Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 457: Spear and shield

emmmmm, does not affect the attitude of the ship...

  Actually, since Edley relayed back Yacharin's reaction, Lorraine knew that maintaining the posture of the ship and hitting Huanglong had become a luxury between delusion and fantasy.

   After all, the human species has gas tanks.

   It doesn't matter whether the reason is sufficient, whether the choice is reasonable, or whether the behavior is effective. The Blackbeard Pirate Group tried to cut off Valkyrie's windward state. This attempt itself was the biggest challenge to the gangster on board.

   The result of the provocation is in sight.

   Hundreds of meters away, the gunpowder was filled with smoke. The unlucky lone passenger may not be able to distinguish the mixed gunshots from the dense shelling, but Lorraine would certainly not have heard such a noticeable difference on the Valkyrie.

   Yacharin pierced a pocket, and the lone passenger came in obediently, and was bombarded in turn by seven 32-pound doors at a parallel position of 80 meters, three of the seven guns, and two direct hits.

   The first direct hit was in the gun bay, and the second to fourth gun gates were lifted off. The fire blazed into the sky, the corpses were everywhere, and the ribs and pillars of the ship were all broken.

   But in Lorraine’s experience, the pirate’s ammunition volume should not be enough to cause a large-scale explosion.

   The key is the second direct attack. The projectile broke through the middle and rear hulls of the Lone Traveller, and then penetrated at least two layers of the inner cabin.

  According to the cabin structure of the 1770 French destroyer, the impact point of the shells is about below the gun bay, the mezzanine above the waterline, and the longitudinal line is located on the centerline of the deck.

   In other words, there is the best location for the main ammunition bay.

  Lone Traveler started her final journey in the most tragic way. The thunderous roar lasted for more than a minute, and the broken limbs were scattered over a radius of 100 meters.

   The explosive air wave set off a tsunami, holding a small Valkyrie and rushing out more than two hundred meters.

The stern tower was broken into dozens of pieces, and the largest flying house rose to a height of more than ten meters, and then smashed back into the wreck, with a bang, and completed the final blow to the keel.

   Valkyrie retired from the advancing state without any suspense. The tumultuous sailors stood up with their teeth, and heard Lorraine yelling before they could stand still.

   "The deck is in place, and the sails are in place! Check the rudder and keel conditions thoroughly, count the personnel of each unit, and report the casualties!"

   "The gunner is in place, and the starboard and starboard sides will disperse and shoot! The idle personnel will pick up the guns at the restaurant, and the whole ship will be ready to receive the guns!"

   "Remove the fixed sails, remove the wing sails, remove the wing sails, half the sails, and the right rudder will cut the wind ten degrees!"

   "Gentlemen and ladies, don't forget that the war is far from over. You only have 30 seconds to get Valkyrie to move again!"

   "If you don't want to fight to death in this sea... Target Golden Yoke, turn around, break through!"


"Breakthrough!!! Breakthrough! The left rudder is 5 degrees, the two sides are dispelled... Why the **** horizontal sail is not adjusted! We are headwind, headwind, understand? Wouldn't you make your own judgment without instructions? I have to Complain against those who collect money for interviews in the Personnel Department..."

   "The bow was shot!" The observation deck shouted.

   "We are going to be blown to death! Starboard and starboard and starboard! Evasion! Evasion! Evasion! Evasion!"

   "Where is my gunner!"

   "Go ask him, why we haven't fired? Is his cannon displayed? Did we forget to bring gunpowder when we went out? Does he plan to save the funeral salute when there is a gun? Is he worthy of a salute!"

   "I want to hear the cannon, 15 seconds, and don't want to hear any excuses before that! I don't care what method he uses, as long as the **** pirate sunk in front of him, if he can't do it, I will go to the personnel department to complain..."

   "Fire!" The gunner yelled.

   Boom boom boom boom!

   The Yalvite is very lively, 80% of the noise comes from Captain Arthur Frenn, who is known as a static gentleman on board.

He was born in the Pansy, from a short sailing sailor to a long-term kitchen helper, to the second sailor in the Golden Deer era, to the second sailor and second mate during the Jackdaw and Dao marking period, until Step by step, step by step to the position of the deputy admiral captain of the direct fleet is an inspirational model of the direct fleet and a sailor idol.

   But his temper is really bad. Especially in wartime, he is irritable, irritable, long-winded, and chattering.

   Although that would not affect his timely and accurate delivery of combat instructions, he still has a unique skill to sue him, which can be called the whip of justice directly under the fleet.

  The war time of the Yalvette is a trash talk time exclusively for Captain Frein. All the sailors can do is patience, while Catalina habitually chooses to ignore it.

