Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 497: Perfect lady

September 20, 1785.

   The great Miami was completed on both sides of the Bay of Biscay in less than a month, and it became the most prosperous commercial town on the Florida Peninsula on the day of its completion.

  The new town of Miami is divided into five districts.

   Hekou District is her administrative center, with a registered population of 2,413 people and a non-registered population of 537 people.

On the other side of the    area is the barracks of the colonial garrison Miami Regiment, which houses a reorganized grenadier regiment of 1,400 and 600 coastal artillery.

  Because the barracks had not had time to start construction, the officers and soldiers had to put them in temporary tents. The living conditions were so bad that they were not even as good as the Indian migrant workers' groups living in sheds.

   College District is her cultural and educational center, with a registered population of 227 people and a non-registered population of 962 people.

   The University of Miami has only been completed within 5 days and has attracted more than 800 students from all over the world, of which more than 300 have quickly become second-year students.

   Jackdaw District is her technology center, with a registered population of 1297 people and a non-registered population of 3351 people.

The Pansy Manor, the most elite wealthy area in Miami, is located on the shores of the beautiful lake. The first and two formations of Drake's Direct Fleet and Secret Service, who are frightened by the Pirates of the Caribbean, guard their white kings. , Also set up the anchorage here.

  Miami Beach is her commercial center, with 37 plank roads, 116 large and medium-sized berths, more than 80 merchant ships enter and leave the dock every day, and more than 100 chambers of commerce set up permanent locations on this narrow sandy island.

   This is the most populous and developed area in Miami. Although the registered population is only 262, the non-registered permanent population is 5159.

   There is also the mysterious fifth district, planned to name the Fortified Wall District, located on Virginia Island, far south of the southern Biscay Islands, across the sea from the garrison camp.

   It is planned to build the headquarters of the garrison in Miami. The second Miami Regiment and the Second Coastal Defense Battalion will be stationed after the infrastructure is complete.

In addition, there are two coastal defense fortresses, sixty large fortresses, a naval port, and a five-ship defense fleet. The plan is lying on the desk of the Governor's Palace in St. Augustine Fort, and it seems that the only thing that can prevent them from landing is left. It's just poverty.

   Only when you come to Miami can you know the endless charm of this town.

   With full of emotion and expectation, Mayor Dupuyani, who has only been in office for 5 days, is full of hope for the future!

   At the same time, Jackdaw District, Pansy Manor.

   Lorraine signed his name on a document, then took off the ring and stamped it on the fresh fire paint.

  He handed the document to Edley: "Send it to New York with the Clippers, and let President Parker arrange things as soon as possible..."


   Edley took the file and strode out. Lorraine hammered his shoulder, sighed, took the next file, and opened it.

   Working time always flies quickly, Lorraine processed the last document on hand, wrote the instructions, signed the name, and suddenly smelled the fragrance of coffee.

   "Henna?" He raised his head following the fragrance and saw Carmen standing at the table with a smile, "Ah...Carmen..."

   The little fox squinted his eyes and handed the coffee over: "What? I'm sorry, why isn't it Jezra?"

   "It's not a pity, it's weird." Lorraine corrected the coffee and took a sip, "Cappuccino, or freshly cooked... Did I just fall asleep? Or just passed out?"

   "It is clear that only people who are fully committed to their work will be ignorant of the changes around them, my master captain." Carmen flew across the desk like a butterfly and sat down, "What are you going to do with the American branch?"

   "Of course I am preparing..." Halfway through, Lorraine's eyes widened, "No, how long have you been in?"

   "About an hour and seven minutes, you were still working on the files for Chuck at that time, and it seemed unsuitable to be interrupted."

"Then what?"

   "A serious man is like the most exquisite artwork. I decided to appreciate it for a while."

   "If you don't know your workload these days, I would almost suspect that you are crazy..." Lorraine rolled his eyes angrily, "I'm going to let Chuck organize a tour group in New York."

   "Sightseeing?" Carmen tilted his head, "Sightseeing...Miami?"

"The landscape here is beautiful, isn't it?" Lorraine was drinking coffee, and the old **** was there. "Generally speaking, when a new colonial town is established, the colonial empire will fill the population as quickly as possible, and establish the main body of the town. nationality."

"A loyal and belonging subject nation is the only magic weapon for rule. They can assimilate later settlers with their culture and beliefs, control public opinion, elect parliaments, become reliable militias in the face of war, and help rulers to guard. Towns, make the invaders pay the price."

   "The same applies in Miami."

   "Suppose we are treated as aboriginals, the kind of powerful aboriginal tribes that cannot be enslaved. Tucera wants to build a town in our habitat, and the only way is to turn us into citizens together."

"But doing so will create a problem. We will become the dominant nation in Miami. We will not only control all the land in the city, but also control the public opinion and council in the town, turning the city hall into a useful way of embodying our sense of governance. tool."

   "Tucella is a true patriot. Under the premise that his own interests are protected, the patriot has no reason to sit by and watch the tentacles of the motherland be used as a tool."

