharp Viking sword one. The sword cut off the hand holding a gun in the water.

Blood splashed out!

In the great pain, the sailor only saw a cold light, huh!

More and more pirates rushed onto the Three-Eyed Raven on the baffle, fighting fiercely on the deck.

Ashalos could already see the tip of the flying pirate flag of the Golden Deer.

He sneered.

"Third, the fourth team will take the ship. When I leave the ship, you will disconnect the hooks, drive the ship back to the safe haven as planned, and hand it to Captain Romy."


"Boy Drake... let's go!"

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