Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 700: Sincerity in the cabinet

The weather in the capital world is overcast, sunny and changeable. This is particularly evident in the preparations for the establishment of the First Bank, which is the lifeblood of the American economy.

   Hamilton has been lobbying all parties for his revolving door project since 1785.

At that time, not many people were optimistic about this whimsical plan. Hamilton was left out in the cold. This allowed Lorraine and the Baishang Associated Press, the group of businessmen who had empty wealth but lacked political support, to be assigned to the largest piece of the whole cake. .

   Until the end of 1786, the cake was finally divided in the form of a secret memo for the first time.

   Based on the information obtained later, the Baishang Associated Press took the first place with 48.6%, Philadelphia took the second place with 22%, and the third was Canaan with 21.2%.

   Lorraine never knew who the remaining 8.2% of the shares belonged to. It is only today that they are the source of inspiration for the First Bank of America... Central Bank of the Kingdom of Great Britain: Bank of England.

   In Lorraine’s view, Americans definitely don’t want the British central bank to be directly involved in the operations of the American nation’s economic lifeline.

  The problem is that they can't refuse.

  On the one hand, the Bank of England commissioned the British Chamber of Commerce to participate in the competition for shares in the form of an agent, but they chose to show their horses and horses in an upright manner.

  If the United States refuses to join these chambers of commerce, the Bank of England is likely to hide itself in the next step, including the Drake Chamber of Commerce in Lorraine. By then, everyone will become an object that Americans must be vigilant and careful about.

   On the other hand, the economic environment in France is getting worse at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

   At the end of last year, Louis XVI fired his financial staff Ann Robert Jacques Durge, and at the beginning of this year he fired Jacques Necker.

   These two are economic experts who are deeply trusted by the so-called third class. Their departure casts a shadow on the three-level parliament that has been preparing for a long time. French capitalists are generally pessimistic about the future of the country.

   The Philadelphia Ceremony heard the voice of revolution from the Paris Ceremony in his brotherhood. The radical beauty students declared that France needs its own protector and the Bourbon dynasty needs to be overthrown by the Republic.

   This radical trend has aroused the vigilance of the elites in Philadelphia.

   They know that the United States is far from mature enough to live independently from the guardian. If Fad is destined to fall ill, they must find a way to ease their relationship with the British mother.

   For example, pretending to be a filial son...

   The filial American took the 8.2% promise as the first step in the Anglo-American reconciliation, which was originally a good move.

   But when Philadelphia placed this chess piece, he did not notice Canaanite's prying eyes at all. Therefore, when Canaanite suddenly appeared and was stepped on by Lorraine's tail during several rounds of sunrise, the whole situation changed.

   The Canaanite retreat left a huge vacancy of 21.2%, and the Bank of England immediately leaned forward like a shark smelling a fishy smell, demanding to take all the share of this part.

   America cannot accept this request.

Once the 21.2% is handed over, the UK can at any time become the largest shareholder surpassing the Philadelphia Ceremony through a collection of internal equity, and the British will become the chairman of the U.S. Central Bank. This will be true to the future federal government. Scandals and disasters.

   But, do you refuse?

   Just like the original reason, it is difficult for the United States to bluntly refuse the request of the United Kingdom. The Philadelphia ritual dare not even put these shares on the market, because no one knows which chamber of commerce is behind the Bank of England.

   Franklin came up with another good idea.

   On the one hand, he proposed to increase the Bank of England’s shares to 19.9%, an increase of 11.7% to satisfy the dignity and greed of the British.

   On the other hand, the remaining 9.5% will be sold through bidding, and the bidding method proposed by the Americans is...war!


   "Kenway, what do you think of the Long Island Fleet?"

   At the small lake of Mercury Manor Villa One, Hamilton asked enthusiastically.

   This question is very strange.

   The Long Island Fleet is the core of the second-generation U.S. Navy's revitalization plan. The entire fleet is composed of newly built ships and the elites of the U.S. Navy drawn from each fleet.

If Hamilton is asking about ships, every ship in this fleet is produced by Drake Maritime Group. Even the configuration plan and anchor port construction are carried out under the guidance of Maritime Group. Lorraine is impossible and has no position. Said she was bad.

  If Hamilton asked about people and training...

   The United States has never invited Lorraine to visit, even if he sneered at this group of amateur professional soldiers, can he really say it?

   Lorraine chuckled twice, making Hamilton's heart furry and he could only follow.

   The two of them huddled for a long time, and Hamilton said in anger, "Now! Now the Long Island Fleet!"

   "The formation time of the Long Island Fleet has to be calculated on a monthly basis, what can be done before and now..."

  The flagship USS Maryland of the Baltimore Fleet!

   Lorraine woke up suddenly.

  On the way to New York, he had witnessed the formation training of the flagship USS Maryland of the Baltimore Fleet and USS Constitution, the flagship of the Long Island Fleet.

