Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 640: Dog leg

Climbing the sheltered ridge, Lorraine saw the heroic figure of the HMS Neptune in the smoke.

   She was stuck at the mouth of the most feared bay in Lorraine, pouring ammunition into the pirate ships in the bay at a frequency of about five minutes, half-saturated each round.

   Since the entire bay is within her 300-meter firing range, its shelling accuracy and impact density are maintained at a very high level.

   Of course Lorraine also saw Valkyrie. Under Bell’s command, Valkyrie was slowly advancing along the bay wall in a clockwise manner, neither pursuing the density of shelling, nor the angle and precision. It can be seen that her only task is to drive away. Let the pirate ship stay in a blind spot out of reach of Neptune.

   The outcome is settled...

   Looking at the broken flying flag of Henry the Hound, Lorraine easily made up for the scene of the previous fierce battle.

   Henry the Hound jumped up, Henry the Hound had a great chance of winning, Henry the Hound was cut off from the back, Henry the Hound played GG.

   Lorraine took a gloomy sip: "Hey, Judea the dog leg."

   This sentence was spoken in Chinese, Hina couldn't understand it, and she didn't bother to guess. She approached Lorraine and asked, "Now, shall we go down?"

   "That brave Highness is not completely desperate yet." Lorraine pointed to Henry the Hound's flagship Fantasy.

   This is the first time Lorraine has seen the legendary pirate king ship Fantasy.

In history, the first generation of Fantasy was launched by Spain in 1694. It was a super frigate specially designed to fight pirates. The initial ship carried 46 ships, which was slightly inferior to the 50-class three-tier battleships at the time. The speed and other aspects are all located at the tip of the pyramid of the frigate.

   However, she did not achieve any merit in pirates.

   Not long after sailing, Captain Henry Evan rebelled due to unknown reasons, and sailors all followed.

They ran rampant in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean as pirates, and soon became famous for their first-generation fantasy, and they lost three consecutive designated candidates in the pirate king competition, bringing the name of the hound Henry into the room. Since then, he has become one of the seven pirate kings.

Compared with the first generation of legends, the subsequent generations of Fantasy looks much more mediocre. For example, the ship hovering on the battlefield is just a standard French ship that has undergone partial modification and conventional guns. 44 doors, with a normal speed of about 10 knots.

Her modification should be inclined towards enhanced windability and flexibility, because Lorraine recognized the particularly heightened stern sail, and the stern mast, which was almost half longer than the Golden Deer, and doubled the number, up to 6 The bow of the jib.

   It's a pity that these specially designed sails have become messy now.

  The sail was full of smoke and fire marks. The bow and aft of the ship were damaged by bullets. There was a huge hole in the port hull, which collapsed part of the deck. It seemed that it had been hit by a twenty-four-pounder gun.

   is a big break? Or is it broken?

Lorraine, who didn’t start watching until mid-afternoon, is difficult to give an accurate estimate, but with this level of damage, normal warships and merchant ships have long been considering surrendering. The pirate ship may not have the courage to surrender, while the ship is still sailing. At this time, it’s time to consider abandoning the war and retreating.

   But Henry the Hound didn't choose anything.

Perhaps it was because the retreat had been cut off by the Neptune, or perhaps she was unwilling to admit her failure. She and the other Bagh ship in a better condition did not break through at all. They just tirelessly doubled the Valkyrie before and after. With all his strength, struggling to approach Valkyrie's freeboard.

   She is still looking forward to receiving the boat.

Lorraine pointed to the dead ship shadow, and said to Henna earnestly: "The Fantasy is the flagship of the Pirate King, a beast. The wounded beast is the most dangerous creature. Even if the hunter has more experience, he may suffer backlash. , Lost his life."

   "So like a bullfight, Bell looks like it will take a while to bring down his opponent. As for us...hurry up and go back."

   Henna raised her eyes and glanced at the sea: "Does it still need support here?"

   "We have other meaningful things to do." Lorraine shrugged, "For example, take a moment to figure out what is happening on this island."


  What happened on the island?

   There was a large-scale pirate attack.

  How about the coastal loss?

   A total of 12 piers on both sides of the east and west strait were wiped out, 10 in the south were only at Pier 17, which was Valkyrie, and 8 in the north fell. The attacking pirate ships were fighting fiercely in the open sea, with gunfire and no observation.

   What about the loss on the island?

   The pirates took a large number of hostages, and they were sending off the ship through a beach on the west with the looted lot. The beach is heavily guarded, and the pirates did not use the ready-made docks.

   These valuable information were detected by the brave Russians in less than an hour, and they were sent to Lorraine against time.

   At that time, the great Lurik had already left the port, floating on the sea 500 meters from the coastline without anchoring, and was picked up by assault boats and land.

   In Lorraine's view, this is the most secure posture for combat readiness. Although Pier 19 does not have a natural safe haven like No. 17, it is always risky for large ships to park on the plank road.

   In case a new pirate ship launches an attack on the pier while waiting for information, it is difficult for the anchored Lurik to make an active and effective response, and it is very likely to be held on the berth and unable to move.

   It's only a pity that as the intelligence gathered, Lorraine found that he was probably too worried.

   This joint action of pirates looks very distinct, far from being as united as previously estimated.

   The south bank of the island is the territory of Henry the Hound. He failed, so the whole south bank was calm.

   The east and west sides are the territory of Cotton Jack. This has been confirmed by the flag of the pirate ship. His focus is on looting and kidnapping, and it seems to be very effective.

   In this way, although the scout did not see the flag to the north, the pirate force there should be Bonnet’s Viking pirate group.

   and they fought with them in the open sea...

   Hamilton looked at Lorraine's mark on the chart with a complicated expression: "Lorraine, I need to explain!"

   "Explain what?"

Lorraine expertly annotated the composition of the fleet next to the mark. They were the second generation of samurai 2, the first generation of samurai 2, Brig 2, and Brigentine 3. He also guessed the Viking pirate group based on Drake’s old intelligence. The composition of Galen expelled 2, Bagh 3, Brig 2, Brigentine 5.

   "Don't ask knowingly!" Hamilton was annoyed, "Why did your fleet appear to the north!"

"The first formation of the direct fleet." Lorraine replied naturally, "because there is intelligence that these pirates are going to attack me during my I am insured for myself and ordered first in advance. The formation is on standby in the Green Island Islands."

   "Did you know that the pirates would come?"

   "Alexander, your words sound like accusations." Lorraine rolled his eyes. "I knew that the pirates would take action. That was because the pirates were rumored to have targeted me."

"But I never thought that they would directly attack Wai Rust. This place is only one step away from Boston. It is the homeland of the United States and the henchmen of industry. Attacking this sensitive location violates the survival philosophy of most pirates, unless... "


"Have you said that before? The pirates who attacked Werst want to gain the understanding of the United States. They can only use a lot of money to buy allies who speak for themselves, or threaten some people through hostages, so as to control the wind of the Confederate parliament. ."

   Hamilton suddenly thought of something.

"I have been thinking that all of this is actually unreliable. What if the lawmakers consider dignity more important than money, or the price is too high, or the key hostages fail to be secured, what should the pirates do? "

   Lorraine continued speaking, moving his finger on the chart, and finally landed on the icon on the West Bank.

   "They should have a more secure back road and support them to take risks. For example, they have a stable backing and even have their own collaborators in the parliament. They will never abandon their collaborators."

   Hamilton gritted his teeth: "Cotton Jack! No, it should be a great Virginia businessman, Alessandro Dirabi!"