Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 704: People are not as good as dogs

The Rose War begins.

Lieutenant General Lingoes, who was a slave shipowner, designed a very majestic battle plan.

At the beginning of May, all 12 squadrons of the fleet were divided into five groups to advance to the five islands of Grand Bahama, Grand Abaco, Carter, San Salvador, and Mayaguana, and swept like a tsunami toward the Bahamas where pirates gathered. .

As the soldiers approached, the pirate empire that had lost the black beard plunged into unprecedented despair.

At this moment, Pavloumu stood up, and Leonardo, the former black prince, also stood up, and did not hesitate to hand over the fleet that he had worked so hard to resurrect to the only remaining pirate king in the empire.

The disintegrated pirates immediately recovered their backbone, and it took only 7 days to assemble 350 warships of various colors to establish a huge defense line centered on Nassau and around half of the Bahamas.

On May 17, the second battleship group led by Prundit encountered the enemy outside the atoll belt 70 kilometers north of Great Abaco Island.

Leonardo commanded a fleet of three big pirates and a dozen small pirates to launch a suicide attack on Prundit based on a heavy rain.

This battle allowed the world to see the return of the Black Prince.

The fearless Leonardo drove the flagship from the double-teaming of a dozen warships and collided with the flagship of the Prundit Chamber of Commerce. The second group lost its command in less than an hour after the battle, Van Royle Prundy. He escaped by jumping into the sea.

The second cluster was thus defeated.

Most of the 68 warships left the battlefield, 19 ships were intercepted on the battlefield, more than 400 people were killed, more than 200 people were missing, and the remaining 1,000 people were collectively executed by crazy pirates in the atolls.

Immediately after May 18, the fourth and fifth fleet groups were attacked respectively. The fifth group was transferred to Port-au-Prince after paying a small price, and the fourth group won the first victory of the crusade fleet.

This victory came for granted, because the core force of the fourth cluster is Drake's direct fleet, and the commanding Valkyrie is Bell Judea, who has performed brilliantly in the Virgin Islands naval battle.

Bell continued his free and unsophisticated combat style.

Seeing the pirates coming from afar, his first order was to throw the coordination and mobilization of the attached ninth and tenth fleets to the wife of Catalina, and the second order was to throw the command of the direct fleet to Pierce.

The third way...

There is no third order.

As soon as the two orders passed, Bell personally drove the Valkyrie towards the pirate fleet that didn't even have a fifth-tier Galen.

However, even if the strength of the two sides is disparity, even if Bell fully promotes the dominance of Valkyrie and the direct fleet, the battle is not simply won.

The pirates, mainly Brigantine, mixed with a small number of Bagh ships, performed smoothly and did not lose their hands. The entire battle was fought intermittently for four days and three nights. When the remaining pirates retreated in panic, the fourth group had completely exhausted their efforts.

He sank and captured 57 ships, injured 15 ships and sunk 6 ships himself. Bell felt that he should be worthy of the low commission given by the Americans, so he sent a ship to inform Lingoes, and took his group to St. Dynamite for repairs.

It was May 22. Bell, who was driving on the way back, did not know that the third cluster that went deep into Carter Island encountered a crisis of extinction.

Pavlo Mubu made a big net.

He released a lot of false news to convince Lieutenant Lingoes that the pirates were concentrating all their forces and preparing to destroy the long island fleet, the only representative of the United States in this war, before the five major groups encircled Nassau, and ultimately ended the war.

Legend has it that this hunting team includes the four major fleets of the Black Baron regiment and the remnants of the Blackbeard regiment, with a fleet size of up to 170 ships.

Lieutenant General Lingoes was shocked three times a day. While secretly regretting his majestic "grand strategy", he repeatedly sent out scouts to expand the warning range to a meaningless 80 kilometers.

The first cluster, second only to Drake in hardware strength, lags far behind in speed.

When the second, fourth, and fifth clusters abandoned their original plans and the third cluster arrived at Carter Island, Lieutenant General Lingoes was able to drive through Charleston, 200 kilometers away from Grand Bahama Island...

As a result, it was the third group that was really surrounded by the hunting team.

At the Battle of Carter Island, Pavlomy commanded a total of 173 ships of the Black Baron and the original Blackbeard in the triangle waters between Carter Island, San Salvador Island and Long Island (Bahamas) against Dukov’s third group, the fifth and the fourth. 7. A total of 62 ships of the Eighth Squadron achieved a complete siege.

The admiral of the Dukov Chamber of Commerce, the fourth son of the old Dukov, Il Vi Dukov, was killed in battle for two days and nights. Only 4 ships belonging to the cluster broke through.

Following the Battle of Abaco, the crusade fleet faces a major defeat.

Pavloumi destroyed the super strategy of Lieutenant General Lingoes with an undisputed victory, as well as the prestige of Lieutenant General Lingoes.

Headed by the old Dukov who suffered the tragic loss of his son, the mercenary chambers have lodged solemn protests to the land command on West Palm Beach.

The protest letter flew to Admiral Davis like a snow flake, each one wanted to hold Lieutenant General Lingoes' command responsibility, and each one wanted to use Lingo's blood to comfort the spirits of thousands of dead souls in the sky.

