Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 447: So lofty

Woolward Farm is one of the largest large farms on Nevis Island. It is located in the outer suburbs of Charleston, the capital of Nevis. It is adjacent to the highest peak of the island, Nevis Peak. It covers an area of ​​more than 6,000 acres. , Contiguous sugarcane plantations, and even a private lake with beautiful scenery.

   The farmer is a cousin of Francis. Since her husband passed away, she has brought her son to live here and widowed, and thus she was able to meet Nelson at the social dance, fall in love, and restart her life.

   This is also Nelson’s temporary residence in Nevis. That dance party was organized by the farmer Mr. Woolward to welcome him to stay. This added a touch of fate to his encounter with Francis.

   Nelson entertained Lorraine and his sailors in the small garden by the lake.

It was dark at night, and Lin Shenlai was silent. Men and women danced to the sound of melodious orchestral music. The combination was mostly Nevis’s ladies and the married or unmarried gentlemen on the ship. There were several pairs... such as Yacharin... and him. 'S dance partner has obviously stepped on the social distance that symbolizes politeness.

   Nelson smiled like a slut.

"Acharin Desai, I remember him. He made a deep impression on me during the Halloween operation, making me wonder if every French man was as invincible as him, until I went to France... "

   "Disappointed?" Lorraine leaned against the style and shook the glass.

   "No, I should say thank you." Nelson answered honestly.

   Lorraine laughed disgustingly: "If French men could have the sub-slag three-point skill, the world would have offered chickens as sacred objects."

   "Yes." Nelson attached and asked suddenly, "Where did you go this time?"

   Lorraine? Look at it from a different place.

Nelson hurriedly raised his hands: "Don't look at me with this look. I don't know if the Royal Navy has buried nails by your side. Don't forget that you are now a top chaebol. Even if you have your information, for the sake of confidentiality, I am It’s impossible for a school-level officer to see it."

   "Then you guessed it." Lorraine was even more curious. "I always thought that Bell had a good cover."

   "It turned out to be the conductor of Bell Judea, no wonder it's completely different from your style." Nelson laughed relievedly.

   Lorraine raised his glass and took a sip: "I took the time to go to Africa in the first half of the year."


   "Maria I confiscated my property, I went to argue with her, and I am coming back now."

   "Maria I... a pious Maria?" Nelson could not hear.

"Is it weird?" Lorraine put on an innocent look. "God has given us human rights and property rights. Everyone's private property should be sacred and inviolable. Under the teachings of God, what I do is nothing more than It’s just defending the rights that I was born with."

   Nelson looked helpless: "Although every word in your words is okay, but these words pop out of your pagan mouth, I always feel..."

   "What happened to the heretics? Using God's teachings to restrain my behavior is my respect for mainstream civilization. If Asgard's rules were followed, she dared to deprive me of my property, I should burn Lisbon."

  Nelson surrendered.

   He rolled his eyes: "Well, well, I believe Maria I is definitely not as good as you in eloquence. But seriously, why are you going to Africa?"

   "Didn't I talk about talking to Maria I."

   Lorraine played with the wine glass in his hand and pointed the amber liquor at the moon, absent-mindedly.

   "Her people played pirates at sea, but they slandered me as a pirate, so I went to persuade those pirates to testify for me."

   "But they did not want to. Not only did they not want to, they also fled into the sultanate established by the Omanis under the protection of a sultan, and refused to meet me, depriving me of the right to persuade them."

   "How can the Portuguese be so domineering?"

   "In order to better communicate, I can only change a sultanate for the Sultanate to help me persuade the pirates. Basically, I was busy with this a while ago."

   Nelson was dumbfounded: "The Sultan of Oman... Muscat? Damn it, isn't that in West Asia?"

   "Their land spans Asia and Africa. It is not wrong to say that they are African countries."

   "Uh...wait, the gem you gave to Francis earlier?"

"Drake has always been based on honesty." Lorraine smiled and bowed to Nelson. "In the process of selecting a new Sudan, my allies and I briefly blocked the port of Muscat. About 60%. The residents of Muscat can only rely on relief to survive during the port closure, and I am the only supplier of relief supplies for them."

   "Businessmen seek profit, and the only way to maximize profit in monopoly trade is a well-known truth."

   "The Omani people need me to use my limited capacity to transport the necessities of life as much as possible. They need me to give up the hugely profitable jewellery, spices, furs... etc., of course they have to give me a relatively fair price."

   "You call it fair to trade half a ton of flour for 22 carat emeralds?" Nelson snorted.

   Ko Lorraine saw no smile on his face. He said seriously: "When they have nothing to eat, the price is really fair."

   The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

   The sneered Nelson faced the serious Lorraine.

   "You... did you choose the gift specially?"

   "Of course, you told me in your letter with confidence that you have found your true destiny. Since then, I have been thinking about what to choose as a gift for the first meeting."

   Lorraine put down the glass and suddenly changed to the honorific.

   "My original choice was a ship of flour, because my staff told me that there is a famine in the Leeward Islands, and food should be the most sincere gift, and it can also relieve the burning eyebrows."

   "But when I returned to the Caribbean, I heard that you were under house arrest. No one in the Leeward Islands enforced the far-sighted "Navigation Regulations". The price of flour has plummeted seven or eight times."

   "You have ruined my plan. As a last resort, I had no choice but to find the next best thing. After a long time picking among a bunch of barely visible things, I finally chose this not-so-noticeable little gem."

   Lorraine mocked unabashedly, and Nelson's face was indescribably ugly: "Don't even you think I did something wrong?"

"Of course it's right to chase fame and wealth, my colonel, you just did something stupid, not wrong." Lorraine shook his head and laughed. "Not long ago, when I invaded the Sultanate, I told Oman’s allies that the businessman is Builder."

   "Businessmen are builders. In the process of chasing fame and fortune, we manage friends. Soldiers are saboteurs. In the process of chasing fame and fortune, you make enemies."

   "The enemy's enemy can become friends, and the merchant's customers have the potential to become friends. Colonel, I personally think that they may not be friends before you came to the Leeward Islands, but you have sublimated their friendship."

"You made everyone feel threatened, property was damaged, and there was a famine in the archipelago. When Maria I took my property my friends all over the world sent her and Portugal to the dock in Spain. ."

   "You took away the property of American businessmen, and they also taught you a lesson in a similar way."

   "To be honest, I'm very thankful that these civilized people have chosen the law. They at least give you a chance to start again, instead of hiring one or a few killers to send you to God in advance."

   Nelson was stunned: "According to you, they framed me. I still need to thank them?"

"That's your business." Lorraine looked at Nelson, "I only hope that this house arrest will bring you back some of your acumen on the battlefield. You need to take a real rest, let the restlessness in your heart calm down, and sum it up soberly. The gains, losses and lessons since these two comebacks."

   "Colonel, I made a big bet on you."

   "Even for my investment, you have an obligation to cheer up, become a general, become an admiral, become a minister of the navy, until you authorize the entire Royal Navy's shipbuilding and maintenance to me."

   "For me, only by doing this step can my investment in you be considered bareback. This is the value of trust."

   "Drake's trust may be the most expensive thing in the world..."

   Nelson laughed bitterly, the more he laughed, the more relieved he was, and the more he laughed, the happier he was.

   "The business of the Royal Navy will be yours, Lorraine Drake, my friend, this is the promise of the future Minister of the Navy!"

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