Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 438: Little people

"Different from war, chairman, business is a delicate art."

Walking on the floor aisle with clear windows, stepping on the thick and soft woven carpet, Lorraine and Manager Struns walked together.

The manager is not the kind of arrogant person, but rather as diligent as the old oriental shopkeeper on TV.

He is very delicate. He started to prepare for the arrival of the Lorraine team from the moment the Golden Deer entered the dock. The office prepared English tea and Spanish snacks, and even Fuer, Tamia and Pita.

Fur, Tamia, and Pita are the specialty snacks of Egypt.

Pita is a strange bread baked with corn and wheat. The characteristic is that the chef will use a special technique to leave the interlayer when kneading the dough. The dough will bulge and hollow when it is baked, and cut in half to form pockets. , So it is also called "pocket bread".

Four and Tamia are fillings for pocket bread.

Fuer is a salad-like dish, with broad beans as the main ingredient and seasoned with oil, lemon, salt, meat, eggs, and onions; Tamia is a small meatball made by deep-fried grated chickpeas and spices.

In all fairness, these things are not rare in the preparation method and raw materials, and the finished product is also like a very salty crepe.

But Hannah hadn't eaten the local snacks in her hometown for more than ten years. As soon as the scent of pita bread came out, she could no longer move.

I don’t want to bombard the fake virgin's business, and the cold-faced Assassin's demeanor is gone. This will make her occupy the reception room alone like a wild cat protecting the food, and even Lorraine is pushed and shoved out. .

The fact that he was blasted out by Henna let Lorraine know that Van Niugel Struns was a caring person.

A deliberate office manager like him would never be arrogant in front of the boss. He used a provocative tone only to attract Lorraine's attention and win a chance to behave in front of the big boss.

So Lorraine stopped and looked at the bustling street outside the window: "Let’s talk about it, where is the beauty of the business?"

Struns beamed his brows.

"Chairman, there are four exchanges in the Viking and Leeward Islands under our office. Among them, the specialty of the Leeward Islands is cane sugar, and the Virgin Islands are rich in copper mines in addition to cane sugar."

"These are two different products. There are two trade lines for sucrose. The inner line is to Barbados, mainly for the ocean-going fleet of the European branch, and the outer line is to many ports in northwestern Europe. 70% of it is still supplied to the European branch for transfer trade. We are self-operated. There are not many. The copper mine has only one line, starting from St. Croix, transiting in St. Dyna, and arriving in Boston."

"Offshore trade and ocean trade." Lorraine interrupted at the right time, proving that he was listening carefully.

"Yes, offshore and offshore!" Struns was excited. "From the perspective of flow alone, the copper of the same value in the same cycle is roughly 1.5% higher than the internal output of sucrose and 47% lower than the external line."

"But this algorithm ignores labor, ship damage, accidents, and storage costs. If all of these are included, the gross profit is 28.6% higher than that of the inner line of sucrose, and the basic income is only slightly lower than that of the outer line."

"Next is the third element of art, fashion!"

"Thanks to the beautiful Xavier Manager and the wise Parker President Hong Fu, we have huge policy incentives in the new United States, just like seasonal art trends will generate premiums, and high-grade copper mines are widely sought after in the United States."

"This is a great victory for mathematics, Chairman! Our office has collected 107 records of incoming and outgoing goods for six consecutive months, and was shocked to find that the net profit of operating copper is 69.2% higher than that of the internal line of sucrose, which is quite a bit higher than the external line. 14.9%."

"This completely subverts the traditional perception that short- and medium-distance trade profits cannot be compared with long-distance trade. It is worthwhile for each office to re-evaluate its trade chain in detail, give full play to its regional characteristics, and optimize the industrial structure!"

Lorraine's forehead trembled with a blast of excitement after a match. He stepped away a little without a trace, then stepped back a little more, covering his mouth and clearing his throat.

"Calm down, Mr. Struns." Lorring paused. "I just heard a subversive discovery, but I didn't understand it."

"It seems that this discovery should be treated more seriously. In a more formal way, the American branch will lead the various firms to conduct trade chain assessments and form a broader report. Then the general meeting will draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the trade situation in Europe. Instead of... uh..."

Lorraine waved her hands embarrassedly: "Sorry, I don't think at least you shouldn't give me your opinion in private in this way that is similar to the secret discussion. I guess, is this what President Parker meant?"

Struns's expression suddenly changed: "No! Chairman, I think my expression has caused you unnecessary misunderstandings. I have no intention of questioning the principle of resource sharing between clubs."

"We are all Drake. Every middle-level manager of the Chamber of Commerce knows that the principle of sharing is the most effective way to use the resources of the Chamber of Commerce. Although the internal discounts between the clubs and the clubs will indeed lower the unit price of the goods, this is a product imported from Europe. It’s the same."

"President Parker will combine the discounts we give and the discounts given to Europe at the annual meeting. Every year, there is a surplus in the Americas. After all, Europe only exports industrial products, and the value of each shipment is much higher than ours. Output."

Lorraine frowned: "Then I don't understand..."

