Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 494: nomoney,nodream

Carmen Xavier is a village girl...

That Carmen Xavier, the executive director of the Drake General Chamber of Commerce, the leader of the asset management company, the fashion leader of the New World, the social queen of the Caribbean, is known as the most outstanding woman in Spain in the past 30 years, and can even compete with the mother of France. Carmen Xavier, who is equally famous, is actually a village girl?

   Sir Tucera suspected that he might have heatstroke, and the disease had deep roots, and the medicine was ineffective.

   Otherwise, based on his hearing, how could he hear laprincesa as unachicadepueblo?

   is the same as these two identities, there is no similarity between these two words at all!


  Carmen Xavier is really a village girl? What exactly has this young girl experienced to make such a radical change in her soul?

   God’s miracle?

Tucera looked at Dipujani in shock. Dipujani was looking at him with the same expression. The look in their eyes was more blazing than the sun in the sky. Shock was only a minority of them, and many more. hope.

  Di Puiani tried to free himself from the complex emotions.

   "Miss Xavier, sorry, did you just say that you were born?"

   "Soria, to be more precise, is an uncontested Castilian village on the outskirts of Soria."

   "Then how can you... uh... leave your hometown?" Dipujani racked his brains to search for vocabulary, "I have no other meaning, but I think that a young and beautiful woman like you tends to choose a more stable life."

   "I understand, Mr. Mayor." Carmen stroked the sideburns and smiled softly, "Let me think about it, when should I answer this question?"

   "As you said, it is indeed the responsible choice of most parents to sell their beautiful daughters for a stable life, and my parents are no exception."

   "I am very beautiful. When I was young, many people told me that I was the most beautiful flower nurtured by the mountains and waters of Castile."

"My parents wanted me to marry into Soria’s most noble baron’s house, maybe the second son, maybe the bastard. So when I was very young, I had a family teacher, she was the secretary of the city hall, a kind and A learned old woman."

   "It's a pity that my father went bankrupt when he was ten years old."

   "We have no food and clothing in our hometown. I am too young to sell for a good price. My parents can only take me to Victoria to go to my mother's wealthy distant relatives. This is how I left home."

   Carmen was surprisingly frank, but while frank, Tusella and Dipujani couldn't hear anything they wanted.

   Tussera wanted to personally participate in the interrogation, but Lorraine was right across from him, eating the lunch in front of him with perfect table manners like an unsentimental drier.

   Lorraine doesn't move, he can't move, the etiquette of the nobles is like this, and the law of the jungle on the battlefield is like this.

   He can only give Di Puiani a wink.

   Di Pujani understood, and without a word, he forced the topic from the surface of the Atlantic Ocean to the deep bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

   "Miss Xavier, my daughter has always admired you. Last night, she heard that we were meeting today and insisted that I convey her wish to you."

   "She wants to be a noble and charming lady like you, but she is confused and doesn't know how to work hard. Can you give her some advice? Kind of pertinent and instructive advice."

   Lorraine, who was busy fighting with the seafood risotto, was almost choked to death by Di Pujani's clumsy advice.

   Carmen used his strength, and through intentional or unintentional guidance, he completely grasped the opponent's weakness.

Even Lorraine has heard of the jokes of the Florida ruling group in the social circle. He had always thought that those jokes contained high society's xenophobic malice. After all, Tucella's life is simply the reality of Spanish knight novels, and being jealous is no more. Things that are not normal.

   But now it seems that those nobles who spread gossip are basically models of humility and kindness. Under their beautification, Lorraine actually overlooked the important identity of the Tussera class explosives.

   Fortunately, it is not too late to mend the situation.

   Lorraine swallowed the risotto in his mouth, piled up the empty plates, and turned the offensive to the former meeting center, smoked salmon balls.

   Carmen smiled like a flower under Di Puiani's gaze.

"It's nice to hear a young girl full of self-motivated beautiful wishes, although my own cultivation is far from enough to be a role model for others." She said, "If you don't dislike it, as a past person, I think I would like to be a past person. Identity helps your daughter avoid detours."

   "Listen to your ears!"

  Carmen thought for a while: "The cultivation of self-cultivation requires unremitting learning, perseverance, and the courage to innovate. These three are the foundation, one is indispensable and irreplaceable."

