Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 622: Fierce battle

Text 0622 Battle

At 10:40 am on July 21, the HMS Neptune.

"The front is close to Xiaogeyan Island, the distance between the islands is 5 kilometers, the wind is southwest and south, strong wind, big waves!"

"Enter the headwind line, the speed is 1.5 knots, and the rudder applies for cutting wind sailing!"

Getting closer to Shaog Rock Island, the wind disturbed by the central mountain cut in from both sides of the island, destroying the original high-quality cutting angle of the Neptune.

The speed of the ship dropped suddenly, and Amani immediately received an application for a change of direction from the rudder.

He frowned and thought for a while: "The application is rejected, the front sail is lowered, the mainsail is lowered halfway, the stern is lowered, and the stern is full. Notice the rudder and stabilize the hull along the island to the west. It is important to be stable, and you don't need to deliberately. In pursuit of speed."


"Looking out, is there anything unusual about Werust?"

"The nearest distance to the southern coastline of Waijuste is 18 kilometers, and no abnormalities have been found for the time being!"

"Continue monitoring."


Kaojima's order was issued, and Amani recalled the order just now, confirming that he should not be lacking in stability.

It's just that there is no missing, no missing, what to do later, he actually has no idea in his heart.

I heard from Emmons that Shaq interrupted the original Kingston visit plan because he received reliable information that some pirates were going to disadvantage Lorraine during the auction of the Sanctuary Villa.

It is conceivable that the pirates must plan to make Shaq such a gaffe.

But where is Lorraine? In what form will the so-called disadvantage unfold?

Neptune is a first-class ship with only seven ships in Great Britain. Now it is sailing in the territorial waters of the United States without any permission. Will it alarm the US Navy? Will it cause diplomatic disputes?

Amani didn't know anything.

He gritted his teeth: "Anyway, you have to ask all questions before you get out of the cover of the island and completely expose your whereabouts."

"I am already a captain! Even if the general's hopes cannot be violated, the subordinates must know what risks they are taking!"

"That's it!"

After making up his mind, the competent Lieutenant Colonel Armani cleared his throat: "Go ask Lieutenant Colonel Raymond and tell him that he will be in charge of the deck in front of the island. I'm going there..."

"You don't need to delegate the command." Shaq did not know when he came behind Amani, stretched out his hand, and gently pressed the shoulder of the captain of the lieutenant colonel.

"Huh? General?" Amani was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted quickly, and quickly said to the messenger, "The order is cancelled, sir, please continue to stand by!"

The soldier thumped his chest and stood aside. Amani took a long sigh of relief and smiled bitterly to Shaq, turning and saluting: "Good morning, General!"

"Good morning." Shaq looked at the island's heart mountain not far away, and absently replied, "Lieutenant Colonel Amani, you have grown very fast, and you have begun to look like an excellent captain."

"Thank you General for training!"

"I'm just discussing the matter. You don't need to express gratitude." Shaq raised his finger to the island. "That's Shaogyan? The closest rock to Waijust?"

"Yes, General, now 18 kilometers away from Outerust, I have included the east, west and south in the observation range!" Armani raised his chest, "but there are many shelters on the rock island, and the view is limited. I have ordered Neptune to circle the island smoothly. , There will be more information soon."

"Stop going around the island." Shaq's gaze cruised across the island's skyline, "7 degrees east, do you see the gap? Neptune anchored there. The altitude is high enough for the island to be fine. The ground hides us, and it won’t obscure the sight of the lookout."

Amani blinked his eyes: "We... won't enter?"

"There is no smell of gunpowder in the air, and entering the venue now will only cause unnecessary diplomatic disputes." Shaq said, "and we are here to solve the problem. Just scaring the thief away can't solve any problems. They have to be cut off. Head, things can be done once and for all."



Lorraine failed to become the savior of the auction. Of course, he did not intend to play this ridiculous role, warming up Morgan's wallet with his own money.

The auction continued to be deserted. Following the sale of the No. 3 auction, the No. 4 auction was passed, the No. 5 auction was two times, the No. 6 auction was one, and the No. 7 and No. 8 auctions passed.

Lot 9 created a small climax. It has gone through seven lots in total. However, the next 10 and 11 were unsold again. People can't help but suspect that the 9th is the moment when the auction returns to the light.

The master of ceremonies has completely collapsed, standing alone on the huge stage under everyone's attention to preside over such a failed auction from all angles. His tone was finally overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and he became weak and perfunctory.

At this moment, lot 11 fell into a slap shot, and the waiter did not rush to remove the lot, but ran up and forced a note into the hand of the master of ceremonies.

The eyes of the emcee suddenly condensed.

"Lot 10...12, the carbon line white drawing group "Xiang Hai", painted by the talented French painter Ibias Renisho."

Lorraine saw the sweat rolling down his forehead, and the most valuable lot was approaching, but his voice didn't have any confidence, but he seemed... panic.

"This...Four months ago, Mr. Ibias Renisho got the apocalypse in his dream. He slept in a small hotel in Paris for five days and five nights, and completed this set of more than 580 copies in a sleepwalking state. Group of carbon lines."

"The paintings... the paintings are stored in the hands of the trustee. Although they are in Wairunst, according to the requirements of the trustee... they will not be displayed before settlement."

"Below, the line-drawing group painting Xianghai, starting at 30,000 pounds, each time an increase of 3,000 pounds, bidding..."


In front of the emcee, all yellow lights lit up, and the sudden light dazzled Huamen's eyes, causing him to forget the word "begin" for a while.

He didn't know anything about all this, he didn't know the background of this ghostly unbelief creation story, and he didn't know the charm of the young painter who had never even heard of it.

What is going on here?

The emcee swallowed hard and looked at Arthas behind the curtain for help.

Alsace nodded lightly The emcee saw from his nod that it was natural and expected, and the whole person was suddenly filled with endless blood.

"The line drawing group picture is 30,000 pounds, No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 9, No. 11, No. 14, No. 19, No. 20, No. 26, No. 29! Second round..."

"The third round, 36,000 pounds..."

"The fourth round..."

"The fifth round..."

"The sixth round..."

Over 45,000 pounds, the shining group of lights suddenly obscured most of it. The emcee found the rhythm from this round of dark lights, and the voice once again climbed an octave.

"Oh! What a fierce competition! The line drawing set is 45,000 pounds, No. 1, No. 9, No. 14, No. 20, No. 26! The seventh round of bidding!"

"48000...51000...54000...57000...60,000 pounds!"

"The line drawing group painting Xianghai 60,000 pounds, doubled easily! The next twelfth round..."

"Auction is suspended!" The emcee's voice almost brought the bel canto, "Twelfth round, box 30 applies for free bidding! In a free bidding at a price of 3,000 pounds, how much will VIP 30 increase?"

"Wait, on the 30th, the 30th has not participated in the previous auction, can Xianghai's value be higher?"

"Free bidding has appeared! Box 30 has an increase of 40,000 pounds! 100,000! The line drawing group is 100,000 pounds to the sea, and the 30th box is asking for 100,000 pounds! Amazing price! Unparalleled amazing price! The thirteenth round..."

"No. 9, 21, 30, 103,000 pounds!!!"

Scavengers in the dark night

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