Reborn Capital Empire

v1 Chapter 345: Merger with Universal Pictures

Chapter 345 Merger and Acquisition of Universal Pictures

Rebecca nodded, and after a moment of silence, "Boss, I believe in your absolute control and wise decision-making over Enron Pacific. But India is not suitable for companies to show their strengths here."

"I know. But we really can't give up this market, especially Dabor." After a pause, Guo Shouyun continued, "Rebecca, how much do you know about the history of China?"

"Not much. In American textbooks, there is not much space to introduce the history of China."

"What about the period of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China?"

"I know a few things, such as the Opium War, the Sino-Japanese War, and the melee of warlords in China." Although she didn't understand why Guo Shouyun asked this question, Rebecca still did her best to answer.

"Actually, in my opinion. India today is like the Qing Dynasty in China at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Officialdom is corrupt, the people are dark and hierarchical, and the people are ignorant and uneducated. If you want to make money in such an environment, The Westerners at that time used three methods. First, the strong deterrence brought about by strong national strength. Second, they were willing to spend money to bribe the officials who control political power. Third, let the 'people' who are familiar with the local situation, commonly known as The 'comprador' class runs the local business for them."

"Although the times are different, the countries are different. But we can use these methods for reference. Therefore, for India's development strategy. My thoughts are: First, make more use of the background of our American companies to strive for better investment opportunities. And conditions. Second, as long as it can protect our interests and provide us with convenience, then don’t mind spending more money in officialdom. Third, cultivate our Indian agents. The core goal is only one, as long as it can make us To make money, then in India we are willing to do anything.”

After thinking for a while, Rebecca Mark nodded slowly.

"I very much agree with your three solutions for the Indian market. But many times, the actual difficulties will be more complicated and more complicated than imagined."

"I understand. Nothing is set in stone. Our strategy will also be adjusted according to the changes in the current situation in India and the world." After a pause, Guo Shouyun's eyes suddenly became deeper, "This world is too complicated, some We have to prepare ahead of time to make sure we don’t get off track when we make decisions.”

After getting along for more than a year, Rebecca Mark also has a certain understanding of the young boss. Obviously, he had something else in his mind.

"Rebecca, there are still many elites in India's billion population, do you know?" After a moment of silence, Guo Shouyun suddenly asked.

“During the three years of the Dabor project, I have come into contact with many Indian entrepreneurs, academics and politicians. Although many of them are mediocre people who came to power through their families or opportunistically, many of them have real talents and practical knowledge The elite figure." Rebecca nodded.

"After arriving in India, introduce me to the best of these people."

"You want to meet?"

Rebecca was a little surprised. Doesn't this big boss hate socializing the most?

Guo Shouyun, who could guess some ideas from her expression, smiled and said: "I once heard a sentence: When you can't change the world, the best way is to adapt to it. I don't like socializing and socializing, but Sometimes you have to get used to it.”

After tasting Guo Shouyun's words in his heart, Rebecca Mark nodded.

After checking the time, Guo Shouyun stood up.

"Let's talk about 'India' first. Come on, it's lunch time."

Rebecca followed Guo Shouyun downstairs. After lunch, take a break. After sorting out the materials needed for the negotiation and the acceptable bottom line for negotiation, the two went out on time with their assistants at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Guo Shouyun, who has been here twice, is not familiar with Vivendi's headquarters, but he is also somewhat familiar. Welcomed by Jean-Rene Fortou, the two sides sat down again.

"Mr. Guo, we meet again!"

"Yes. Hopefully this time we can reach an agreement that satisfies both parties!"

"Of course, I hope so too!"

After a brief chat, the two parties entered into the theme tacitly.

“… Regarding Vivendi Games, we think $1.8 billion is an appropriate number.”

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fortu. We think $1.8 billion is a bit too high. First, the two main brands of Vivendi Games. Xue Leshan has closed the R&D department, and only the publishing department is left with no value. More than 300 million US dollars. The game rights of Snow Mountain can be valued at 150 million US dollars. Second, Blizzard. I admit that Diablo, StarCraft and Warcraft are very popular games. But only With those words, I think $800 million is an appropriate number."

"Mr. Guo, the purchase price of 1.25 billion US dollars is too exaggerated. The annual revenue of Vivendi Games is as high as 150 million euros, and the average annual sales of game discs are 4 million sets. Selling to Matrix for 1.8 billion US dollars is already a price we see in Guo. Difficult choice made on the basis of a very worthwhile cooperation sir. Price reduction? Sorry, we would never agree!"