  The main battlefield has entered the fierce battle stage. Including the Alvette team, all warships with Galen destroyers as the core constitute the four major groups, and each battle group struggles against most enemies.

   Valkyrie is an alternative of the sailing age.

   This sentence is not just to describe her ship type, but to describe her fighting state.

  The era of sailing, especially the end of the era of sailing, that is, the end of the 18th century. The biggest characteristics of naval battles in the early 19th century were stalemate and inefficiency.

   The hull and the cannon are like the sailor’s spear and shield, constantly escalating in the confrontation. Today, the shield has long left the spear behind.

   In the configuration of the same level, the 32-pound penetration of the first-class ship's hull needs to be within 500 meters, three rounds from the same position, and two for the third-class penetration.

   Twenty-four-pound penetration of Tier 4 ships requires two rounds at 300 meters, and 18-pound penetration of Tier 5 ships with three shots at 100 meters. The Brig-type penetration of Tier 6 warships also requires two rounds.

   From the data, this seems to be a normal ratio, but the best French artillery in the world has a hit rate of less than 5% in naval battles, and the average hit rate of the powers is less than 3%.

The    battle line has an average spreading distance of 1500 meters and an engagement distance of 800 meters. The average engagement distance of a frigate is 500 meters, and the customary distance of a destroyer is 300 meters.

   When these data are combined, the outcome of the spear and the shield becomes immediately obvious.

Statistics show that combining the changes in the maritime power of the five countries of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands in the past 50 years, nearly 50% of the damage to the warships was caused by accidents, and the other 50% were basically caused by the fleet's fire and approaching and receiving. With two unconventional combat modes on the side, there are only a handful of wins and losses for a single ship.

  How to penetrate the enemy's armor is the biggest issue that the navy of this era has to face, but it does not know how to face it.

   The state of the direct fleet on the battlefield of this formation is definitely better than that of the current navy.

   Their opponents are mainly the Brigentine with weak defense and the Bagh type with larger ship, but the defense is totally different from Brigentine.

   This means that they don’t have to worry about their artillery being unable to cause damage to the enemy, and they don’t have to fear that the enemy’s artillery will smash them. They only need to be careful about the number of enemies and guard against the state of connection that can kill them.

   The only exception is the Arvette.

   Yalvette is a 1780 Bermuda 40-door high-speed destroyer designed and manufactured by Drake Maritime Group, and her enemy is Bonnet’s Erickson, a classic door destroyer.

   The two ships are basically at the same offensive and defensive level, and to say the slight difference, the Alvette is faster and more flexible, while the Erickson is thicker, heavier, and has relatively stronger firepower.

   In addition, the Alvette has two wing ships, both of which are the 26-door Bermuda high-speed Brig-type Sea Parrot and the Jaeger.

   Bonnet gathered five wing ships to cooperate with the attack. Three were classic 20-door Brigantines, and two were mixed-sail Skuna ships with negligible firepower.

   Catalina clearly realized that the Alvette team could not quickly defeat the opponent in the mid-to-long range artillery battle. If they delay waiting for the other three battle groups to decide the victory, it will easily cause serious attrition of the direct fleet.

The best way at the moment is to use Derrick to lure Bonnet to take the ship according to the established plan. Before that, Catalina needs to trim the extra branches and leaves She raised her eyes and scanned it. War situation.

Alvette was being spurred by Captain Frein’s scolding to swim slowly between the Eriksson, two Brigentines and a Skuna ship. The Jaeger was 500 meters away with another ship. Brigantine dealt with it, the sea parrot and the remaining Skuna did not participate in the battle, and each hid in the shadows of the flagships of both sides to choose an opportunity.

   Captain Frein's command is very stable, but he needs to work harder and be more aggressive if he wants to open up the situation.

   "Do you want to take risks..."

   Before Catalina could think of it, the billowing thunder blasted from the south side of the battlefield, waking her out of the state of thinking in the blink of an eye.

   Katerina? Looking at the thick black smoke rolling up from the sky, she shouted in a hurry.

   "Immediately inform Valkyrie's current situation!"

   "Yes, Ms. Dipo!" Watching replied with his hands at his neck, "Valkyrie approached in the first round and destroyed the enemy's fifth-level Galen Lone Traveler!"


   "It has been clearly destroyed! The Lone Traveler was sinking quickly, and the sound of thunder just now was an explosion!"

   "It didn't take long for this to fight..." Catalina murmured to herself, "It's like a joke to be steady and steady. On the other side of the sea is the boss, not Bell Judea."

She raised her head: "Order! The Alvette rushed towards the Jaeger support, and the Sea Parrot responded. Tell Captain Frein that he only has 5 minutes to prepare. If I can't do it, I will complain to him at the personnel office. ."