Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 615: Behind the orgasm

Text 0615 Behind the orgasm

Scavengers in the dark night

"Come, here! The first climax of this auction, the 12th and the 18th guest's free bid showdown!"

On the stage, the master of ceremonies used the most uplifting tone to hype the atmosphere, even if there was no normal uproar to respond, Lorraine could feel the heat wave rising.

The emcee took the envelope from the attendant and unfolded the note.

"Let's take a look at the report of the 12th guest..."

His pupils shrank, and there was a noticeable pause in his voice, but it quickly returned to its original position.

"It's amazing! 5,000 pounds! The 12th has an increase of 5,000 pounds, and the Shield of Thrud is now priced at 11,500 pounds!"

"Guest No. 18, what is your response? Thrud's Shield is 11,500 pounds, and there are even higher ones..."

"Free quotation!" The emcee's voice broke through an octave, and the attendants ran from the stage to the private room almost in the form of running.

Only a moment later, he took the quotation and declared loudly: "For the third consecutive free quotation, the price of Box 18 will be increased again by £2,000, £13,500!"

"But! Box No. 12 is 18,500 pounds." It was like deliberately hanging people's appetite. The last free quotation sound had not yet ended. The emcee immediately made a new quotation on behalf of Lorraine, still increasing the price by 5000.

Even at the auction site of Sanctuary Villa, there was an exclamation, because the emcee's offer was too fast this time, and it was almost time for the attendants to respond, until the end of the offer, he still stood in a visible place on the edge of the stage.

The venue was exclaiming. The exclaim was not a compliment to Lorraine, but a questioning of the hosting.

The emcee had anticipated the reaction of the venue and shook his hand and pulled out the previous Lorraine's quotation.

"According to the advance authorization of the VIPs in Box 12, regardless of the price on the 18th, the price will be increased by 5000 pounds in the next round!"

The exclamation stopped abruptly, and in the silence, only the emcee's passionate instigation.

"No. 18, or other hidden nobles, No. 12 seems to be determined to win the Shield of Thrud. Now it just depends on your determination."

"No. 12 Thrud's Shield 18500 pounds! 18500 pounds once, Thrud's Shield 18500 pounds twice, 18500...No. 18! 18800 pounds!"

Vibrating and singing, the emcee immediately lowered his voice like a fine score: "But it is still pre-authorized, 23,800 pounds in box 12!"


The voice of the emcee echoed in the box, high, with a little regret.

"Pound 23,800 once, Shield of Thrud 23,800 twice, Shield of Thrud in box 12, 23,800! Congratulations to the VIPs in box 12, fighting for the inheritance of Princess Branla Philotemira In the battle, you won the final victory!"

The applause was neither thick nor loud, but it was indeed a clear and sincere congratulation.

Lorraine stood up in applause, bowed to the stage and the invisible walls in return. After the ceremony, he smiled and stretched a lazy waist, turned around and said to everyone: "Go back, we are obviously overspending..."

This seems to be the most sincere summary. After all, no matter how precious a steel shield is, no matter how heavy the history is, no matter how complete the maintenance, and no matter how lost the craftsmanship, it is impossible to reach or exceed the value of a Tier 5 destroyer.

But Lorraine did such an unreasonable thing like a chicken blood, proposed a budget of nearly 30,000 pounds, and finally used 23,800 pounds to buy a "commodity" with a starting price of only 1,200 pounds.

From the moment the hammer fell, Leif was completely in a state of separation of spirits and souls, and his head was full of **** scenes of killing all quarters with the destroyer in his hand. He was ignorant of what was happening outside, even Lorraine’s decision. did not hear.

Karen gently stabs Leif in the waist from behind: "Captain, that shield...Should I say that the bidder has anything to care about?"

"Something worth paying attention to..."

The eighth lot on stage began to come on stage, Lorraine stopped and thought for a moment.

"Viking culture is a very strange thing." He said, "On the one hand, because of the prosperity of the Viking era, the descendants of Vikings spread throughout North and Central Europe, especially in the circle of nobility. The ratio is probably only a little less than that of the Roman nobles."

"The ancestors of the Normans were the Vikings, as well as the Anglo-Saxons and Germans, who also adhered to the Viking belief."

"But since the beginning of the religious reform in Northern Europe, the Viking leaders took the initiative to submit to God. The Viking culture suddenly became a taboo that the mainstream society could not touch. Viking was everywhere, and even the word Viking changed from its original national title. It has become this strange state that is similar to an adjective."

"Because of this, the Viking collection is destined to lack collection value and can only be disseminated and appreciated in a small circle. I guess the Morgan Chamber of Commerce saw this and set the starting bid of Thrud's Shield at a low price of 1,200 pounds. ."

"What is the value of Thrud's Shield? Without expert appraisal, we can only make a rough guess."

"For pure collectors or inheritors of Viking culture, the minority lacks premium and sharing space, so its psychological price will not exceed 3,000 pounds; for alchemists, because of the lost Viking Mithril Research value, its psychological price may double, which is 6,000 pounds."

"6000 pounds is the highest value that can be judged. It is equivalent to one and a half Brigentine or a bagg. The price is staggering, and the premium is also staggering."

"But there is another kind of person who won't be frightened by this price!" Lorraine gave Leif a deliberate look, "Berger."

"As the fanatics and destiny of the Viking faith, they have a sense of mission in their hearts. This sense of mission is especially strong in front of the legendary weapon of Thrud's Shield, and it is enough to make them fanatical, forget their interests, and do their best."

Karen suddenly realized: "That is to say... Box 18 is also a Berserker? Is there so many Berserkers now?"

"Not much." Leif shook his head in confusion, "Back then, there were nearly 10,000 Vikings in Stavanger, but the only berserkers who really awakened were me and Bonnet. Even the Jazz couldn't get the trick to berserk~ eighteenth box..." Karen slowly opened his eyes.

Leif woke up abruptly, shouted and stood up: "I'm going to find him!"

Henna stepped out from the shadows: "You are too cumbersome. I will go before I know it."

Lorraine shook his head: "It's daytime, and Henna is not suitable. The most suitable one among us is..."

Siegjiao smiled and took the conversation: "Harry, Ryan, how long will it take to dig out the identity of Box 18?"

Harry frowned: "What's the budget? It takes 12 hours for 500 pounds and 3 hours for 2,000 pounds."

"There is no upper limit." Lorraine replied softly, "Please use all your methods. I need to know if there are any enemies in the neighbors who disappear. The sooner the better."


After being full of military temperament, Harry and Ryan immediately returned to the dock with Sharon. They need to withdraw money first, and Sharon is Valkyrie's current accountant.

In order to be as unobtrusive as possible, Lorraine and the others left the box a full half an hour late.

Lorraine saw a familiar background outside the gate of the venue. It was the pilot with a different identity when they entered the port, who was turning to the front of the venue alone, which was the backstage of the stage.

Lorraine couldn't help stopping.

After a short pause, Henna held his shoulder to his ear: "I'll go."

Lorraine was silent for a moment: "Be careful of everything."

"It won't be discovered."

"After all, it is the territory of the emperor's family... I let Leif pick you up outside."

Henna thought for a while: "Let him hide as far as possible."


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