Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 436: The great saint brid

At this moment, Lucy Manor.

The horse in the mouth of George III, the friend in the eyes of the Americans, the conqueror of Muscat, the savior of Le Francois, the destroyer of San Carlos, the pirate king of the white flag, the pirate hunter, the Titan, the north The privateer of the sea, the chairman of the Drake Chamber of Commerce, the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce, the Admiral of the General Chamber’s direct fleet, the captain of the Valkyrie, and the owner of Lucy’s Manor Mr. Lorraine. Annason Drake is trapped In a huge crisis...

"My...Master." Ms. Ofie's voice was sharp and thin, and as the wind moved into Lorraine's ears, Lorraine couldn't help but shiver.

This scene is really rare. If it is seen by the dignitaries of the Sultanate or the pirates of the Caribbean, they will break their glasses.

Lorraine was actually scared.

That Lorraine Anason Drake, the horse in the mouth of George III, the friend in the eyes of the Americans, the conqueror of Muscat, the savior of Le Francois, the destroyer of San Carlos, The pirate king of the white flag, the pirate hunter, the Titan, the privateer of the North Sea, the chairman of the Drake Chamber of Commerce, the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce, the admiral of the direct fleet of the General Chamber, the captain of the Valkyrie Lorraine. Lake was actually scared.

His image is supposed to be fearless, loyal, treacherous, good, or evil. He always walks lazily in the middle of the bullets, even in the face of the storm, but now, he is actually Scared……

The most stalwart and tyrannical terror in the world is poking its head out of the abyss, and poisonous smoke and fire are gathered in one place, converging into the eerie and creepy appearance of Ms. Ofe McCarthy Judea, with a big belly. , Baring his teeth at Lorraine.

"It's weird, my dear lord, what the demon wind blows you to the remote Caribbean sea? The sea breeze here is wrapped in salt particles. If it scratches your delicate skin, how can I tell your loyal crew Can you explain?"

"Uh, Ofi..." Lorraine swallowed, "Although the poisonous tongue is your personality, in any case, a pregnant woman should still be a role model for the child in her belly..."

"You actually remember that I was a pregnant woman!" Poisonous smoke and poisonous fire widened their eyes. "Six months ago, you said you were going to preside over a funeral for an elder who was as merciful as a father. In order not to let those dirty The pirates saw the clues and were making trouble in the Caribbean. My husband left behind his pregnant wife and started a dispensable war on your behalf."

"What did you say at that time? As short as one and a half months, as long as two months, you will definitely come back. You also pretended to let my husband and Ms. Dibo control the scale of the war, because the Chamber of Commerce did not do a good job in all aspects. Preparation for mobilization."

"It's the result!"

"My belly didn't show up when Bell was off shore, but today, today is my expected date of delivery!" Offie was out of anger, holding her back and yelling at the sky, "Today is my expected date of delivery, but my husband is in where!"

Lorraine looked away with a guilty conscience: "He... the last time he communicated, he was repairing a ship in St. Croix in the Virgin Islands. He was shot on the starboard side of the Golden Deer. It was smashed..."

"Then why not explode!" The lioness roared, "If it explodes, in the future, the child will ask why his father was not with him when he was born. I can comfort him and tell him that his father has been watching him in heaven instead of treating him. Aside from his poor mother, the ocean is searching for a group of dirty things that don't necessarily take a bath in three years!"

Lorraine rolled his eyes at hearing: "Ofi, calm down, that's your husband."

"Yes, that is my husband, he is not your husband..." "Ofi."

The sound of heaven pierced the sky full of sulfur, and Madame Judea's soft voice came from a distance.

Lorraine followed the sound and saw her smiling, walking towards her with the help of her little daughter Eliza.

Ofi stopped roaring for a while, she held her belly and looked at Madame Judea with tears and eyes: "Qinli, I didn't control it for a while. I swear to God that what I just said was not what I meant..."

Mrs. Judea patted her daughter's hand lightly: "I understand, Offi, you need to rest. Dr. Strentz said you should reduce your exercise, at least you should not exercise too far from the delivery room."

"I know……"

"Eliza, help your sister-in-law back. Those Indians are really getting worse and worse. Even if Offi is no longer their housekeeper, they shouldn't let a pregnant belly come to the dock alone."

"I will punish them." Lorraine said quickly.

Ofe, who was obviously depressed before delivery, was carefully helped away by Eliza. Lorraine ran up to hold Mrs. Judea a few steps, and apologized softly, "Madam, I did not intend to stay in Europe for so long in the original plan. But little Pierce got into trouble, I was forced to invade a country, so..."

"We all know that you must have had an accident, but you didn't expect that this accident would be related to the sovereignty of a country..." Madam smiled bitterly, "Lorraine, Ophee's mood has been good these days, until The day before yesterday, Dr. Strentz said that her due date had been advanced. Little Michael couldn’t wait to come into this world, and he suddenly got out of control. I apologize on her behalf."

"No, I should be the one who feels sorry." Lorraine walked back with his wife, "Madam, when is Offie's due date?"

"Doctor Strentz said that Little Owen will be born this week. We have invited Bishop Steyr from the Diocese of Jamaica from Kingston. He will baptize Little Owen at Lucy Church."

"I promise not to let Bell miss this important moment." Lorraine solemnly promised, "Tomorrow I will leave for St. Croix, and Bell will be able to return to Lucy in two weeks."

Mrs. Judea was grateful and guilty: "That way, you would have worked too hard..."

"That was when Bell was a father at first. I have made him miss the birth of a child, and I must never let him miss the child's baptism again." Lorraine thought for a while, "Yes, ma'am, how did things go with London?"

"London..." Madam's expression was strange, "My husband is an upright person. He was asked to practice the virtues of aristocracy even in embarrassment since he was a child. That's why he went into the water to save people in the cold winter and exchange his life for it. A young life."

"I am proud of and follow the admonitions of the Judea family, and always use the virtues of aristocracy to demand Bell and Eliza."

"We all thought this was what the gentlemen of the House of Lords would like to see. A poor but self-respecting Count Bryder's house can be worthy of the status of a nobleman and spread the gospel for the Father."

"It's a pity that we all guessed wrong. Fifty thousand pounds is more effective than the virtues and perseverance of three generations." The lady laughed disdainfully. "The selected gentlemen have successfully convinced the entire parliament, although the new earl is not Bell. The family crest cannot be restored, but after being baptized, Michael will become the fifth Earl of Bred, Michael St. Bred Judea. I have been thinking about whether to return the "Holy" character to God."

"Keep it, the sacred name of the earl of Breed was not exchanged for 50,000 pounds, nor is it given by God, but the two generations of earls exchanged their own blood."

Lorraine narrowed his mouth.

"The Judea family is always on the opposite side of history. The first earl beheaded for the king at the Battle of Nasby, and the second earl lost his life for the king at the Battle of Preston. They are all over the defender of the country. During the ruling period, they were all sinners, and even the tombstones were not allowed to enshrine the cross. This was the result of the glory of the holy name when Charles II was restored and the grace of the three lions on the family crest."

"Now Earl Breed is gone, and the noble family crest is gone. The holy name is the last thing left to the Breed family by successive counts. Whether or not to stay, you should at least decide by himself after Michael reaches adulthood."

Madame Judea closed her eyes and thought for a long time.

"You are right." She said, "Then keep it. It's not really holy anyway."

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