Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 702: Neutral self

On July 7, 1788, Lorraine had returned to Miami.

   Just after the afternoon tea, he drove around a village in a horse-drawn carriage, turning around to Daniel's Solander.

  Soland Village is very different from other manors. There are no recreational facilities such as gardening, horse farms, lakes, and churches.

   There is a hospital here, a real hospital, which treats trauma. It is larger than the two largest hospitals in Miami. It can treat up to 57 people. Most of the time, the bed occupancy rate exceeds 50%.

   There is a mass hall here. The mass hall is a much rarer church facility than the chapel. The priest will come here only when there is a dead person in the hospital to comfort the father in heaven and the father on the ground, load them away, and find their own mothers.

   There is a slaughterhouse here. Because the field first aid course at the University of Miami does not provide practical exercises and anatomy, Daniel often brings his students here and teaches them "not to be afraid of blood and screams" in a horror film interpretation.

   There is also a palace of wisdom, which is the main building of the entire Solander Village, including the medicine field, the alchemy laboratory, the astronomical observatory and the library.

   When not going out to sea, Solander spends most of the time randomly living in the study room of the library and alchemy laboratory, but Lorraine’s purpose today is not there, but in the hemispherical astronomical observatory located on the high ground.

  Dating back to 1779, Lorraine obtained a large number of authoritative information on the fountain of youth through the abortive sea-holding operation, and Daniel was able to start his research on the pirate king's token at Jackdaw Manor in Little Cayman.

   In the legend, Henry Morgan buried his million-pound treasure in the Fountain of Youth, and drew the direction of the Fountain of Youth on parchment, dividing it into 22 parts.

   21 copies correspond to the 7 pirate kings, and finally the core copy remains in the Morgan family, waiting for the second emperor to unify the seven kings.

   However, no one knows whether this legend is true or false.

  Because even the most successful pirate after Morgan, Pavlomy I, who is now the black baron Pavlomy I, he collected only 18 tokens, and there is no information to suspect that he is related to the Fountain of Youth.

   Now Lorraine also has 18 tokens.

  Getting back to the subject, when Daniel started the research work on the token, Lorraine had only 5 left pictures, and only 2 of them were connected, and the rest were scattered and independent monolithic pieces.

   In order to cooperate with Daniel's research, Lorraine invited three cartographers from the Netherlands at his own expense to study the broken pictures.

   The result is weird. Judging from the visible points, lines and patterns, the chart left by Henry Morgan is the closest to the chart, but there is no sea area that can correspond to one of them.

   Lorraine and others suspected that the generation difference in the cartographic level caused the scattered charts to be greatly deformed.

   This situation was very common from 1650 to 1750. The famous Strait of Calais in the history of cartography receded nearly 70 kilometers in a century. There was actually no change in geography. The only upgrade was the technology of surveying and mapping.

  Only Daniel has a different opinion.

   He believes that these chaotic points, lines, and surfaces are a multi-picture encryption method that confuses the audience.

   There may be several pictures on the pirate king’s token at the same time. They may all be true, maybe only one is true. The real pictures point to the direction of Bu Laoquan, and the fake pictures are all graffiti and misleading.

Considering that Henry Morgan did not receive higher education in his life, it is still difficult to reach the top experts and scholars at the time even after his pockets. Daniel believes that the elements that make up the final picture...the real pictures and fake pictures should not be deceptive. .

  Because map deception is a very deep craft, as a bachelor of the Royal Alchemy Society and the highest-ranking elite in the scientific community in the entire Drake Chamber of Commerce, he has enough qualifications to say this.

   Scientists are all actionists.

Daniel took action, carrying Lorraine on his back, and decomposing the points, lines, and surfaces on the chart in permutations and combinations. Finally, in 1780, he found two real stars in the broken layer that only adopted points. , Constellations with real position similarity of more than 80%.

   The secret of Morgan’s Treasure has now revealed the first corner. They have two options: A, a severely deformed chart; B, a star chart a hundred years ago.

Since then, the Drake Chamber of Commerce has set up special funds to fund astronomers in the New World, including David Rittenhouse. Drake has successively funded 16 astronomers affiliated with the Philosophical Society in the past 8 years. After spending more than 5,000 pounds, five of them obtained interesting research results, and three became professors of astronomy and navigation at the University of Miami.

   David Rittenhouse is one of the three and the most accomplished one among all.

This kind of investment is inherently inefficient. There are too few tokens and too many blanks on the map. The research on Morgan’s treasure was deadlocked for a long time. It was not until 1786 that Lorraine got the token of the Black Prince one after another in the Grand Bahama. , And collected another 7 in Wairunst.

   The number of tokens he possessed suddenly reached 15, which allowed him to lock 9 constellations and 17 high-brightness stars, and officially excluded the option of chart.

  Everything is progressing smoothly. Solving Henry Morgan's puzzle seems to have been nailed down, and it can be achieved at any time.

   Thinking of this, Lorraine opened the door of Tianmen Pavilion.

There are a total of 6 white coats in the planetarium, scattered around the large telescope more than three meters long. The museum is filled with densely packed bookshelves and display panels. On the opposite side of the telescope is a piece of glass embedded in the back of the glass, which has no heart and corners. , A super large star map two meters long and wide.

   This is a 100% restored and enlarged version of the star map layer in the Pirate King Keepsake. The stars and constellations that have been locked in the past few years have been specially marked with special colors for comparison with other star positions.

   Lorraine saw David Rittenhouse and was arguing with Daniel about something.

   Lorraine walked over curiously. After watching for a long time and listening for a while, he finally couldn't help saying: "Dear Professor Rittenhouse, I thought you had already gone to New York."

  Rittenhouse found Lorraine behind him and shrugged helplessly: "It is my job to decipher the token of Blackbeard, Mr. Chairman, the New York Minting Committee is not."

   Lorraine rolled his eyes: "I hope you haven't forgotten that you will become the first director of the American In the Mint Committee, the director is generally regarded as the second person."

"Who cares how many people it is!" Rittenhouse grinned with a big yellow tooth. "Currency issuance is an economic issue, and casting is a technical issue. I am only responsible for technical issues, as for the economy...obviously every gentleman there They are much more professional than me."

   "However, the most important reason for your choice is your unprofessionalism." Lorraine laughed nonchalantly, "Professor, when you take office, including the bank president in the future, you will find that your colleagues will often quarrel."

   "Arguing? Like me and Professor Solander?"

"It's like you and Daniel, arguing." Lorraine nodded, "Remember, you don't need to rush to express your position when the quarrel is over, they will come to lobby you, and you only need to decide according to your first feeling of likes and dislikes. Whoever helps, you will become a competent director and president."

  Rittenhouse? Raised an eyebrow in a different place: "You said let me stand in line with my heart, instead of following Mr. Chuck Parker?"

   "You need to be neutral." Lorraine replied seriously, "The more neutral you are, the more stable our money will be. Never forget that you are free. No one, including Chuck, can order you."

   "Aha... I suddenly started looking forward to New York."

   "I promise, she is worth your expectation."

   Lorraine clapped his hands.

   "Okay Daniel, and professors, let me hear what you have learned and see what the 18 tokens have brought us. It is worth letting Professor Rittenhouse release the American pigeons..."