Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 608: On departure

Body 0608

Scavengers in the dark night

On July 15, 1786, Boston Wesley Street Bar, Munich.

The pub Munich is the pub run by Lieutenant Borg. It is famous for its authentic Munich beer in the North District. It is not only one of the offices of the Royal Secret Service in Boston, but also the joint selected by Sig in this auction commission. Place.

However, it is said that it is the joint location, but it is actually only the first time it has been activated today.

At 10:15 in the evening, the tavern attendant opened the door of the private room, and Sieg walked in in a bright pink dress and showed a big smile to Lorraine and his party.


"Miss Lieutenant Colonel... this is a mouthful." Lorraine held the glass, "Miss, you are 15 minutes late."

"God has given beautiful women the sacred right to be 15 minutes late." Sieg held up his slender neck, "Because this world belongs to your men, in order to please you, we always waste a lot of 15 minutes to dress up before going out. beauty."

"Since even your God thinks the world is man's, he probably won't allow you to waste man's time deliberately." Lorraine opened the chair, "please sit down."

Sieg sat down with a smile: "It sounds like your Niold doesn't approve of the rule of men?"

"Men rule the sea, women rule the land. The Viking society is very simple, as long as the world is Viking, we do not impose the ruler's gender."

"However, the great kings of the Vikings seem to be all men, and the women who rule the land have never really received a scepter."

"That's because of their own choice, just like my mother." Lorraine recalled the heartfelt happy smile on Heinalun and Elijah when they were together. "But I can understand it, it's a matter of course for them. The choice is indeed unreasonable to you. After all, you have always been a great woman with a difference."

"I finally understand why I am so bored with you." Sieg opened his eyes, "Sure enough, nothing needs a reason. Sometimes, boredom is boredom."

Lorraine laughed, stroking his chest slightly and bowing: "I'm so glad we finally found a consensus on cooperation. So, what has happened to Hartford these days when Carmen left?"

"The Super Ironworks project is a terrible name. Obviously I have suggested that Mr. Billoni Green think of a majestic name comparable to the steel city, but his imagination does not allow him to do so."

Sig shakes his palm to vomit.

"In general, he claims that he has found a funder and is willing to provide support for this large-scale project."

"Provide support?"

"The most basic capital guarantee and the top technical guarantee enough to keep the project running, and the investment guidance enough to make the book funds stable and value-added are collectively referred to as project support."

"New Testament Green Gospel?"

"Aren't you afraid of being condemned?" Siger rolled his eyes. "In short, Mr. Green, who was supported, launched an unlimited financing in Hartford. He promised investors 7 days and a 40% return efficiency. The first phase of financing 87 pounds 6 shillings, the second phase ends at 7 p.m. on July 12, the financing amount is 996 pounds 12 shillings 8 pence."

Lorraine's eyebrows couldn't help but raised: "It's really a good city for profit!"

"Who knows." Sig shrugged. "I just passed the plan you prepared to Mr. Green as written. I don't know much about business principles or his determination to snare himself."

"Because your Lord says that greed for money is the root of all evil."

"I'm fed up!" Sieg's face was full of bored colors. "I have done my job. Don't tell me you haven't finished your work."

"The Drake Chamber of Commerce never disappoints collaborators." Lorraine took a sip of beer in his cup. "After returning from Hartford, Carmen arranged for someone to register for admission."

"The auction system is more interesting than I thought. The invitation letter requires us to complete the registration at the Morgan Chamber of Commerce before the 18th, and replace it with an anonymous ticket in Boston. This means that until we are outside. Immediately before Ruster landed, even the Morgan Chamber of Commerce did not know who would actually appear at the Sanctuary Villa."

"We also got a chart specially used for navigation instructions." Lorraine pulled out a roll of parchment from his feet, spread it out on the table, and explained by pointing to the curve on it. "Along the main channel of Massachusetts Bay, we were caught It is required to detour northward at the east end of Xiaogeyan Island and stop at Pier 17 on the south bank of Wairost Island."