   Di Pujani was dumbfounded, and without taking care of his mouth for a while, he opened his mouth and asked, "It has nothing to do with money?"

"Money?" Carmen looked around harmlessly, and finally stopped at the thick walls of San Marcos Castle. "I heard people say that San Marcos Fort has the strongest city defense on the entire east coast, and it has repelled countless times. The thugs who coveted it. So, the beaches of St. Augustine must have the hardest shells in the world, right?"

   "Sorry, I didn't hear clearly, you just said that San Marcos is strong because of...shells?"

   "Isn't it? Surely not." Carmen's voice and eyes faded suddenly and bitterly cold. "Shells are not the reason for the strong defense of the city, but the raw material. Money is not the condition for a lady to be well-trained, it is the raw material."

   "There is a saying in the social field, 8,000 gold coins let you see social interaction, 16,000 are tickets for speaking, 32,000 ladies will not fall behind, and 64,000 stars who build dance floors."

   "A lady is a gold-cast work of art, but that is the work of the craftsman. When she is in the showcase, the audience only cares about her artistry, and artistry is the only reference for determining value."

   Carmen entered her rhythm completely, took Qingshui to salute Lorraine.

   Lorraine stopped and nodded in return.

   "My chairman once told me that everything in this world is a business, whether it is running a country or cultivating ladies."

   "The money invested is the cost, and the show of the dance is the product. The value of word-of-mouth cultivation under long-term accumulation, the level of value determines the profit and loss."

   "For example... Jazz is a veteran silk collector. I should have discovered my dress today, right?"


   Tucera's soul shivered behind his strong body. He had no idea what Carmen's dress had, and he was not a senior silk collector.

   By chance, he set up this persona for himself because he happened to have a screen in his trophy that seemed worthless, but if he really wanted to collect it, he didn't have enough money or the necessary knowledge.

  Everything is fake.

   Tussela knew her own weight. Carmen didn't know it before, but after all day's contact, she had already guessed the weight of this "amateur silk collector".

"Shu brocade and Shu embroidery are art treasures from the East, but they are actually not suitable for cutting dresses. Especially Shu embroidery, if you accidentally cut its stitches, no matter how beautiful the embroidery is, it will become worthless. ."

"Until an accidental reading, I read from a scattered Oriental travel journal that the embroiderers of the Qing Dynasty would add exquisite embroidery to their wedding dresses. It turned out that they had started the most high-end costumes as early as a thousand years ago. custom made."

"So I sent my tailor to the Qing Dynasty. A travel note, three years, 30 embroidered women, cost 3,000 pounds, 24,000 gold coins, these things finally combined into this unremarkable simplicity. Skirts are just for occasions like Jazz to get the appreciation from the heart of a person like Jazz who knows silk for a This is the social cultivation of ladies."

   Is this the social cultivation of a lady?

   As soon as the words came out, Tussera's curled soul really throbbed as Carmen said. That throbbing has nothing to do with the nobility of appreciating art, it's just pure, almost overwhelmed by the flash of 24,000 gold coins piled together...

   Twenty-four thousand gold coins for a piece of clothing?

   If other metals are removed, a total of 22 and a half kilograms of pure gold?

   And this kind of cultivation...has nothing to do with money?

   Tucera can be regarded as thoroughly seeing the essence of the upper class he has been pursuing, [nomoney, nodream], poor ghosts are not worthy of dreaming!

   He still clearly remembered his first week of taking office, his wife made the first high-end dress in his life to cater to the prom.

   That exaggerated dark purple dress full of lace cost him one hundred and seventy octagonal gold coins, which is equivalent to his full three-month salary as a colonel, and it also gave him a taste of the governor's scenery for the first time.

   There is a corresponding public account for such a large expenditure!

  He has been complacent about this for a long time, who knows that the joy has accumulated to this day, and what is left is only sour and bitter irony...

   One hundred and seventy, 24,000...

   This is the social cultivation of a lady!

   Tucera laughed bitterly, smiled, and suddenly heard Lorraine's voice.

   "Thank you Sir for letting me enjoy a delicious lunch." He wiped his mouth, with empty plates on his hand, "The rest is over, can we talk about business?"