Lorraine stretched his waist: "According to our discussions with the town council, the current provisional council only lasts until December 31. An election committee will be established next year’s New Year’s Day. The town’s 23 council members will be allocated according to the number of registered population. Each district shall be independently elected according to the quota."

   "That is to say, as long as the number of Spanish immigrants exceeds our naturalized employees and family members before January 1 next year, the Spaniards will have a chance to occupy the parliamentary majority. The more they lead, the greater the chance of advantage."

"So we are likely to welcome a large number of Spanish immigrants at any time. Those bankrupt farmers, those businessmen who are confident in the development of Miami, and maybe our acquaintances, after all, there are 66 Spanish businessmen in the association, second only In Great Britain."

   "Didn't Sir Tussela tell me on the day of the establishment of the town that he wanted me to implement the construction of the sixth town of agriculture and animal husbandry as soon as possible.

   "I guess he was already thinking about immigration at that time, and he didn't care that a few rich planters could be born among them, just so that every Spaniard who crossed the ocean could support himself."

   Speaking of this, Lorraine paused: "So, what should we do? Reject?"

   "Miami's size and location destined that she will not become Drake's back garden, nor is it suitable for our family to manage like St. Dina. That is not conducive to the development of Miami, and we can't use so much land."

"On the other hand, as long as we don’t reject immigration, the current situation where we have the right to speak with land is temporary. As the population moves in, whether it is sold at a high price, sold at a low price, or given rewards, the land will always be diluted to the citizens. No one can stop him in his hands."

   "Combine these two points..."

  Carmen's eyes lit up suddenly: "I see, Caribbean!"

   "Sure enough, communicating with you will never create obstacles." Lorraine grinned happily, "What we have to do now is to adapt, meet, and try our best to profit from this wave of immigration."

"First, include the land and housing in Miami as a temporary reward from the Chamber of Commerce to encourage our employees to move in with their families. The Chamber of Commerce still has a large population surplus. At least until now, there are only less than 50 sailors in the direct fleet. settle down."

"Secondly, through the network of the American chapters, we will promote the bright prospects of Miami throughout the New World. Unlike the European chapters, the American chapters have a charisma throughout the Caribbean. They can bring us British and French people, as well as Central and Southern Europe. , The pioneers of Northern Europe..."

   "Compared with the large-scale British immigrants organized by the European chapter, the American chapter promotes the trend, and the immigrants move in spontaneously. It is not easy to make the sensitive Government House wary of us, but the demographic structure will also become complicated."

   "Once the demographic structure is complicated, the main nation is not easy to be born. Even if the Spanish are still the largest ethnic group in Miami, their influence will be minimized. For Miami, this is a good thing."

   Carmen twirled his eyebrows and pulled out the paper from the table, picked up a feather pen and wrote.

   After writing for a while, she discarded the pen and showed the newly drawn chart in front of Lorraine.

   "The population curve of the next stage."

   She pointed to the line with the highest initial and smallest fluctuation.

   "Miami has a registered population of 4,199, and Drake's employees and family members of 3,775. The city hall does not have such clear data, and we must also consider our growth. To ensure a population advantage, they will definitely treat it as 4,200."

   "According to the move in which is most beneficial to them, before the establishment of the Election Committee on January 1 next year, the Spanish Pioneers will move more than 4,200 people, totaling 4,500, and an average of 1,500 per month."

   "There is also a population of American immigrants. Although this is not easy to estimate, according to the influence of the Hundred Chambers of Commerce and Drake's word-of-mouth, it can barely apply the gradual transfer model, with a total estimate of 2000."

   "That is to say, in the next three months, Miami will usher in the peak of naturalization ~ By the end of December, the registered population is likely to exceed 10,000, and most of them will move in at the same time as naturalization."

   "By next year, the population growth rate after the election season will definitely slow down significantly, but because it is mainly the American pioneers and our employees, it is estimated that the monthly average will be 800 to 1,000."

"In 1787, Miami will become a large town with a registered population of 20,000 and a permanent population of close to 40,000! At that time, the town council must be expanded. Whether Spain wins or loses in the first election, it will no longer be possible by then. Master the majority..."

   Carmen jerked his head out from behind the paper, and stared at Lorraine with great excitement.

   "Captain, this is the only big wave in the history of the colonial development of the New World, and it is a great opportunity for us to cash in on investment!"

   She stood up with a grunt.

   "Before Christmas, all the staff in the asset management company will be on duty, and the part-time staff will no longer accept the call of the main department! You have to support me!"

   Lorraine couldn't help but froze.

   Carmen who saw a business opportunity was too scary. It was not like going to do business at all, it was more like going to war, fighting a big battle.

   He touched his nose with a look of breathlessness: "Then what...Apart from full-time in asset management companies, many part-time jobs hold important positions in various departments..."

   "Anyway, you don't have any big action plans lately! And a round of ordinary land sales or a business opportunity comparable to New Orleans, even if there is a big action, it is worth shelving for this time!"

   "Uh...I will greet the departments..."

   "I will move back to live today!" The perfect lady was full of vigor, "From now on, there is the flagship!"