Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 652: Mediterranean War

Excited, calm, calm, excited...

   The chaotic greet lasted for several hours, and when everything was back on track, it was already after the dinner of the bright moon.

   At nine o'clock in the evening, Pierce and Dylan reunited, dressed in a new dress and walked into Lorraine’s study side by side.

Lorraine was waiting for them. In addition to Lorraine, Carmen, Bell, Catalina, Karen and Favna were all there. All he did was to listen to the two-year super expedition of the Secret Service Fleet. Formal debriefing.

   Such a grand pomp made Pierce and old Dylan obviously cramped.

   Lorraine smiled and walked to the bar, picking out two glasses of champagne for celebration, and then personally delivering them to them.

   Hum! The bottom of the cup hits the coffee table with a crisp sound.

   Lorraine stretched out his hand and squeezed Pierce's arm and said, "It's dark and strong, but he doesn't seem to be very long. Why is that?"

   Pierce's face flushed, "Long...Long!"



   "How much is it growing?"

   " inch (about 3 cm)."

   "An inch a year?"

   "A total of one inch..."

   "One inch?"

   "Almost..." Pierce flushed with embarrassment, "Really! It's really only a little bit..."

Carmen's beautiful eyes flowed, and he smiled and said, "It is indeed taller. When I walked 5 feet 7 and a half (about 172 cm), now it is a little more than 5 feet 8 inches (about 174 cm). He is already a real man. NS."

   kindly laugh...

   is probably kind, right? Anyway, except for Favna, everyone laughed happily, and even strangers who had not seen them in two years with cramped, nervousness were swept away with this smile.

   Lorraine patted Pierce on the shoulder and sat back in his seat: "Let’s start, debriefing."

   "Yes, Mr. Chairman!"

   Pierce replied simply, and without hesitation, he used his position and honorific title, which meant that his state was back.

"In November 1785, 24 months ago, because of the poor performance in the Miami exercises, all the secret service formations except Zog Kao, Flaming Snaps, and Sharon Attis were required to be the American branch. The transoceanic fleet escorted to Europe..."

   Two years ago, in November, Lorraine arranged a direct fleet civil war for the purpose of commercial display in the Miami development. Pierce’s Secret Service formation faced Favna’s first formation.

In that public exercise, Pierce won the final victory with his superb marksmanship and the dominance of the Dame, but in the process, Favna’s command and tactics once achieved a complete suppression of the secret service formation, and also let Pierce. Two deputy admirals of the fleet were lost one after another.

   This battle made Pierce a big face, especially when the ship’s hardware was relatively weak and the crew was inferior to the first formation. The special service formation’s fighting desire and response to the battle made Lorraine extremely disappointed.

   In the form of a semi-penalty, the special service formation was revoked from vacation and replaced the second formation to participate in the transatlantic **** mission of the American Chamber of Commerce.

   After more than 20 days of smooth sailing, the transoceanic fleet arrived in Spain, and Pierce received a strange and over-enthusiastic welcome. Before he could figure out why, Ramos, the president of the European Chamber of Commerce, had ordered it.

  【The special service formation arrives at Southampton for refurbishment preparation, waiting for the next order of the direct fleet】……

As a result, Pierce could only take the fleet to Southampton, and stupidly waited for more than two months, and was arranged to have a one-and-a-half month meeting with his own seafarers at Plymouth School and Sir Layton. High-intensity short-term training.

   Until the beginning of March 1786, Ramos finally solved the mystery. With Lorraine's authorization, he ordered the direct fleet to go to Gibraltar immediately and join the European Chamber of Commerce in the Mediterranean.

  Mediterranean Trade Operation...

   In Lorraine's study, Pierce held a wine glass with a look of nostalgia.

"On March 16th, we anchored in Gibraltar. It was Sir Thayer, the vice president of the European branch, who took the wind for us, accompanied by the newly arrived Mediterranean caravan admiral, Mr. Artest. Incidentally, Artest The reason why Admiral Sturt took office was that his previous admiral died in battle."

   Sir Thayer was an elite talent that Ramos met in the Portuguese incident of 1784. Although the French Toulon had the title of baron, he was a reputable and capable businessman because of his family's failure.

He had a deep friendship with the Rotaseri Chamber of Commerce, who was firmly on Drake's side in the Portuguese incident. He also voiced the lawsuit against the Queen of Portugal in Lorraine. In fact, his friendship with Ramos was in Madrid. It was concluded by the court.

   Ramos is not the kind of fierce fighter to open up new frontiers, especially after Eddie set up his own business in Africa, this vital work for the European Chamber of Commerce was once stalled.

  The think tank suggested that he find a partner in the Mediterranean. Ramos felt reasonable, so he proposed the development intention of cooperative merger and acquisition at the 1785 meeting, which was approved and authorized by the board of directors of the General Chamber of Commerce.

