Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 610: At home

Text 0610 Home away from home

"Lower the bow sail!"

"Lower the horizontal sail!"

"Half a sail!"

"Left rudder for one and a half degrees! Hold on! Return rudder!"

"Straighten the hull! Lower the anchor and prepare the cable!"

"The bow of the ship enters the berth, and the sail is lowered!"

"Touch the shore!"

A light vibration came from the deck below. Amidst the shouts of the sailors, Valkyrie’s four anchors were launched into the water one by one, and thick cables were thrown from the ship. The knot is on the pile.

The ship stopped, the plank of the ship connected the towering sides and plank roads together, Lorraine wearing a tuxedo swept across his seamen with an umbrella and sword, and ordered softly.

"Henna, Carmen, Karen, Leif, Sharon, and Edley disembarked with me. The main ship was Bell and Acharin was the deputy. During the auction, the sailors had to order to disembark the ship."

Everyone is Zhengsu: "Yes!"

After arranging the ship's affairs, Lorraine elbows at Sieg in the dress: "Lieutenant Colonel Teresia?"

"When on the island, please call me Sig, Master Drake." Sig climbed over with a tail, gently hooked Lorraine's wrist, and let the lace of the glove rub on Lorraine's skin, "I have already I was fascinated by the golden pound. When to eat me, it's all within your thoughts."

"It's really exciting." Lorraine lowered his head and shook his sleeves. "Since I am called Master, please use you like a competent employee."

"You are boring, sir."

"You played too hard, Lieutenant Colonel."

"You are not allowed to call me a lieutenant colonel. That is a special service for you, sir."

"You are not allowed to call you Lieutenant Colonel, I see, Lieutenant Colonel."

The gluey lover snuggled down and stepped off the boat. Behind them, the five-big and three-bodied Karen had a pale face as if he was seriously ill.

"Carmen... I don't know if it was my illusion. When the two of them were brought together, I always felt that the wind had become stronger..."

"Who knows." Carmen carried the bag gracefully. "Maybe both of them have a bad premonition. Sigrit repeatedly emphasized that we should take the main responsibility in this matter, and the captain's attitude is also very clear. If something goes wrong, they will definitely use them as the top bag."

"Yes...Is that so?" Karen's eyes widened.

"Relax, Karen, there are only three of them." Carmen slapped Karen on the arm, looking very concerned. "If the situation is so bad that they need them to face the crime, they will take it bravely, because there is no resistance. significance."

"Is... so?"


Lorraine and Sieg disembarked affectionately and walked across the long plank road. From a distance, Lorraine popped an octagonal gold coin towards the pilot.

The gold coins made a nice buzzing sound and accurately landed on the pilot's hand. The pilot skillfully caught it, stuffed his pocket skillfully, skillfully put on a standard business smile, and bowed deeply to the two of them.

"Welcome to Sanctuary Lodge, Honorable Master Drake, the Morgan Chamber of Commerce sincerely appreciates your presence."

"I can recognize Pansy Citi..." Lorraine nodded in return, "Mister was temporarily transferred from Boston?"

"The staff of the Asylum Villa rarely leave the island before the completion of the contract. Including me, we are only required to remember the flags of the top 50 chambers of commerce in each invited country."

"Need for confidentiality?"

"Morgan just wants every guest to get the best experience."

"I feel good." Lorraine nodded and thanked again. "Will someone take me to the villa?"

"Here, please, Mr. Drake." The pilot turned to lead. "Your villa was cleaned yesterday, and there are no servants left. The ice room is full of ice, and the water warehouse is empty."

"Please convey my gratitude to your president again, I am flattered by her hospitality."

"That's what we should do."

With unsatisfactory social rhetoric, the pilot quickly guided Lorraine and his party to a villa on the coast fifty meters away.

The location of the villa has obviously been specially selected. The two-storey wooden building is trapped in the parcel of tall trees, and there is a small and clear spring in front of it. Except for the open side towards the sea, the remaining three sides are hidden. It is impossible to be seen by others, nor is it possible to see others.

Lorraine stopped in front of the door, and Edley immediately stepped forward, pushing in with ten savvy sailors.

This kind of inspection may be unnecessary, and to some extent it is also disrespectful to the host Morgan Chamber of Commerce.

But there was no dissatisfaction on the pilot's face, he just waited quietly until Edley returned his troops to return.

"As this gentleman said, the president, the room is very clean, there are no people, and no consumables." He thought for a while, lowering his voice, "The basement is very complicated. There is not only an ice room, but also There is a large vault and a tunnel that leads directly to the plank road. The exit is at the pilot's hut on the side of the plank road."

Lorraine couldn't help but glanced at the pilot: "Sir, are you going to hand over the dock cabin to us?"

"If you need it, Pier 17 will be completely owned by you and your crew until the 28th. Morgan will not leave a single person."

"Welcome at home...Your chairman did it." Lorraine thanked again, and ordered Edley in front of the pilot, "Let the ship send down enough supplies for three All of his gold coins are piled into the vault. Besides, arrange to take over the dock house and conduct a thorough investigation of the basement, so as not to waste President Morgan’s care."


After the handover was completed, the pilot who had not introduced himself from beginning to end simply took away all the dock workers and handed over the empty dock intact to the Drake Chamber of Commerce.

Busy on the dock.

Lorraine boarded the top terrace of the villa alone, looking thoughtfully at the boundless sea in the distance.

"That pilot is probably not an ordinary employee, right?" Sieg's voice appeared abruptly behind him.

Lorraine nodded briefly: "He recognized me, but he inferred that he knew Drake's flag, not Valkyrie."

"There are indeed many reasons why a pilot who has lived on the island for a long time would know an armed merchant ship with such distinctive characteristics as Valkyrie, but the real pilot has no reason to hide it. This topic is not sensitive and can bring us closer. Relationship and strive for more tips."

Sig smiled clearly: "So, who is he?"

"Henna will tell me soon that there is no need to guess about this."

"Henna?" Sieg showed a surprised expression for the first time, "Can your Assassin be invisible in the daytime?"

"Stealth is an assassin's instinct. It has nothing to do with light. What's more, the island is full of jungles and trees, and the sun can't take care of many places."

"It's a convenient instinct..." Siger narrowed his mouth enviously. "Change the subject, how much money did you bring?"

"Two hundred and sixty thousand pounds," Lorraine said. "It weighs almost two tons if it is folded into pure gold."


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