Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 662: Generation gap

The British are good at serving people...

Their soldiers may not be the best soldiers in the world, and politicians may not be the best in the world. Businessmen, workers, farmers, scholars, and artists may not be long enough to be proud of the world, but their stewards are absolutely incomparable. .

  The British butler culture is unique. Although it serves others, it does not sell closeness, closeness, loyalty, and conscientiousness. It seeks to be an extension of the employer, and always understands the employer's position and needs, and strengthens or complements it.

Because of this, when the actual situation runs counter to the employer’s wishes, just as Lorraine hopes to conservatively complete this gathering for Shi Chaosheng, but when Wang Ye and Shi Xianggu become enemies due to various chances, the entire courtyard cannot be seen. The shadow of half an attendant.

   When Shi Xianggu reluctantly apologized and landed, nearly thirty attendants came out of the corner of the courtyard while breathing.

There are more than 20 people who lead horses, tailors, wipes sweat, treats, and gardens. Of the nearly 30 people, more than 20 are used to prevent various accidents. Only four dignified maids who really participated in the service followed Monnie. Ka, pushing the tea dining trolley that had been prepared long ago, walked closer.

   Soon, plates, plates, forks, spoons, sugar, milk, honey, sauce, towels, candles, and various props of the Georgia Tea Party were filled with the whole round table centered on the refreshment tower.

  Monica stood beside Uncle Shi with a solemn chest, staring at the open space ahead, and asked in a rare low voice.

   "Mr. Shi, tea or coffee?"

   The strong London accent was specially taught by a heavily hired teacher. Monica has studied for three years and used it for the first time. The standard is so bad that even Lorraine can't hear it.

   Mr. Shi was dazed, and he was even a little unsure whether the male and female Yanma in front of him was talking to him.

"Master Shi, is Monica asking if you want tea or coffee." Lorraine translator said, "Coffee is produced in the Valenford Estate in Jamaica. It is an authentic Blue Mountain. But I still recommend today's English tea. My blender, Mr. Lunfu, was a top craftsman in Great Britain. He was employed by the royal family from 1775 to 1783. The blended tea recipes have been praised by Queen Charlotte many times."

   Shi Chaosheng understands.

   Lorraine invited him to drink tea, because the tea maker at Lorraine’s house came out of the palace.

  Aren't all the eunuchs who make tea for the queen in the palace? Although I don't know that the Zhangcha **** has committed the taboo of Jingong and was pushed out, Shi Chaosheng has heard people say that everything the **** has touched has a **** of urine, and he can't get rid of it.

   Thinking of this, Shi Chaosheng concealed a nausea.

"Luo Da is the master, the old man still drank the bitter medicine soup of the blue village, the English tea I was honored when I was on Lantau Island, it was all tea mixed juice, sweet and greasy, it really couldn't match the taste of the old man. !"

   "That's it." Lorraine didn't care, and said to Monica, "Uncle Shi wants Dahongpao from Wuyi Mountain."

   Monica bowed slightly, squatted down and took out the cloisonne bowl from the second floor of the cart, uncovered the cover in front of Shi Chaosheng, and poured boiling water.

   The fragrant orchid scent poured out, overflowing the courtyard, refreshing the heart.

   Uncle Shi's eyes were a bit straight, and Lorraine apologized again.

"I guess you would like the Dahongpao of Wuyi Mountain compared to coffee." He said, "It's just a pity that it is Kung Fu tea that can reveal the rock rhyme of this tea, but this is the New World, and no tea master can be found everywhere. No, I can only treat distinguished guests with a tureen. Uncle Shi is considerate."

   "Uh... considerate, be considerate..."

   Everyone’s tea is ready.

   Lorraine slowly adjusted his afternoon tea and continued to dominate the topic of the tea party.

   "Uncle Shi, do you know that your visit really surprised me."

   "Surprised?" Shi Chaosheng glanced at Pierce weirdly.

   "Surprise." Lorraine spit out an English, "We like to keep a sense of mystery in some things. We think it can leave a deeper impression on people."

   Shi Chaosheng whispered: "If there are juniors in the ancestral hall who dare not report anything, they will not be able to confess their will, and the old man will inevitably ask him to go through the fire!"

   "You tell me, I also wanted Pierce to walk around last night."

   Lorraine swept across Pierce with a smile, his eyes met, and then he threw an encouraging smile.

Pierce didn’t understand Chinese. Seeing Lorraine’s encouragement, he thought that the two big guys were complimenting his surprise. They smiled with pride. The confident look printed a simple character in Wang Ye’s eyes, in Shi Xianggu. There was a stupid word on his face.

   The same hatred made the tension between them disappear by seven points. Lorraine was satisfied with Pierce's performance, nodded and turned back to the topic.

   "Master Shi, how did Pierce coax you?"

   "Who in this world can coax an old man into the Dragon Lake to explore the tiger's den?"

   Shi Chaosheng laughed boldly.

   "Luo Da, you don’t know what the old man came from, you should always know that there was a battle between my Dan’s family and Pi’s family?"

   "Yes, there are three battles." Lorraine replied.

Shi Chaosheng's face recalled: "At that time, the old man was on duty at the Danjia ancestral hall. Suddenly it was reported that the red flag Zheng family encountered a hard point in the Yongjian area of ​​Zhongsha. My nephew Zheng Yi led the fleet of Liangfu and Sanguang in Yongjian. Wai Hai fought a battle with Pi Dangjia, but one was sunk and two were damaged. Dan Jiaerlang died in the battle more than 30 times and injured a hundred people."