"Mr. Forto, everyone is smart. We know the real value of Vivendi games. $1.8 billion is too high."

"But Mr. Guo's $1.25 billion asking price is too low!"

The two of them stared at each other for a while without showing weakness, then suddenly each smiled. Both parties understand that people sitting across from each other are not easy to deal with.

"Mr. Forto, I have a proposal."

"Please say!"

"We can appropriately reduce our stake in Veolia. In exchange, you have to agree to our offer for Vidiwang Games."

Veolia is a new company established after the merger of Azuricos Water, a subsidiary of the former Enron Pacific, and Vidiwang Environment.

"Oh? How much is Mr. Guo willing to give up?"


Jean-Rene Fortou's eyes flickered. After the merger, Veolia is worth about $18 billion. 2% is $360 million. In addition to the previous quotation from Guo Shouyun, it is in line with the actual value of the Vidiwang game in his mind.

Feel free to add a few more numbers. But seeing Guo Shouyun's expression, after hesitating for a while, he finally nodded.


Turning to the Canal+ network next, the two sides have no objection to the $1.5 billion offer. But by the time Universal Pictures, the biggest disagreement broke out.

"Mr. Guo, we are very sincere to discuss again, but your offer of US$9.4 billion for Universal Pictures is really not in line with the value of the world's second largest film company and the second largest theme park operator, and the gap is huge."

"Really? But I think the price of $9.4 billion is suitable. As for the second largest theme park operator? Except for the two Universal Studios in Orlando and Hollywood, and the two Universal Studios in Spain and Japan, you have the right to operate in addition to the shares. Not at all. How high is the value. In addition, Universal Music Group, which originally belonged to Universal Pictures, has been stripped out of the negotiation. Without this asset, $9.4 billion is my final offer to Universal Pictures. "Guo Shouyun Without backing down.

"Impossible. Universal has grossed more than $1.2 billion at the U.S. box office in the past three years, and has produced "Shakespeare in Love," "American Pie," "The Mummy," "Jurassic Park," "Gladiator," Classic movies such as "The Bourne Bourne". If you count the world box office and peripheral income, it has reached an astonishing level of 3.5 billion US dollars per year. Therefore, even if Universal Studios is excluded, the actual value of Universal Pictures is 9 billion US dollars. Adding the two together, 11.2 billion US dollars is already a manifestation of Vivendi's sincerity."

The two quarreled for a while, and neither took a step back. Just when the negotiations were deadlocked, Rebecca Mark, who was sitting next to him, spoke up.

"Boss, Mr. Forto, may I make a suggestion?"

The two looked at her at the same time, and Guo Shouyun nodded.



After getting permission, "I think what Vivendi needs most now is liquidity. So, if we accept your total offer of $11.2 billion for Universal Pictures, is Mr. Wilttu willing to make concessions in terms of shares? "

Upon being reminded by Rebecca, Guo Shouyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

With the future hot Marvel Universe, as well as the blessing of a series of hot copyrights such as "Harry Potter", "Fast and Furious", "National Treasure", the future of Universal Pictures is bright. Compared with the current billions of dollars, the shares are undoubtedly more valuable.

The same is true of Jean-Rene Fortou. However, he is obviously not as confident in the future of Universal as Guo Shouyun, who has memories of later generations. And like Rebecca said, what Vivendi needs most now is liquidity to balance her finances.

In order to avoid being too eager, he instead fell into the Fortu. Therefore, Guo Shouyun was not in a hurry to express his opinion. The look on his face was also calmer.

After examining the young man sitting opposite for a while, Forto hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded With the terms of compromise, the next negotiation went much smoother.

In the end, the two parties reached a condition that the value of Universal Pictures and Universal Studios was set at $11.2 billion, of which Universal Pictures was $7.5 billion and Universal Studios was $3.7 billion. Vivendi owns 20% of the shares of Universal Pictures, and can have the supervisory power conferred by the shares, but cannot interfere with the operation of Universal Pictures by the Matrix Group. As for Universal Studios, the entire stake was sold to Matrix.

In the end, Veolia's shares were also settled. Enron Capital holds 32% and the remaining 68% belongs to Vivendi. Similarly, Enron only has the right to supervise and cannot interfere with Vivendi's management rights to Veolia.



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