Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 601: Women who don't lie

Text 0601 Women who don't lie

The ball is getting higher and higher, and the atmosphere is getting lower and lower.

Halfway through the dance party at 8pm, the big figures who really have the right to talk have finished the first round of ceremonial dance, and finally they can hand over the dance floor to young people who don't know how to be hungry and get together to talk about something beautiful and beautiful.

Green led Sieg into a circle of six, Da Ma leaned back on the sofa and lightly lit a cigar.

Fur tycoon old Smantz gasped and coughed: "Damn old hammer, it's about to pinch your smoke!"

"What do you know? Coughing helps to clear the phlegm in your lungs. I don't know the old butcher." Green lazily pinched off his cigarette butt. "The whole town is telling you about your life soon, which means that quitting smoking and drinking can be cured. Not good for your illness. You need some special stimulation, like young women, Indian scalps, and Cuban cigars."

"I will live longer than you!" Old Smantz sipped, raised his head, and looked at Sieg behind Green weirdly, "You just said young woman, didn't it..."

"Shut up your stinky mouth, old thing. Even if the Son of Liberty is incorporated into the Continental Army, the people of Kidalil will not be something you can covet."


Sig smiled: "Sirs, I'm Sigrit, Sigrit Christina Theresia, I'm Mr. Kidalil's tutor, and the chairman of Boston's Spring Girls' School."

Green said: "There is a famous educator lady in Boston. She came to Hartford this time to establish a branch campus. In addition, Kidalil admires her intelligence very much, and I am willing to guarantee that she has our plus It's an incomparable mind."

"Unexpectedly, Miss is actually a wise man..."

Green asked for a glass of spirits passing by and took a gulp: "Miss Theresia, what do you think about the unattainable Ms. Xavier?"

"Is a very proud beauty." Sieg sipped a faint cider, "After that amazing toast, I think she just danced with Mr. Governor politely for a short period of time, and then kept sitting. There. In this more than an hour, she probably rejected 30 people?"

"She's waiting for someone, but no one she really wants to see will find her." Green picked up the cigar again, thought for a while, and threw it back. "Ms. Teresia, you know what I want to ask."

"Want to hear me tell the truth?" Sieg narrowed his eyes.


"The truth is, what the lady said is the truth." Sieg put down the delicate glass, "The 600,000-level project is not something that gentlemen can afford, especially the construction period of this project is as long as 20 years. There is no doubt that you will be dragged down by the long investment period even if you barely participate in this year."

"The so-called bright future is also true. With the development of the steel city plan, Hartford is destined to become a hot spot for investment. Drake’s 600,000 pounds will attract countless 600,000 pounds, and a super chaebol will attract More super chaebols."

"This must be prosperous. Wharves, ports, highways, and even the few railways in the entire New World will connect here with the entire world. People living here will enjoy the huge dividends of the development of cities and towns. Everyone can Sit back and enjoy it."

The beautiful blueprint was presented in front of the present without warning. They involuntarily sank in. Only Mr. Green, who had been in contact with Sieg for two days, seemed to have heard something else from Sieg’s cold tone. .

He asked tentatively: "So... we should welcome her and wait for Drake's money to flow in, and then gold will fall into our pockets?"

"Probably." Siger rubbed the rim of the cup with his fingertips. "The gentleman with this idea...probably will die soon."


"Of course it is not really dead. Although I do not rule out that possibility, most of the gentlemen present here should only become ordinary rich or poor. When you are excluded from the new Hartford, I use Shouldn't the word die be considered accurate?"

Green woke up, and so did the tycoons who occupied Lewell Street.

"Does Miss Teresia think we will lose in the next competition?"

"Don't you imagine that you won't lose? In a commercial city full of super chaebols and their allies, do you still imagine that your little league will be unbreakable forever?"

Sig laughed playfully.

"Mr. Governor must have seen this ending. After all, he is a politician. His family will never be dragged down by the fighting in the next two decades. Instead, they can rely on the rapid development of this city and this state to accumulate sufficient politics. Capital, try to challenge higher life achievements."

"The people in the city are also on the opposite side of you. They are originally insignificant rich and poor people. They are the group of people who can really enjoy their lives in Drake's plan. You can't let them reject Drake, or even you want to fight against Germany. Rick, they will become your enemies without hesitation."