"Zheng Yibao has a white Citi flag hanging on the boat of the Pied Master. The pattern on the picture has never been seen before. I don't know the country, but I know it must be a Westerner. Of course I can't swallow this breath, so I don't wait to stay overnight. Let Er Zi Zhan Jiao lead me Hei Qi Erlang to ask Pi Master for justice."

"In this battle, Zhanjiao also brought five boats, both of which are two blessings and three broads. They are elites. As a result, he was defeated in only one and a half hours after the start of the war. The five boats returned and four, and Zhanjiao’s flagship was injured at the rudder. Listen Said to be a prisoner of Pi Dang."

   Shi Chaosheng took a mouthful of tea soup.

"The third battle was not from me. The juniors of the Ziqi Chen family heard that both Zheng Yi and Zhanjiao were defeated. They wanted to grab the limelight of Zheng and Shi's family. So they drew out ten Cantonese ships in one go and wanted to fight with the ship. Master Pi was caught off guard."

"As a result, Pi Dang’s boat is faster than Dan’s Guangzhou boat. The junior of Ziqi sank three and injured six, and was captured four. My son Zhan Jiao took one of the less damaged ones back and brought back Pi Dang’s message, saying I want to spend a while with the old man on Lantau Island."

   It can be seen that Pierce’s Baitie left a deep impression on Shi Chaosheng, and it was positive.

   After all, no matter how big the Dame was, the threat of landing would be reduced by half. What's more, Lantau Island is still the nest of the Dan family. Pierce wants to meet Shi Chaosheng there, at least to show that he has no malice towards the Dan family.

   Shi Chaosheng finally did not welcome Pierce into Lantau Island. In Qiongshan County on Qiongya Road, the two strongest pirate flags from the East and the West realized a historic meeting.

   "The old man asked Zhan Jiao to take Pi Dang's family to the Mijia fishing village. That village is a village of Li people and has nothing to do with me. Pi Dang's home is there, so I can speak and do things more comfortably."

   This is Shi Chaosheng's consideration, which seems to be redundant in Lorraine's view. Because most white people don't know the multi-ethnicity of China, then, Lorraine is also not clear about the relationship between the various ethnic groups in China during the Qing Dynasty.

Shi Chaosheng continued: "During the meeting, Pi Dang asked a girl who believed in Xiao Xiao to do an interpreter, bluntly saying that Da Qing's property was favored by Da Qing's family. Whether or not I shouldn't, this business road will be there. Stand up within the year."

   "I have taken a fancy to Qing Dynasty products..." Lorraine pondered these words playfully.

   When they first met, Shi Chaosheng said that Pierce had introduced him to Lorraine, a pirate holding hundreds of ships, and hundreds of thousands of thugs. The noblewoman of Pierce fought three naval battles with Danmin that did not hurt the peace. The noblewoman won the three battles with defensive counterattack, and her own losses were minimal.

   These two things are put together with Pierce's spy, how can Lorraine couldn't guess Shi Chaosheng's intention to throw himself and his daughter into a dangerous place.

  He is here to find the way.

  If Lorraine is really as Pierce said, he will probably be soft for the sake of the people, but if Lorraine is not worthy of the name...

   Lorraine grinned unclearly: "What does Uncle Shi think of the Drake Chamber of Commerce?"

   Shi Chaosheng proudly raised his head, full of energy: "We are more than rich, but we are not strong."

   "You mean four to five hundred ships, more than a hundred thousand people?"

"Exactly!" Shi Chaosheng pushed the cover bowl, "Luo Da is headed, the old man said nothing. Pi Dang is still a little old, blowing too much. Not to mention that you are pulling the flag of your business in Miami. The boats are less than thirty, that is your age, four or five hundred boats? What do you use to feed them?"

   Lorraine chuckled.

   "Uncle Shi is underestimating me." He thought for a while, "It's not right, it should be said that Pierce misunderstood Uncle Shi."


"Pirate." Lorraine knocked on the table, "Am I a pirate? Yes. Half of the world knows that I am the white-flag pirate king of the Caribbean, probably the strongest pirate king of the Caribbean, after all, the seven Caribbean kings are competing. Apart from me, only two are still alive."

   "But shouldn't pirates be low-key? As you said, the sea green forest can't see the sky, why should I say that half of the world knows that I am the pirate king?"

"Because Lorraine Anason Drake is the pirate king who robbed and killed pirates, and the Drake Chamber of Commerce is the chamber of commerce in the civilized It may be unbelievable, but in Great Britain...that is, English. Except as permitted by law, my subordinates and I have not robbed a legal merchant ship."

Lorraine smiled happily: "I am a businessman, a serious businessman, and my merchant ships are all over Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Miami is just my flagship and the anchor port of the two formations directly under the first and secret services. "

"You people pay attention to seeing is believing. But unfortunately, you can't see Drake's reality because you don't understand the operating model of the European Chamber of Commerce. Even if I know everything about you, you can't get it from my rhetoric. Useful stuff."

"So, the right to choose is in your hands, war or peace, hostility or mutual prosperity? In any case, you and Miss Stone will not die here. Miami is an open city and a free city. You may be here. Walk around for a few days before making your decision."

   Shi Chaosheng frowned, as if thinking, but not knowing where to think.

"That's it for today." Lorraine stood up and faced Wang Ye, "Wang Ye, you are responsible for taking care of the daily life of Uncle Shi and his daughter in Miami these days. You can go wherever you want, and leave whenever you want. Time to leave, to be at home."

   Wang also stood up: "Save it, the tour guide and the coachman, not the first time."

   Lorraine smiled and nodded, turned around, leaning towards Shi Chaosheng and stroking his chest.

   "Master Shi, don't accompany you today. I suggest you take a moment to get to know me and my Drake Chamber of Commerce, maybe we can have a more pleasant conversation when we meet next time..."