On the other hand, Lieutenant General Lingoes, the first group did not encounter any enemies on the way, but received news of Bell's victory, Prundit's defeat, and the death of Jr. Dukov.

He keenly sensed the greatest crisis of his military career from these battle reports.

In order to save his political life, he ordered the group to abandon the original combat plan and diverted to Miami Beach for repairs under the leadership of the USS Constitution. At the same time, he departed on the flagship USS US and ran back non-stop under the escorts of the Maryland and Massachusetts. New York.

He went directly to Washington, and before the accusations of West Palm Beach arrived, he put the blame for the defeat on Bell, who had arbitrarily abandoned the battle.

As always, the main stage of the war easily jumped out of the war itself.

In West Palm Beach, hundreds of people landed on the headquarters and petitioned to shoot Lingoes. In New York, Lingoes' political allies made vicious words to Bell, as if as long as the tired teacher went south according to the plan, Nassau would definitely At your fingertips.

The boring farce was performed for more than a month. Until the evening of July 7, Lorraine, who had visited the planetarium, was drinking tea with Heina, Carmen and Noya who were also absent from the war, and suddenly received that Count Conceicao wanted to meet. Requirements.


Lorraine slowly adjusted the milk tea in front of him. He raised his head and glanced at the cramped earl. Before he laughed, he lowered his head and continued to observe the wonderful combination of milk and tea.

Lorraine has done this for five minutes, far exceeding the normal stirring needs.

The earl knew that Lorraine was taking the opportunity to laugh at his weak position. As the executive director of the Hundred Chambers of Commerce, he was prepared to speak for the Americans just because he did not know the title of the deputy chief of staff...

But... Does it really make him abandon his responsibility?

If he is not ready to perform his duties as deputy chief of staff, why should he accept this not noble appointment?

The earl clenched his fist secretly: "Little Drake?"

"Mr. Earl, when the Hundred Chambers of Commerce was established, do you know why those of us who are profiteering have to ask you to serve as our standing director?"

"Uh...Dukoff said last time because you didn't trust each other at that time."

"At that time we really did not trust each other." Lorraine was noncommittal. "But to be honest, there is not much trust between us now. We cooperate and we form alliances, but we never hope to entrust our wealth to each other. This is The friendship of businessmen."

"And you are different."

"You are a truly noble person. Before we contacted you, we investigated your past and found that you have betrayed your suzerain, friends, relatives and students in your life, but you have never betrayed your conscience."

"You are an incredible person. You live with a special stubbornness that is difficult for us or even most of us to understand. It happens that the better you can live, the more you live, the more respected and respected you are."

"You convinced us that people's hearts are good, and we hope that Baishang Associated Press can also be good, so we chose you."

Conceicao was a little startled: "Didn't you distrust each other at that time?"

"As I said, we don't trust it now, but that doesn't prevent us from working closely together."

Lorraine pushed away the cold tea, and smiled and raised Erlang's legs.

"Mr. Earl, I know your intentions, and I don't care that old Dukov lost his favorite of his more than 20 illegitimate children. But unfortunately, I will not recall Bell for the unity of the crusade against the fleet."

"Lingos is an idiot. But his fault is not in incompetence, but in his incompetence, but ignorance of his incompetence."

"He did not have the ability to bring victory to the United States. Obviously, he does not have the ability to lead the fleet now. A useless waste like this ~ Even if it is to calm the anger, the Americans should shut him down. Go to the prison."

"At least on this point, you and Mr. Admiral have the same ideas." Count Conceicao was delighted. "I also hope to hear about Lingoes' candidates for the admiral after he takes office. Mr. Admiral thinks. ask for your opinion."

"The successor of Lingoes..." Lorraine thought for a while, "I remember Mr. Admiral has a pure-blooded Labrador whose name seems to be Abraham. In fact, it is very suitable, at least better than the current United States. Anyone in the navy is more suitable."

Conceicao opened his mouth: "Let a dog be the admiral of 200 warships?! Little Drake, don't be loyal!"

"No matter where the gods come out to testify, my suggestion just now is sincere."

Lorraine raised his hand to swear.

"Mr. Earl, you have Valkyrie, the United States, and the USS Constitution in your crusade fleet. In addition, there are five fourth-class ships and more than thirty fifth-class ships."

"And what about Pavloumi? The Pirates of the Caribbean have long been different since the death of the pirate kings. Now they are even rarer in the traditional five levels. The so-called combined pirate fleet, Bagh and Brigentine are the main forces. ."

"This battle has been unequal from the beginning. The admiral can win as long as he trusts his subordinates and fights steadily. There is no need for tactics or orders. But the Americans have proved that their soldiers can't even do this."

"Since people can't do it well, why don't you try to let the dog do it?"

"...Why didn't you do it?" Conceicao didn't realize that he had just cursed.

Fortunately, Lorraine was not misunderstood.

He just smiled generously and explained patiently: "What the Americans want is led by them to win the war. Their leadership is the most important, victory is not important, at least compared to the former, it is not important at all. "