Reborn as Kobe

Chapter 140: Fearless

"This season is our best opportunity. To play the Lakers today, although they are the defending champions, they have many generals in the team. This is our opportunity. I hope this season can make up for the regret of last season. It's settled, I said by Larry Bird."

In the locker room, Larry Bird looked at every disciple with a serious expression. Even though he knew that his team was not as strong as the Lakers, he was still giving his disciples blood. He hoped to take advantage of the shrinking season and try to catch up with Thunder. Jimmiller grabbed a championship before retiring.

The Pacers players listened quietly. The veteran players who had gone through seven games with the Bulls last season, everyone sighed.

Larry Bird went on to say: "I think a lot of things are done or not done. If you do it, you will have the hope of success. If you don't do it, you won't have the slightest hope. This game will be difficult to play. In fact I don’t care about winning or losing the game. After all, it’s just a regular season, but I hope you can show your energy and we will start."

In the home team's locker room, old Nelson did not emphasize too much. After all, many play styles are already familiar to everyone and are already at the commanding heights of the league. Old Nelson believes that only others can change for the Lakers, and what the Lakers need to do now is continue to improve. itself.

"The Pacers are the strongest in the Eastern Conference. After Larry Bird coached, their style of play has become more flexible and changeable. I won't emphasize anything to you in this game, but the opponent in the finals this season is likely to be the Pacers. Therefore, in this game we must completely suppress them and brand fear in their hearts."

When the home team Lakers played, the fans gave a warm applause. Now the fans in Los Angeles are proud of their hearts. They believe that the powerful Lakers will continue to win until the end of the season.

CCTV Sports broadcasted the game. After seeing the Lakers' start, Zhang Yangli started to complain: "The Lakers actually let Lewis, Xinnen, and O'Neal partner inside. This is puzzling. If Barkley is injured, he will send a veteran. Horry is fine too."

Xu Jicheng analyzed: "Maybe the old Nelson wants to see Lewis's performance after the start. Since the start of the game, the Lakers' lineup has been constantly changing."

Su skirt said: "I think the Lakers are doing this to make the rookies mature as soon as possible, but also to prepare for the playoffs."

Pacers starting: Reggie Miller, Rick Schmitz, Mark Jackson, Chris Mullin, Dale Davis.

Lakers starting: Kobe, O'Neal, Rashard Lewis, Nowitzki, Ray Allen.

O'Neal defeated Rick Schmitz with an explosive jump ball. Kobe took the ball and quickly dribbled it through the half. As soon as he entered the three-point line, he passed the ball to Ray Allen on the right, and he ran to the right.

O'Neal pick and roll in the middle, Ray Allen dribbled the ball to get rid of Reggie Miller and took the right, Rick Smith changed defense, Ray Allen moved laterally, an emergency stop jumper within the three-point line, the ball missed the basket.

Ray Allen didn't feel very good after the opening, but the rebound was picked off by O'Neal who returned to the basket.

O'Neill hit Smitz twice and hit the hook after knocking off the opponent. 0: 2.

The Lakers home fans are all excited, O'Neal is relatively easy to deal with Smiths, who is in decline.

On the sidelines, Larry Bird frowned. He knew in his heart that the Dutch center would not be able to accompany the team for several seasons. This reminded him of the Rockets' O'Neal. At the end of this season, all rookie contracts expired, including Jermaine O’Neal. It can be said that a large number of expired contracts will emerge this summer, but each team has the right to match, so don’t worry. His famous star was easily signed and run. The Pacers boss's financial resources can't be compared with Kobe, if you want to get O'Neal, you can only through trade.

Seeing that it was Ray Allen defending himself, Reggie Miller with the ball started the trash talk taunt. Unfortunately, Ray Allen was known as a gentleman's sword, and he hardly said any trash talk. This also made the self-confident Reggie Miller think very much. Boring.

Ray Allen's defensive ability was in the upper-middle level, and Miller had no chance to get rid of it. He could only pass the ball to Chris Mullin.

Chris Mullin is a famous left-handed player in the league, so he is called "God's left hand" by fans. Although he is close to retiring, he still got rid of Nowitzki with experience and hit a three-pointer on the outside. 3:2.

Kobe broke through Mark Jackson and dropped the ball to O'Neal. O'Neal took the ball and leaned against Smith, then turned to the bottom line and jumped to make a one-handed dunk. 3:4.

Although O'Neal has been fighting since the beginning of the game because of weight loss, the advantage of natural crushing is there. If the Pacers do not double inside, Smiths alone will not be able to prevent it.

Mark Jackson dribbled the ball to pass Reggie Miller in the half-court, the latter quickly advanced to the frontcourt, the left side facing Ray Allen made a three-pointer and missed the basket.

O'Neal caught Smiths and scored an offensive rebound, a long pass to Kobe, Kobe quickly dribbled out of Mark Jackson, and made a long jumper from beyond the three-point line. 3:7.

Pacers attacked, Mark Jackson once again passed the ball to Reggie Miller. He and Dale Davis picked up a jumper after a pick-and-roll again under Kobe's help and interference, and the rebound was grabbed by O'Neal.

The Lakers counterattacked, Kobe caught the ball in the frontcourt, rushed to the inside with his head down, broke through Jackson to take the ball with both hands, two-step take-off pull rod layup, the ball did not score, but caused a foul by Smiths.

Kobe's current bounce and stay in the air have been difficult to find opponents in the league, perhaps only Carter can match him. Kobe made two free throws, 3:9.

The Pacers attacked, Mark Jackson passed the ball to Reggie Miller for the first time. Miller finally got rid of Ray Allen by relying on a super ball-free movement this time, and after receiving the ball, he made an open three-pointer. 6:9.

Ray Allen was a little upset about the ball because he didn't keep up. Kobe stepped forward to comfort him. After all, players like Reggie Miller who rely on shooting and running to eat can't be focused on him the whole game.

Reggie Miller made a lot of three-pointers last season. Compared with the historical average of three-pointers, it was nearly three. Last season, the Pacers were able to compete with Jordan's Bulls in the Eastern Conference finals in seven games. Miller contributed a lot. No.

Reggie Miller’s future generations are not highly rated. This All-Star guard who was suppressed by Jordan for almost his entire career is most criticized for his unrestricted trash talk. Throughout Miller’s entire career, he is the most brilliant. Time is the "Miller Moment". In 1995, the Pacers played the fifth game of the Eastern Conference Finals with New York. The Pacers trailed by 12 points into the fourth quarter. New York loyal fan Spike Lee was crazy about Miller. As a result, Miller scored 25 points in a single quarter, including five three-pointers. After making the last three-pointer, Miller Chong Spike Lee made a famous choke action to demonstrate.

However, Kobe really admires this veteran player who was not in time. After all, not everyone has the courage and the **** of basketball to be tough.