   Because of curiosity, he arranged for someone to find out briefly, and it turned out that the flagship of the Boston Fleet, the USS, also appeared in Sag Harbor, the anchor port of the Long Island Fleet.

On Christmas Eve, the Americans gathered all the new high-speed ships under their command on Long Island, and the facts afterwards proved that the assembly of these warships was not for the Canaanite ceremony. At least when they were assembled, the Americans did not pay much attention to the Canaanite ceremony as they do now. .

  What is the purpose of their gathering? The only possibility is war.

   Lorraine suddenly thought of Shaq’s Christmas present.

   Before leaving, Emmons sent a sixty-eight pound mortar for Lorraine.

   Lorraine has no way of knowing whether Shaq knew that the snake he raised had murdered a Royal British Navy battleship on his back, but at least Shaq must know that Emmons had the inventory Lorraine needed.

   He is about to transfer. Before leaving the job, no matter what Emmons hid, that period was the best period to transfer to Lorraine.

   As for why Lorraine chose to deliver the things before he left for New York, it is likely that he had already discovered the American war plan at that time, and he was certain that Lorraine would be involved in this war.

   Based on this calculation, the motion for this war should be in October last year...maybe earlier.

   I have a clear mind.

   Lorraine showed a clear smile: "Alexander, does the United States want to do something against the pirate empire?"

"Sure enough, this matter cannot be concealed from the great White Pirate King." Hamilton teased, "Kenway, we are going to put an end to the cancer of the Pirates of the Caribbean Empire for the civilized world, using the "Pirate Code" hidden in Nassau as A tribute to the founding of the United States of America!"

  【The Rose Withered Operation】.

Since the War of the Siege of Wairuns, the United States has begun planning to launch a devastating naval strike against the pirate empire, hoping to use the body of this century-old dragon to wash away the humiliation of the invasion of the country, and at the same time show the sharpness of the United States to the world. Minions.

It is obviously impossible to do this with the powerful American fishery fleet alone, so the then Admiral of the Long Island Fleet and Lorraine’s old friend Lieutenant General Robert Smith proposed in a high-level conference, using the new American elite warships. As the backbone, a large number of mercenaries are recruited.

  The main source of mercenaries can be those big chaebols who are interested in the revolving door project. They are rich, have boats, have well-trained sailors, and have the handles to breathe in the United States. As long as the operations are done properly, the United States will not even have to pay for war-damaged pensions.

This suggestion was unanimously appreciated by the senior officials at the meeting. The [Rose Withered Operation], which was taken from the pirate empire’s icon, Desert Rose, was officially launched. The Christmas dinner that was cancelled a few days ago was secretly given a brand new mission and became a part of the battle plan. Mercenary recruitment ceremony.

   Then, the Governor's Island attack happened. The meaning of the Rose Withered Operation to the United States suddenly changed from "want to do" to "must do".

   The Philadelphia Ceremony increased the pre-order limit of the Bank of England on the condition that Great Britain must agree to the United States and its subordinate ships to branch off to the British colonies, and New Providence Island, where Nassau is located, launch an unrestricted military attack.

   Britain agreed, the plan took shape, and the backbone was assembled, leaving only the cannon fodder in General Smith's heart. There is still no shadow.

   The above is Hamilton’s dictation, Lorraine personally translated English into English [Operation Rose Withered] development process.

   Lorraine knocked on the fishing rod to digest for a while, and asked sincerely.

   "Alexander, I have always regarded America as a friend... to be more precise, a suitable long-term partner. But I am curious now, how exactly does America position itself?"

   "Uh... sorry..."

   "Mr. Washington went north, and Boston hired No one had docked with Drake's direct fleet. Later, my fleet fought against pirates in Wairuns, and no one offered compensation."

   "In the night battle on Governors Island, I killed 27 great boys and 29 people were seriously injured, 11 of them were disabled. My allies drew the most elite 53 people at hand, 38 died, and 3 were seriously injured."

   "The Canaanite's goal is you, a high-ranking government official in the United States. In the process, it also received blatant support from Williams Castle."

   "But the result? The loss is still borne by ourselves. The day before yesterday, New York State also issued a special notice, asking me to settle the lease of the manor from December 20 to 24, totaling 3,200 pounds within 15 days."

   "My dear Alexander, Minister Alexander Hamilton, what does America think? In America's heart, what are you? What are we?"


   "My name is Lorraine, Lorraine Anason Drake, Mr. Minister."

   Lorraine looked at Hamilton.

   "In short, why should we keep bleeding for the Americans. The second question is that the Baishang Associated Press can completely exit the revolving door, but are the Americans willing to give your door to the Bank of England?"

   Lorraine shook his hand and shook out the fishing hook, only to hear a bang, the surface of the water was rippling.

   "Go back, Alexander, when you come next time, don't forget to bring the sincerity from the cabinet."
