Reborn as Kobe

Chapter 170: Take home advantage

In the CCTV sports broadcast room, there was a lively discussion facing the Lakers' three-point lineup.

Zhang Liliang said: "The Lakers are very mobile, and Kobe played a decisive role as the pivot point on both offense and defense."

Xu Jicheng commented: "Actually, the old Nelson’s small ball tactic was first proposed and used by our coach Qian Chenghai. Old Nelson was the one who brought this tactic to the NBA. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a strong point guard, and we met people and horses. The big European and American teams suffer very much, so this tactic has not been promoted in our league."

Sun Zhengping asked: "If Kobe is in our national team, what will we achieve?"

Zhang He thought about it and said: "I have made it to the top four in the Olympic Games, and I have a great chance to enter the final."

Without mentioning Zhang Liangyi's comments, the confrontation between the two teams has become more intense.

Nash held the ball in the middle and Olajuwon played the pick-and-roll again, and dribbled two steps from the right to Duncan. Duncan caught the ball and leaned on Horry to turn to the right and hit the board. 34:30.

Duncan's footsteps and rhythm are perfectly combined, but his posture is too ugly. No matter what achievements Stone Buddha made in the previous life, he was not praised by the league because of his ugly playing style and no passion at all.

On the defensive end, the Lakers can't defend the outside of the Rockets and can only continue to oppress the opponent on offense.

Kobe took the ball and went down quickly, and after a pick-and-roll with Horry, he faked a real pass and divided the ball to Lewis in the corner.

Lewis adjusted his breathing and made a three-pointer from the corner. 37:30.

Old Nelson stood on the sidelines with his waist pinched, his lips pouted, his expression very serious. Old Nelson knew in his heart that in this series, the victory or defeat was actually based on the Lakers' shooting efficiency. Although O'Neal is the strongest player in the Lakers, the Rockets have a big dream to defeat him, even though Olajuwon is late, but There was Duncan who was rock solid beside him. On the Lakers' side, if Barkley was at the peak, Nelson would definitely not fight like this. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as reality. He can only add more burden to Kobe.

Nash still played the pick-and-roll with Olajuwon. This time Nowitzki was a step slower to change defense, and Nash directly broke through and scored. 37:32.

The original two pairs of good friends who were in the same Mavericks in time and space, but now they are separated from each other, in the form of strangers. Kobe suddenly felt that he had committed a crime and broke up many beautiful marriages in the league.

Kobe held the ball straight to the basket, Duncan and Jackson flanked back and forth, Kobe flicked, and passed the ball freely to Nowitzki in the back of his head. Nowitzki made a high shot. 39:32.

In these rounds, Nowitzki was frustrated by Jackson. Although Kobe changed his playing style in advance and gave him the independent professor of Golden Rooster, the time was too short. The Mavericks were hacked by the Warriors in the last life, and Jackson was responsible for defending Nowitzki.

Rudy Tomjanovich called a timeout. He has found that if he continues to fight like this, the Rockets will have to hold on first. He said to D'Antoni: "Mike, how do you think we should restrict the Lakers?"

Rudy Tomjanovich is pointing to D'Antoni's on-the-spot experience. D'Antoni does not feel underestimated. He likes to discuss tactics with seniors like Tang Shuai and can learn a lot. D'Antoni is very satisfied with the Rockets' lineup, but he feels that his current ability is not worthy of the team, so he took the initiative to take a step back, but this does not mean that he is willing.

"Rudy, I think we should let Hakeem come down and rest first, and he will have to deal with the shark later. We can let Tim stay at the basket and replace Bruce Bowen to deal specifically with Kobe."

"Mike, it seems you learned a lot of defensive skills from Tom." Rudy Tomjanovich laughed.

After the timeout, Bowen was replaced by O'Neal. Duncan and Olajuwon were both on the court to rest.

Kobe was entangled by the desperate Uncle Bao, and the Lakers had a big problem with the ball. Although O'Neal's defense is not as good as Duncan, he has a good mid-range shot. Horry has struggled to face O'Neal after changing defense.

O'Neal and Nash received a return pass from Nash after the pick and roll, facing Horry's back dribble, moved left and opened a position, and made a forty-five-degree jumper on the left side. Horry was half a beat slower, and when he jumped to block the shot, the ball was already flying to the basket. 39:34.

Old Nelson glanced at Rudy Tomjanovich and cursed inwardly: "Old Fox!"

On the surface, the Rockets took the initiative to weaken the defense, but in fact they strengthened the offense. At the same time, they also gained valuable rest time for Duncan and Olajuwon.

Good coaches never look at a moment's loss. Champion coaches like Nelson, Popovich, Rudy Tomjanovich and Phil Jackson are more focused on the overall situation.

The two teams were in a stalemate like this. No one took the initiative to adjust the lineup. At halftime, the Lakers led 55 to 50 away.

In the third quarter, the two main teams all debuted.

The Rockets started double-teaming Kobe, cut O'Neal in the penalty area, and sent him a free throw. O'Neal made 5 of 8 free throws, still passing, and did not let the Rockets' conspiracy succeed.

Seeing that the sharks were not effective, the Rockets simply competed with the Lakers in hard power. Olajuwon's crazy singles O'Neal, Barkley desperately to cover O'Neal.

A very interesting scene appeared on the court. Barkley became an inside and Olajuwon started to smash, while Duncan and O’Neill became literary youths. One of your hooks, I Going into a board game is in sharp contrast with the passionate veteran.

Because of the increased defensive intensity in this quarter, the efficiency of the two teams is not high.

In the final quarter, the overall feel of the Lakers broke out, and the Rockets fell in the shooting battle.

Ray Allen used O'Neal's screen to hit two consecutive three-pointers from the bottom corner, and Mobley, who was on the court, also made a layup and an arc-top three-pointer.

Rudy Tomjanovich called two timeouts and failed to interrupt the Lakers' touch.

In the last minute, the Rockets tied the score for a while, but Kobe used the ultra-long three-pointer to score 6 points in 40 seconds, completely extinguishing the Rockets' counterattacking arrogance.

In the end, the Lakers defeated the Rockets 114 to 108, regaining home advantage, and the total score came to 2-1.

In this game, the Lakers scored in double figures with six of the Lakers. O'Neal had the most points, 12 of 20 shots, 8 of 14 free throws, 32 points, 15 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 block. Kobe Bryant had 21 points, 8 rebounds and 11 assists and almost had another triple-double. Other players, Ray Allen 24 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists, Horry 10 points and 6 rebounds, Eddie Jones 11 points and 2 steals, Nowitzki 10 points and 4 rebounds.

On the side of the Rockets, Olajuwon, a big dream insider, scored 19 points, 11 rebounds and 8 assists. Duncan scored 17 points and 11 rebounds.

Outside Carter had 2o points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, and Nash had 17 points and 15 assists.

The Rockets did everything they could and did not make any major mistakes, but they still lost. The reason is that the Lakers were too accurate on the perimeter, and they actually made 21 three-pointers. It can be said that the Rockets were born. Dead, this again made Popovich and others who watched this game pay more attention to the three-point tactic.