Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 606: Affection

Lime traced the outline of a human figure on the carpet, a measuring tape was attached to the trajectory of the sofa retreating, and the coffee table was also isolated with a bright yellow warning tape.

Sharon was making tea for Carmen and Henna behind the small bar, preparing a lot of milk and a lot of sugar. Faramin smiled and took the sheriff out of the room, waving his hand like a magic trick, and the small cloth bag lay in the uniform. Pockets.

The room fell silent all at once.

Henna stood quietly by the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching seven or eight people rushing from the house behind to the direction of the hotel lobby, closing the curtains very bored.

"Unexpected?" she asked.

"It's really negligence." Carmen looked a little annoyed. "Lorraine told me to guard Sieg before I came. He said that her heart is purer than the devil, and she is best at picking up the desires in her heart, and she never considers allies. Safety."

"The resultist, does that mean?"

"Yes..." Carmen took Sharon's new tea, tore a few sugar packets, and threw it aside irritably. "This is a contest. Sieg said he didn't like to let allies know her arrangements. I thought she was I wanted to see if I could grasp her progress through clues, but she didn't expect that she only needed a bunch of dolls that were thrown away when they were used up."

"That Roy Green?"

"There are also us, Biloni Green, and Tomirov's brothers and sisters selected and recommended by her."

"But she did do her own thing." Hina pulled out the invitation letter from the pile of papers on the desk. "Let Biloni Green personally deliver the invitation letter to us, which sounded the Green family by the way. The death knell. Just like in Martinique, as long as you guard against her backlash, she will always be trustworthy."

Carmen bulged his cheeks and glared at Henna: "It's rare to hear you say so much. Today is also the first time I have seen you move in compassion."

Henna glanced at Sharon: "Sharon, go help Flaming."

Sharon knew that her two prospective sister-in-laws were about to line up again. She stuck her tongue out and flew as if she ran out of the door. She didn't forget to close the door and handle it gently.

Only Carmen and Henna were left in the room.

Henna walked to Carmen and sat down, first helped Carmen tore open the sugar packet and handed it over, and then began to add milk to her tea.

"Lorraine may not have mentioned his first business trip to you, and went to Cherbourg to sell vegetables with Pierce's father."

"I'm sorry, I mentioned it."

"Then you must know that Pierce's father stabbed Lorraine, and when he pierced his chest, he also threw Lorraine into the sea."


"Lorraine ran to rescue him when he woke up, but we were late and only killed everyone involved in that incident."

Carmen listened in a daze, without even noticing that the sugar packet was empty.

"Young people are always impulsive, when Lorraine was about the same age as Kolinsky now. I think if people at this age can sell their relatives and friends for the future, such a person, no matter how good, is not worthy of being reused. "

Carmen finally recovered and bit his lip: "Kolinski lacks experience and determination. He may be smart, but in essence he is still a rich man."

"The Tomilov family and the Drake family are not comparable. If Kolinsky has the potential to become the next Lorraine, you will not give him a chance."

"Hey!" Carmen snorted, and as soon as he was about to say something, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Manager!" Flaming shouted outside the door, "The latest news, the Green family announced that the illegitimate son Roy Green Robber has escaped and has already driven him out of the house. Time...before Roy Green arrives at the hotel!"

Carmen’s eyes flashed a shining, angry light: "Sigritia, you had a great time..."

"What's the matter?" Hina stirred the milk tea strangely, "she calculated you again?"

"Not a calculation." Carmen sneered. "She just thought we were in the way and ordered us to disappear from Hartford immediately."

This level of intellectual dialogue completely exceeded Hina's level of understanding. Hina tried to take a sip of tea, but was not satisfied.

"Sig's hand in expelling Roy from the Greens?"

"The Green family expelled Roy in advance. From a ritual point of view, my assassination can no longer be counted on the Green family. Even because it was announced in advance, Bironi Green can completely claim that he had the feelings earlier, just because Without evidence, this reminded me to be careful by expelling my son."

"I will stay in Hartford and wait if I agree with Billoni Green’s explanation. In other words, if Drake wants to continue to put pressure on the Green family and continue to create conditions for Seag’s operation, the only thing I can do is The choice is to go, the faster and the faster the better."

"Only leaving the field can I tell Old Green that I have seen through this awkward trick. The Drake Chamber of Commerce and the Green Chamber of Commerce will become enemies of life and death, and no one wants to be spared!"

"So... she even thought about the way to leave the field for you..."

"How else do you say that she is having fun?" Carmen held up the armrest of the sofa with a wicked stomach, and said to Hina after a few times, "Help me up!"

Hannah raised her eyebrows in a different place: "Are you frightened by Roy to make your legs weak?"

"You only have soft legs!"

Carmen stood up with a shriek, shook, and sat down again.

This is really worse than staying still.

Carmen leaned weakly on the sofa with a flushed face: "I am in a non-war post, and you, a woman who can only fight and! One! The same!"


Unfamiliar ceiling...

Roy opened his eyes and didn't move.

A black shadow swayed in the corner of the light, Ola glanced at him, and hurriedly ran out of the house happily.

"Master! Thank God, Master Roy is finally awake!"

As he shouted, Roy heard a few rapid and messy footsteps, and a burst of osmanthus scent rushed into the room, and then, Xiangyu was full.

Roy grunted in pain, and the painful grunt turned into a blunt smirk. He raised his arm with difficulty and put it lightly on the hair of the jade in his arms.

"Oliosha, you are about to crush me to death..."

"Ah!" Oriosha sat up in a panic, feeling helpless, flushing.

Roy twisted his neck laboriously, moved a little, and saw Corinth leaning against the old log wall with his poker face.

"Bah, traitor." He cursed coldly.

"The Egyptian woman who kicked your sword off is called Heina Jezra, and the pirates call her the rosette, because in the Caribbean, the desert rose is the symbol of the pirate king."

"so what!"

"If my sword is not stabled, Jezra's short knife will cut your throat. According to legend, the person she wanted to kill never escaped. That knife will cut your trachea, throat, and blood vessels, even if God It is impossible to save you by going down in person."

"I said, so what!"

Kolinsky was silent for a while: "At 2:05 pm on July 3, it was almost the time when you begged me to take you to see Ms. Xavier. Your good brother Tykir asked to see the mayor and declared that you had stolen the value. Thousands of pounds of the collection are missing. Because this is not the first time you have stolen property from your home, your father couldn't bear it and decided to expel you from the house."

Roy's pupils shrank suddenly: "How could...this...this is impossible! This is a conspiracy!"

"Tykir submitted your father's autograph ~ and officially registered it in the Household Registration Section of the City Hall. It was with this registration that the Green family was eluded of the assassination of Ms. Xavier. The Public Security Department has officially issued a reward for this case. You are the principal offender and I am the coordinator."

"...Let me be quiet, can you?"

Oriosha held Roy's hand worriedly: "Brother Roy..."

"Leave me alone, Oriosha."

"In order to take care of you, Oriosha has used her living expenses for the next few years to hire the most serious black doctor, and sleeps next to your bed every day for the past few days." Kolinsky said word by word, "or else. Let her accompany you, otherwise, I will kill you, use your corpse to wash your sins, and change her living expenses, you choose."

"...Whatever you..."

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