Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 598: Robin

Text 0598 The Robin Who Announced Dawn

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Oriosha woke up amidst the singing of cheerful birds, and saw the bright star in the clear night sky shining on the dome at dawn.

There was warm heat from the hand, she lowered her head to see her brother's big hand gently wrapping her hand, and looking up along the solid arm, she saw the immature and firm face again.

My brother's eyes were gray-blue, and they were obviously bleak, but at this moment they were brighter than the Venus before dawn.

"Brother, is the robin calling?"

"Yes." Kolinsky's voice was softer than ever, softer than his hands. "The bird who knows is more diligent, will announce the dawn before dawn, and scream in the deep night."

"Unfortunately I have never seen them..."

"You've seen it." Kolinsky released his hand and stroked Oryosha's long hair lightly. "North America is even brighter blue, which is very different from the description in the book. You often look at fences, bushes and mailboxes. I just didn't recognize them."

"So it was them..." Oriosha laughed wearily, "I only know that their hair was originally brown. When **** was crucified, they flew to Jesus' ears to sing to relieve Jesus' pain, **** The blood on the robins stained their **** and feathers bright red."

"That's what Zhigen looked like in Europe. When they came to America, they became blue, the color of freedom."

"The color of freedom... that's great."

An innocent smile appeared on Oriosha's face, and Kolinsky couldn't help but scratched the tip of her upturned nose, which caused a wave of dissatisfaction complaints.

"Oliosha, you may never have seen the appearance of robins carefully. They are small, only as big as the palms of their hands, covered in bright fluffy hairs, and they are born with a moving voice."

"They take off from the warm south every spring, flying fifty to sixty kilometers every day, from the south to the north, and back to the south at the end of autumn."

"They only have short beaks and slender claws, but they are not afraid of animals that are stronger than them. When I was a child, Roy wanted to steal their bird eggs, and one of them flew out more bravely, using wings and claws. Beat him until he overwhelmed Roy and ran away, beating him for more than a full minute."

"They are strong, even if they are weak, they are still strong, just like the two of us."

"elder brother……"


The sound of a collision came from the cowl. Oriosha's words were interrupted by a depressed cry. Then the car shook, and the frightened driver Ola opened the door of the car.

"Master! I... Damn! I actually fell asleep while driving!"

Oryosha was visibly nervous, and Kolinsky patted his sister's hand lightly, sat upright with his waist raised, and put his hand on the hilt of the saber without a trace.

"Ola, do you remember what happened before and after falling asleep?"

The loyal servant didn't suspect him, and frowned, thinking hard, "I remember... I was driving on Levere Street, driving as fast as usual... Then I suddenly became sleepy for some reason... and then... And then...Where is this..."

Kolinsky let go of the hilt and patted Ola’s sturdy arm freely: "Ola, you are fine. We have been going to a banquet these days. You are probably tired, but even if you fall asleep, you are still Stop the car carefully and not frighten Oriosha."


"It's true." Kolinsky looked into his eyes. "Look carefully around. It's very close to home. We just drove into the small woods of the city park, allowing Oresa and I to enjoy the peace all night. Time."

Ola was obviously relieved, but just after looking at the sky, he immediately became nervous again: "Oh my God, how long have I slept? Actually, the sky is almost bright!"

"About three hours? It may be shorter. After all, I pawned a pocket watch the day before yesterday, it is difficult to accurately grasp the time."


Of course Ola knew that Kolinsky's pocket watch was pawned, because it cost money to communicate, and the money the family prepared for Kolinsky's brothers and sisters was far from enough to support their frequent banquets.

The pocket watch is just one of the things they have lost. The things they have accumulated for more than ten years have been used for the past three years. Only the absolutely indispensable things are left, such as this carriage and the only dress on Kolinsky. , There are only a few sets of dresses and matching jewellery that Oriosha has.

But the money will always be spent...

Before Oriosha got married, they could not escape the curse of the deficit just by relying on the family's petty expenses and Kolinsky's salary, which was the same as that of the workers.

Ola shook her head heavily: "Master, I will drive the car back quietly. You must not let your aunt find out that the lady is not coming home at night!"

"It's okay." Kolinsky stroked the wall of the carriage. "Ola, go and sell the carriage tomorrow."


"Oreosha and I decided to start a long trip in the near future and go to two different places. Oriosha has no experience of living alone, so I hope you will accompany her and protect her. The money is your living expenses, Sell ​​as valuable as possible."

Ola's eyes were completely split: "Master! Is your aunt finally chasing you and the young lady out of the house? She wants you to separate! God will curse that vicious She has been detained. Given your living expenses and Young Master's salary, don't you want to let you go!"

"Calm down, Ola." Kolinski smiled mildly. "It's Oliosha and I's own decision to travel far, just like a robin. Only when you open your wings can you see a new world."

"You and the young lady's own decision? Master, master... Did he allow the master?"

"I haven't convinced him yet, but I will certainly convince him." Kolinski clenched Oryosha's hand, "just after dawn, I will talk to him before breakfast."

"He needs to know that the sons and daughters of the cook have grown up. Although they are only the product of his temporary joy, he has not done too much of his father's responsibilities in the past sixteen years... But we still love him more than anyone in that family. Love him more and more useful."

Ola finally noticed the changes in her young master.

This wise man has always used his indulgence and humbleness to conceal his young master that exudes an amazing light like a cocooned butterfly, as if the haze of life has been swept away, and the whole person is full of confidence and strength.

Ola believes that no one can defeat such a young master.

"Master..." he asked hesitantly, "I...I really just fell asleep, right? This is not a paradise similar to a city park, is it?"

"Of course this is not heaven, and I can't go to heaven anymore." Kolinsky exhaled deeply. "This is the world, a world that is more cruel and ruthless than purgatory. It is also the place where the robins leave their nests..."

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