Reborn Capital Empire

v1 Chapter 269: Thunder Customer Reception (Part 1)

Chapter 269 Thunder Customer Reception

"Charlie, the guards here are too tight, we can't get in at all."

A young man in a black suit complained to his companion in frustration.

"Hey, Chris, what do you think this is?"

Charlie Hagstrom took out a beautifully packaged invitation from his pocket and handed it to his companion.

"This is... an invitation letter from the Thunder Fund?"

Chris Doss took it, opened it to see the contents inside, and said in surprise.

Charlie nodded with a smile, "This time we don't have to climb the wall, and we don't have to be afraid of being kicked out!"

After Chris Doss nodded vigorously, he patted his forehead angrily and said, "Why didn't I expect to get a fake certificate? It's so stupid!"

His words instantly made Charlie's expression, which had a smug look on his face, turned gloomy.

"Damn it, Chris, you saw it clearly. This is a real invitation letter, not a Xibei that you can get for ten dollars!"

"Impossible! You are as clean as your face, how could you be a client of the Thunder Fund?" Chris shook his head repeatedly, as if he believed in you.

No wonder he is like this, now the minimum investment standard for Thunder Fund clients has risen to $100,000. In other words, if your one-time investment is lower than this amount, then sorry, even if you want to invest, we will not ask for it.

"Of course I'm not Leiting's client, but my father is. He was the first client of Leiting Fund when it was first established. At that time, Leiting's account opening requirements were not as high as they are now!"

"Your father?" Chris nodded knowingly, "It's possible!"

The two grew up together, and he knew that Chris' father, who ran several gas stations in San Francisco, was considered affluent.

"...However, you stole your dad's invitation letter, in case he finds out...?"

"I don't care so much. Besides, he won't lose anything even if he doesn't participate in this Thunder's reception. If we can get the internal information of this reception, it will be enough to sell for a sky-high price in any newspaper. At that time, we will We have the money to start our business plan!"

Chris, who was hesitant at first, thought of the entrepreneurial plan that the two were still planning, and his attitude quickly became firm.

He and Charlie are both graduates of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After obtaining a double degree in electrical engineering and computer engineering respectively, they came to Silicon Valley to study electric vehicles, but because the concept is too advanced, and they also lack the necessary Funding channels, their plans are still on paper. This time, when Charlie came home to seek help from his father, he found an invitation letter from the Thunder Fund on his desk.

After thinking about the news he saw on the news today, this plan of using chickens to lay eggs appeared in his mind like an electric shock. And it was soon put into practice by him.

"By the way, are the pinhole camera and voice recorder ready?"

"Of course! But how are we going to bring it in?"

"I've thought about it for a long time!" With that, Charlie took off his left leather shoe under the surprised eyes of his old friend.

"Give me something!"

After Chris pulled out of his pocket the camera and small tape recorder he had bought for the auction. Watching Charlie take it, wrap it in a layer of aluminum foil, stuff it into a condom, then put the heel, put the insole in, and finally put the shoe on and stomp on the ground.

"That's it!"

"Can this really escape inspection?" Chris wondered.

"Of course! Inspections like this kind of banquet are more to prevent people from bringing guns in and causing danger. The inspection scope is mainly concentrated on the legs, crotch and upper body, and the soles are rarely inspected. Besides, most of our equipment The materials are all plastic, and there is no radiation or signal when the machine is turned off, and with effective isolation, unless God does not allow us to succeed, it will never be detected, don’t worry!”

Although Chris remains skeptical, there is no better way for him now than to just let it go.

"Okay, don't think about it, let's go, it's almost time!"

When the words fell, Chris was pulled into the car by Charlie.

"By the way, I still got these two Armani suits from my dad, but don't get him dirty! Otherwise, it will cost a lot of money to wash them!"

"I know. . . . Charlie, do you think we're going to look too low-grade in a Toyota Corolla?"

"I want to drive a Mercedes too, but we're out of money, Chris!"

"Okay! ...why did the Thunder set the banquet in New York instead of Chicago? So we could use your dad's Mercedes.

"Chris, stop your whining. It's affecting my driving."

"Okay. . . . Charlie, do you think we can make it?"

"Chris, shut up."

"Sorry! ... Charlie, how much do you think we can sell the video for? Twenty thousand dollars? Or more?"


In Shanglin Garden, New York, Guo Shouyun's only residence in the Big Apple. This 3.6-acre luxury estate on the seaside of East Hampton, a wealthy area of ​​Long Island, is not top-notch, but it is enough as the venue for the Thunder Fund client reception.

The luxuriously decorated, brightly lit hall is filled with radiance and the atmosphere is very warm.

Because the outside world has always had different opinions on the specific revenue of the Thunder Fund, so after getting the information about the reception of this reception, they tried every means to join in to take a look! Therefore, the number of accounts opened by Thunder Fund has skyrocketed in just a few days.

"I didn't expect so many people to come back!"

Looking at the crowded crowd in the hall, Zhang Shaoling, who was standing on the second floor leaning on the railing, was surprised.

"It's only in the hall, there's more on the lawn outside!" John Ruthmi said.

"Does the Thunder Fund have so many clients?" Qin Zhicheng asked in surprise.

"I heard from the boss that there were not so many originally, but before the reception started, the number of Thunder's customers suddenly doubled. Moreover, they are basically the kind of guys who only invest $100,000!" John Luthmi said .

"So, these guys are here to find out the news!" Zhang Shaoling said.

John Lusmi nodded, "But there are also many potential customers among them. In addition, 100,000 US dollars is not a small amount, and together it has added two or three billion US dollars of capital to us!"