"As for you..." Sig looked at the tycoons in the circle playfully, "Should you give your destiny to the unknowable future? Or should you bet on the irresistible present?"

"Actually only now..." Old Smantz's throat made a hissing sputum, "I'm just a small fur merchant. According to legend, there are more than 600,000 possessions, but the real cash is less than ten. ten thousand."

"I don't think I can survive the chaos of those big chaebols. On the contrary, now, as long as Drake's money does not really flow into Hartford, this is still our Hartford."

Green retakes the picture on the coffee table in front of him: "It’s time to act, gentlemen. We control 16 of the 23 seats in the city council and 20 of the 63 seats in the state council, as long as we Together, Drake’s pounds won’t flow into Hartford."

"Let the Brits go back to England. We have fought for eight years, and now... it's just a continuation of the War of Independence!"

"God bless us."

"God bless us."

"God bless us!"

A few tycoons left the table one after another, raising their cups and blending into other circles naturally.

There was a warm waltz on the dance floor, and the young people laughed and hugged them together. Just watching it made people feel intimate.

Green didn't move, and Sig didn't move.

She stood quietly behind Green, folded her hands on her lower abdomen, and looked at the dancing young people with a smile.

"I made some bad incitement just now, Mr. Green."

"Incitement?" Green frowned. "Did your analysis just now be panic?"

"No, no, I swear to God when I was a teenager, if there is no life or death, I will never lie to anyone in my life, and I will keep the virtue of honesty."

"Then what is the incitement you are talking about?"

"Some verbal misleading, such as... die."

"You explained that it was not real death."

"That's why I said it was misleading. These symbolic words representing the state of the family are alive or dead."

"Most of the gentlemen on Levi’s Street focus on the manufacture of raw materials for rough processing, such as your family operating crude iron embryos, Mr. Smantz’s family operating furs, and Mr. Tomiloff in the parking lot, who specializes in wool yarns. "

"You are the backbone of the downstream in the industrial chain. You need to invest a lot of labor, arrange extensive warehousing, and bear high freight. The actual profit rate is far inferior to the precision industry and the most upstream manufacturing."

"For those large chambers of commerce, you are necessary and valuable. Squeezing your living space will not bring them profits, but will make their structure bloated and redundant, reducing administrative efficiency and increasing administrative costs. "

"I guess most of you... as long as you are not stupidly obstructing or provoking your invincible enemies...Most of the business will survive, and some will even be better than now. Of course, seats in parliament must be handed over. ."

"However, under the big wave, the sacrifice of political benefits in exchange for economic benefits is a situation that is at best called surviving for the family, and it should be far from being called death."

Mr. Green was holding the wine glass, looking both puzzled and shocked: "Since...Since...Why is Miss Teresia?"

"Because assuming that 16 Levi will survive at least 15, you must be the only one to die. There is no second possibility."

Cang Dang!


"Because looking at North America and the great Drake Chamber of Commerce has never been involved in the steel industry. Large chambers of commerce will not start from scratch like small and medium chambers of commerce when they enter new fields. Not in line with efficiency."

"Their business method is very simple. They find a high-quality chamber of commerce that can be used as a basis, acquire or destroy it, absorb its mature management, workers and equipment, inject capital, reorganize, and expand its scale."

Sieg smiled and looked at Carmen who was sitting alone in the distance: "Now, Mr. Green, do you know why the Drake Chamber of Commerce chose Hartford instead of New Haven with excellent shipping conditions?"

Green turned around like an evil spirit.

"We must not let that woman succeed! The Brits go back to England, Hartford can drive them away once, and can drive them away a second time! We are very united!"

"Ah... unity..."

The kind of joking, ironic, such as the reproduction of the whispering voice of the little devil in mythology when he is playing a prank.

With just the right amount of surprise on Sig's face, he opened his eyes wide, covered his mouth, and directed Green's gaze in the direction of Carmen Xavier with the greatest effort.

Carmen ushered in the first batch of heavyweight visitors tonight, the textile tycoon Ivicki Tomilov of Levi's Street and his family chatted and laughed happily with her.

We are extremely united...

Mr. Green seemed to hear echoes from deep in his mind.

We can get rid of them once, we can get rid of them a second time...

As long as we are united, Drake’s pounds won’t flow into Hartford...

As long as we unite...

The dam broke.


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