In June 1785, Ramos and Thayer signed an M&A agreement in Paris. In August, the European branch and the French Thayer Chamber of Commerce launched a merger and acquisition case. The Thayer Chamber of Commerce paid 50,000 pounds in cash, 200,000 pounds in real estate and 10% of the European branch shares. The prices are fully included in the European branch, with Sir Thayer serving as the vice president of the branch and concurrently as the manager of the Mediterranean region.

   After receiving the help of Sir Thayer, the European branch did indeed break through in the Mediterranean for some time. Trade-licensed commercial terminals spread all over the Mediterranean and spread to Alexandria, Egypt.

   However, the good times did not last long. Drake's rapid development caused dissatisfaction with Turkey's Ottomans. Under the instigation of this most powerful country, the North African Barbary pirates began to target Drake's trading fleet.

   It was in January 1786, when Ramos and Sir Thayer were at a loss for Barbary’s politicians and pirates, Pierce came...


Barbary pirates, including three pirate organizations in Algiers, Tunisia and Tripoli, covering the Mediterranean coast between the Kingdom of Morocco and Egypt. The leader is called Pasha. It is a pirate organization with a complete political structure and is also collectively called by Europe. 【The Kingdom of Barbary】.

The Kingdom of Barbary has a glorious history of pirates. In the 15th century, the legendary pirate king Barbarossa Hayedin fought the two empires of Holy Rome and Spain. It was so prestigious that it was called the "hell evil spirits" in Europe at that time. ".

After the death of Hayreddin, the unified Barbary was divided into three, no new legends appeared, but he still played a pivotal role in the Mediterranean order.

   They call themselves the Sheriff of the Mediterranean, and their method of keeping the ocean policing is... to collect protection fees.

   Every chamber of commerce operating in the Mediterranean must actively register and pay taxes to three Pashas. Generally, one of the three Pashas must be selected. With the tax payment certificate, the Mediterranean will be unimpeded.

Of course, the white people who claim to be the masters of the world complain about this situation, but the Barbary pirates have become more difficult to deal with since they weakened than they were in the past. The Mediterranean fleet of Spain, France, Great Britain, and Holy Rome cannot destroy them. Once Mediterranean merchants are found to be tax evasion, the result is often ship destruction and death.

   The person is under the eaves and has to bow his head.

Sir Thayer, who has been in the Mediterranean for half his life, knows the truth about the hardship of imps. Drake also pays taxes in the Mediterranean. Because of his size, he even received a 20% discount on taxes from Pasha in Tunisia. certificate……

  Sir Thayer only missed one thing, that is, in Europe-Africa commerce, which is significantly south, and now that the glory of the merchant of Venice is no longer, Drake's volume is too large for the Mediterranean.

   Even if the Mediterranean trade development is only part of the business of the European Chamber of Commerce under the General Chamber of Commerce, it is far from expanding to the full range of maritime groups and industrial and mining groups, but it still has a huge impact on the Mediterranean trade order.

  The first ones to bear the brunt are the strong Turkish merchants in the Mediterranean, especially the Eastern Mediterranean.

   With strong capital and strong appeal, the Drake Chamber of Commerce and his European allies aggressively entered the Eastern Mediterranean market, squeezing the profit margins of Turkish businessmen and seizing their trade share.

They regarded it as another invasion of the faith of God against the faith of God. The commercial war quickly escalated into a naval battle, and in just a few months it turned into a European businessman led by Drake to chase Turkish merchants~www. This situation is not surprising.

Although the European Chamber of Commerce does not have a large number of warships above Tier 5 like the American Chamber of Commerce, the fleet is mostly composed of Brig and Brigentine as the main body of combat power, and Skuna is the main body of the inland sea structure, but the Turkish merchant ships are also similar. This is determined by the Mediterranean environment.

   Under similar ship conditions, the Drake high-speed ship has an overwhelming advantage over the Arabian ship system, which has been proved as early as 1784 in Muscat.

   What's more, Drake also has a long-term sailor employment model and a mature talent training system. The quality of the sailors is professional and good at fighting. The overall quality of the sailors has reached the second-rate navy, and some subjects even reached the average level of the first-class navy.

   People, people can't, boats, boats, Turkish merchants have found their powerful motherland, and their powerful motherland also feels that they need to teach this group of new Europeans a lesson and let them know who is the hegemon of the Mediterranean.

   The Barbary pirates with Turkey as their sovereign took over the task of teaching the merchants.

   The pirates issued a joint espionage to Sir Thayer, requiring that Drake must pay heavy taxes to Tunisia, Algiers and Tripoli at the same time, otherwise Drake’s power to sail in the Mediterranean will be cancelled.

   Negotiations broke down.

   The business war in the Eastern Mediterranean shifted to the west, and the opponents of the war also changed from Europe vs. Turkey to Drake vs. Barbary.

   For a while, the Drake Chamber of Commerce fought hard across the board, and the road to business was almost cut off!