"Chairman, my analysis just now integrated the trade discounts between the branches." Struns solemnly said, "Leaves and the Virgin Islands have mature copper mining operations, and the new United States has no upper limit on minerals. The greedy demand of people has formed an extreme case of our office."

"Does such a case exist in other offices? As you said just now, my report has been submitted to New York. The trade chain evaluation of the pan-branch started two months ago. It is Leonard's vice president. One hand is the master."

"What I say today only represents our office, chairman. Because of this discovery, the office has plans to adjust and expand its trade focus in the next five years. President Parker is very interested in our new plan and added an additional 3,000 pounds of investment. , Ordered four latest 30-meter Bermuda Slope for us at Maritime Group."

"These new ships can double our capacity and make room for a new copper contract without giving up the sugar contract. I even bid for the new contract. I negotiated a price of 100,000 pounds for five years, and 50,000 pounds. Current prices, plus a 3% tax discount and a free long-term rental berth in the Port of St. Croix!"

"Isn't that great?" Lorraine became confused as he listened. "The new ship and new contract. You have proved your business talent and work ability. As long as this contract is put in place, I believe you will have a bright future."

"Not enough, Chairman!"

Struns stared at his eyes, like a tomb thief who lost his mind in front of the treasure.

"Nineteen months ago, I was suddenly promoted to St. Croix from my position as a trade manager at Kingston. At that time, it was ranked ninth among all ten offices in the Americas. Its business flow and annual profit were only better than Honduras Bay. The Barrios office is slightly higher, and in terms of profitability, we are not as good as Barrios."

"I guess this is the reason why President Parker promoted me. Even if the Virgin Islands has the reputation of being a pirate island, even if the Leeward Islands is completely in the shadow of the windy neighbors in business, we should not operate anyway. It's worse than the Central American colleagues during the sanctions period."

"I boldly acted as a tyrant. In just three months, I replaced all four trading house managers, fired 11 employees, and left the original short-term hiring and temporary hiring in a swift manner. All of them were replaced by those who cherished the work at hand. young people."

"I also forcibly prevented the establishment of labor unions. The labor leaders in Boston and Kingston called me a gangster, threatened to retaliate against me, and made me pay for my actions."

"So I still don't know who interrupted my leg outside the old office, but I don't care."

"With the tragic condition of the bruises on the wheelchair, I successfully applied for the funds to buy the land and built the current office. The water tank allowed the Maritime Group to set up a dock in this shallow port, which is not outstanding, and the dock was used to attract Has attracted the attention of members of the Baishang Associated Press."

“The office’s business is advancing by leaps and bounds. In the monthly report last June, our turnover ranked ninth among the 14 offices, fifth in profit, and third in profitability, second only to New York and St. Dyna, reached the highest peak since the establishment of the office."

"It's a pity that God's care for me ends here. After the peak, our turnover is still rising, but the increase in profits slowed down, and the profitability fell back to the ninth, ninth among the fifteen offices."

"I started the evaluation of the trade chain in the bottleneck, and relied on the evaluation report to get the chairman’s support for the second time. One can be delivered."

"I saw the second opportunity for the office to rise!" Strence suddenly became enthusiastic. "But in the face of this opportunity, President Parker's support is far from enough. Let us rise and fail to achieve my ambitions and make the St. Croix office the most competitive office in the entire Americas!"

"Chairman, the Virgin Islands are pirate islands. Based on the risk of the route, no gunboat has ever been deployed here. Our output to the United States has always been based on costly hire ships, with a return rate of 72%, which is only for every ten ships. Three ships refused or lost the ability to continue to serve us."

"You initiated the encirclement and suppression of the skillful Derrick. This battle has been fought for six months, and our return rate has risen to Pansy has established enough prestige on this dangerous sea. The day of your victory is the best time for the office to start independent shipping!"

After hearing this, Lorraine finally understood.

In order to improve the competitiveness of the branches, Lorraine and Carmen have launched a development fund of 30,000 pounds per year since the establishment of the General Association Asset Management Company, which is only distributed to offices with excellent plans and good prospects.

As for whether to issue or not, how much to issue, these powers are all controlled by the development department of the asset management company, and the final decision is in the hands of Carmen.

Lorraine has a great influence on the money, but generally only items that are particularly worth seeing will be handed to his desk. Those small items worth more than a thousand and thousands of pounds Lorraine will not bother, and Carmen will also Help him filter out.

He looked at Struns with a smile: "After going around a big circle, it seems that you have already passed the plan to the General Conference Development Division..."

Struns broke the power in the blink of an eye and stood awkwardly upright: "I passed it up for four months, and there has been no response..."

"It will probably take another two or three months. Manager Xavier has no time to read those plans. She is preparing to set up an industrial and mining group."

"Established... an industrial and mining group?"

"You will hear about it soon." Lorraine smiled, "You have a good vision and a good plan. I will let Manager Xavier consider your project carefully, but before the plan is implemented, you need to look for it first. An excellent admiral."

After speaking, Lorraine turned and left.

Struns stood in front of the window blankly, his mouth whispering: "The admiral... isn't it the captain?"

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