Sieg held his chin and looked at it for a long time: "Pier 17?"

Lorraine shrieked and opened the second picture, this time it was a detailed land map of Werust.

"The Morgan family built a total of 30 small single-stack or double-stack piers along the shoreline of the island, which are not adjacent to each other and are not visible. There are beach villas for guests to use on the piers, as well as special forest roads and islands. The sheltered villa in the center is connected."

"The opening time of Waijuste Island is July 19th, and the auction will start on July 20th and last for two days. Three auctions are held every day, morning, midday and night, and the auction ends after six. The island’s closing time is July 28. Compared with the tight schedule before the meeting, it is obviously looser after the meeting."

"Then... During the auction, the ship's access is allowed, which means that we can not only choose to participate in one or several of the six auctions, but also freely choose the time of landing and outlying islands."

Sig raised his eyebrows: "Which scene is the design of the Fury?"

"I don't know." Lorraine rolled up the map slowly, "The list and introduction of the lot will be sent to the mailbox of the villa by the Morgan Chamber of Commerce 2 hours before each auction. Only the organizer knows the list until then."

"Are they really businessmen?" Sieg asked depressedly. "They don't seem to care about anything except secrecy."

"They really don't care." Lorraine said, "Because the secrecy of the auctions is relative, especially for some heavyweight auctions, as early as a few months ago, the work of publicity and momentum has been spread through various channels."

"So the people at the auction come with a goal, perhaps their own, or perhaps acting as agents of other people or forces like us."

"People who have no goals will take the initiative to withdraw, such as Mr. Green in Hartford. Those who are weak will be attacked. In the competition for the survival of the fittest, only wealthy and smart enough businessmen can step on the beach of Wairunst. ."

"The invitation letter competition is the first auction of the Morgan Chamber of Commerce. Those who have obtained the qualifications are ready to compete with others. The complete list of lots and the order of bidding are secondary in this auction. Morgan The Chamber of Commerce sees this clearly before disclosing such core information at the end."

Sig had to admit that business warfare was indeed an area she was not familiar with. Although it was inseparable from its origin, once the details were involved, she was still a little bit reluctant in the continuity of intelligence.

The experts in this area are Lorraine and his team.

"Listen to your arrangements for the auction." Sieg gave up thinking, "The last thing, how about those pirates?"

"Those pirates..." Lorraine pondered for a while, "It is very likely that we will encounter an attack on the way to the venue..."


At the same time Royal Navy Dockyard in Bermuda.

The once glorious anchor port of the mainland fleet retreated to become the resident of the security fleet. The owner of the year was the same as the guests of today.

Shaq's fingers gently wiped the mimeographed text until it touched the edge of the paper, squeezed it up, and threw it into the brazier.

"Emmons, what is the source of this information?"

"An old friend of mine in Nassau, he is one of the guardians of the Code of the Sea Brotherhood."

"Those retired old pirates?"

"Most of it is true, but my friend is just a cowardly coward, he is not very old."

Shaq frowned tightly: "Do you think it is possible for a coward to be involved in this ambitious plan?"

"The reason why he was involved may be because of cowardice, Lord General. The Brotherhood at Sea has a special place in the Caribbean. Ambitious pirates can leave most of the guardians, but not all of them."

"Unexpected surprise..."

Shaq groaned, and slowly raised his head until the flames in the basin cleared.

"Tell Lieutenant Colonel Amani that I need the Neptune to complete preparations for sailing within two hours."


"Arrange for someone to bring my letter of apology to Sir Hashid in Kingston, tell him I am sorry, and wish him good health."


"Order, the Neptune will immediately interrupt the original plan of patrol and return north to Newfoundland. This order, third class."

Emmons slapped his legs and stood at attention: "The order is received, third-class combat readiness! The HMS Neptune, a member of the North American fleet, go north and go home!"

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