"Let's go, let's stop standing on it. We will meet these guys together, and by the way, we will get some funds for our own group. Besides, if the boss sees us resting on the top, and he is struggling below, I am afraid It won't give us a good face!" Qin Zhicheng said with a smile.

Zhang Shaoling and John Lu Simie nodded.

"Those guys down there are fat lambs and I can't wait to get more money out of their generous pockets!"

Zhang Shaoling laughed and walked downstairs with his companions. However, his footsteps soon stopped.

"Michael, aren't you going to go down?"

Standing still, Michael Barry shook his head, "You guys go! I'm not used to this kind of situation."

He has social phobia and is naturally resistant to crowded situations. Zhang Shaoling and the others, who had already gotten to know him through their contacts in the past few days, did not push themselves too hard.

"Alright then! If there is anything, please inform us in time!" Qin Zhicheng said.


Michael Barry nodded and watched the three go downstairs and leave.

At this time, two sneaky guys also managed to get in.

"Chris, are you all done?"

"Don't worry, I have already debugged it when I was in the toilet just now, everything is ok!"

"That's good, let's get to work. We must take advantage of this rare opportunity to earn the first start-up capital for the business!"

The two looked at each other and looked at their excited eyes. After each clenched their fists to cheer each other and themselves, they began to look around.

"Wow, look over there, Tim Draper, the CEO of Defengjie, he came to our school to give a speech last semester!"

"The guy standing next to him is Mitt Romney of Bain Capital!"

"And Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, I really want to know what the three of them are talking about!"

"Look, Ted Turner, Chairman of Time Warner!"

"I saw Stan O'Neal, CEO of Merrill Lynch!"

"That's Morgan Stanley's CEO, Walker Fairbank. I've seen him on TV."

"Oh, Rich Ford, CEO of the Ford Family Foundation, didn't expect him to be here too! . 

Too many powerful figures in the political and business circles of the United States who are usually only seen in the news media gathered here at this time, which gave Chris and Charlie a huge shock. It was not until the nerves were numb from the shock of everything in front of them that their emotions calmed down a little.

"Where is Bruce Guo, he is the protagonist of our filming today!" Chuck said.

"Should be outside!"

"Come on, let's go out and see!"

The two walked out of the villa lobby and soon found the protagonist they wanted to shoot on the lawn in the garden outside.

"ohmygod, is that Prince William?"

"And the British ambassador!"

Not to mention the two people who were already stunned, Guo Shouyun was also surprised to see William here.

"William, why are you here?"

"Hehe, Bruce, I'm also a client of Thunder Fund!"

Laughing, William gave Guo Shouyun a warm hug.

"By the way, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Markle, the British ambassador to the United States!"

"Hello, Mr. Ambassador!"

After briefly sizing up the tall, thin, smiling middle-aged man, Guo Shouyun greeted him politely.

"It's a great honor to meet Mr. Guo!"

The two simply shook hands.

"William, Li is here tonight, you can meet him later!"

The Li Guo Shouyun was talking about was Li Zeju, and this time he brought Li Zekai, who is more familiar to Guo Shouyun.

"Oh, is that so! Since the last time we separated in the UK, we have been in contact with each other on the phone a few times, but we haven't seen each other again. I'll have a good chat this time!"

Guo Shouyun nodded and was about to speak, but stopped because of Wendy's words in his ear.

"Boss, here comes Mr. Buffett!"

With a flash of eyes, Guo Shouyun nodded.

"William, I have to greet other guests, so I won't accompany you more."

"Ok, you are the protagonist tonight. However, I will stay in the United States for a few days this time. You, the landlord, must be a good tour guide!"

"no problem!"

After a few simple and polite words, Guo Shouyun turned around and walked towards the entrance with Wendy.

Before long, the familiar face of Warren Buffett appeared in front of him. However, in addition to Buffett himself, there is also his deputy at Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, who is also well-known in the American financial world.

In addition, with the influence of Buffett and Munger, there will never be a shortage of people around them who take the initiative to come to the door. What's more, there are quite a few top figures in the upper class in the United States where Guo Shouyun stands today. Many of them are acquainted with both of them. Therefore, when Guo Shouyun came over, a lot of people had gathered around Buffett and Munger. These include Goldman Sachs CEO Blank Fein, Carlyle CEO David Rubinstein, and Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman.

"Mr. Munger, everyone, do you mind if I come in?"

Guo Shouyun's voice successfully attracted their attention to himself.

"Of course I don't mind, in fact we very much hope to have a chat with Mr. Guo!" Warren Buffett laughed. Charlie Munger, who was standing beside him, nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Guo is the protagonist of this evening. All of us here hope to talk to you about business, especially investment experience!" David Rubinstein laughed.

"About investment, it is better for you to discuss with Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger. My performance is far behind the two!" Although Guo Shouyun is confident, but standing in front of the great **** of value investment, he is also a little lack of confidence.

"Mr. Guo is too humble! Charlie and I can't make nearly 10 billion profits in seven months like you!" Buffett laughed.

"It's just a coincidence. I didn't expect to make so much profit at first!" Guo Shouyun said.

"All coincidences are strength plus a little luck! Moreover, I also believe that Mr. Guo's success is not a coincidence." Charlie Munger said.

"Mr. Guo, Charlie rarely praises people!" Buffett laughed.

"Then I'm really honored!"

"The three are top figures in the investment field, so don't praise each other here. If you have time, give us some pointers!" said Blank Fein.

"Yeah! We're all friends, and you can't have a good opportunity alone!" David Rubinstein laughed.

"You both understand that if you want to make money, you should ask Mr. Guo for advice." Buffett waved his hand with a smile.


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