Reborn Capital Empire

v1 Chapter 350: trip to india

Chapter 350 A Trip to India

"Boss, this is the newspaper this morning!"

"Is there any new news?" Guo Shouyun put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

"The headlines of 60 are the content of yesterday's press conference!"

After taking it over and flipping through it briefly, the front page of Le Figaro made his eyes stop for a while.

As the newspaper with the largest circulation in France, today her front page is slightly different from other French newspapers.

"The Big Six in Hollywood, the rising Matrix Universal, and the declining MGM."

The article compares MGM, which has invested heavily in the filming of "Wind Whisperer", with a huge loss, with the thriving Matrix Group that has annexed the world. And then made a name for the entire Hollywood studio. Time Warner is still the undisputed number one, even if she's in a tough spot right now. Second, 20th Century Fox, which is still huge under the blessing of News Corporation. The third is the new Matrix Global. After Matrix Universal is the future giant Disney.

Although Disney is huge now, but without Pixar and Marvel, her current business is still limited to animated feature films and theme parks, and adult films are still a dwarf.

Sony Columbia after Disney, and Paramount.

MGM, losing money or even going bankrupt, is no longer called a giant.

"Are you interested in MGM?"

After noticing that Guo Shouyun stared at the newspaper for a long time without moving, Rebecca Mark asked curiously.

Guo Shouyun nodded. Later generations, whether it is the Chinese film and television industry or Hollywood, have fully proved a truth. The copyright holder wins the world.

The more high-quality film and television copyrights in hand, the greater the development potential. The best example is Disney and a certain fat penguin.

The former acquired Marvel and the latter acquired the starting point, which made the two, who were not too outstanding in the film and television industry, almost become overlords.

Therefore, MGM's rich film library, as well as a series of classic film and television copyrights such as "Tom and Jerry", "007", "The Wizard of Oz", "Gone with the Wind", etc. have long been put on his 'menu' by Guo Shouyun. It's just because the matrix was weak at the beginning, and MGM has not yet reached the limit, so all along, Guo Shouyun just didn't do it.

According to his original plan, it was to let MGM replace Universal's role in the matrix. But the plans can't change as fast, and the matrix now has a globe. MGM's appeal in his eyes has dropped a lot. However, there is an opportunity, and Jean still does not intend to let it go.

"Put MGM on your work schedule, and I will know about any major news about her in the future." Guo Shouyun ordered after taking the test.

After the loss of Legally Blonde, MGM's difficulties may come earlier than he remembers. Therefore, he can no longer wait until 2005. Of course, not now. The matrix that acquired Universal and Warner Music has doubled in size and has not yet completed the integration. So, he still wants to wait.


After simply flipping through the newspaper at the back and seeing nothing interesting, Guo Shouyun got up and walked towards the bedroom.

"I'm going to get dressed and go to the airport!"

After the acquisition negotiations with Vivendi ended, the French affairs basically came to an end here. According to the plan, it is also time to go to India.

India, whether in this life or in the past, Guo Shouyun's impression of this country is a dirty, chaotic, religious, caste system and political arena. Although he also knows that there must be bias in the media's propaganda. But in his last life he never thought about it.

Now, for the first time flying to this country with countless legends, Guo Shouyun is still a little curious. Of course, he was also prepared to be 'hot eyes'.

A direct flight from Paris to Mumbai takes more than nine hours. Guo Shouyun's private jet, the Kunpeng, has been modified to be faster. But even so, it takes eight hours to get from Paris to Mumbai. Naturally, Guo Shouyun would not do nothing for such a long time.

"This is the status quo in India?"

"This is just the status quo that I learned after staying in India for five years. It may be biased, or it may be more exaggerated. But this information can be regarded as a window for the boss to know India." Rebecca Mark replied.

Looking at the information in his hand, Guo Shouyun nodded knowingly.

"India is really a polarized and...very weird society!"

He couldn't think of a better adjective than 'weird'. All along, although India's so-called democratic system has been criticized, it is a modern country. India should have the main characteristics of a modern state, such as legal unity, linguistic convergence, recognition of the concept of the state, etc.

But after seeing Rebecca's information, he realized that his understanding of India in his past and present life was really wrong and outrageous.

Although India is a country in name, it is different from the federal system of the United States and the democratic countries of the United Kingdom and France. In other words, India is not a country in the modern sense, but a union of countries. More vividly, India is like the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period in China.

First of all, every state in India today, equivalent to a province in China and a state in the United States, can be regarded as a vassal state in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the central government of India is equivalent to the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty at that time. Each state has very great privileges in legislation and judiciary, especially in taxation. From one state of India, across to another state to deliver goods, that is to pay transit tax! This is equivalent to paying taxes from Beijing to Tianjin. Taxes are also payable from California to Washington state. There can be no such bizarre taxation model in any modern country.

Second, Indian books are different in different languages, with different pronunciations, and different weights and measures.

The official language of India is Hindi, but nearly half of the country does not speak it! Moreover, each state in India has its own official language. This is not a dialect like Cantonese and Wu dialect, but a completely different language from writing to grammar!

Imagine if the capital of Huaxia speaks Chinese, He-Nan speaks English, and Shan-Dong speaks French, you can understand the language situation in India.

In this case, education has become a big problem. Even if you learn Hindi, you are still illiterate in Tamil-speaking states.

Language disunity leads to cultural disunity, and cultural disunity makes it impossible to have national unity. There could be no India in the modern sense if it weren't for the legacy left by Britain.

Finally there is caste and religion, and the resulting peculiar Indian culture.

The entire population of India is religious, of which more than 70% believe in Hinduism. Unlike Huaxia's belief in gods, it is superficial. Indians have really carved their belief in gods into their bones. For example, killing, Hinduism opposes killing and advocates animism. So, not to say 100% in India, but more than 80% of the people are vegetarian.

This has caused industries related to killing, such as butchers and skinners, to gradually become humble and untouchable in Indian society. After a long period of cultural fermentation and political repression, it has become a system.

This is the origin of the caste system.

Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Sudras and Kennels are the four well-known Indian classes. But in fact there are thousands of small classes in these four classes.

Due to the inheritance of the caste system, there is no intermarriage across classes, showing genetic segregation, surname segregation, and occupational incompatibility.

Since many occupations have always belonged to different castes, they avoided contact or had sharp contradictions. Those within the caste will always be in similar occupations while those outside the caste will never be involved in the industry. This has led to the fact that many occupations in India are now linked to castes. For example, engineers are all from one surname, teachers are from another caste, and propaganda is from a certain caste. The ancestors of doctors are from another caste. Still untouchable.

This stratification poses a lot of challenges to the management of Indian companies. For example, the two types of people who are engaged in finance and IT are from two different caste systems and insist on not contacting each other. How can I get them to develop a financial system together? What about management software? !

The caste system deeply divides Indian society. Violent conflicts occur between castes of the same rank, or because of opinions of interests or superiority. This is very common in rural India. Just like the Zhang family and the Wang family fighting each other, it is reflected in many Indian film themes, forming a unique gang culture in India that relies on the caste system.

The caste system is contagious. Even if it does not belong to Hindu believers, under the influence of the social culture of the Hindu station theme, it is inevitable to inherit the caste culture.

Caste culture, religious estrangement, plus regional discrimination in every country, and more money worship in modern society, the complexity of Indian society is far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

"In fact, you won't find out until the boss actually gets there that you've encountered hundreds of times more weirdness than you think now!" Rebecca said.

Guo Shouyun nodded, "This trip to India will be arranged by you!"

Compared with her own black eyes, Rebecca has more than five years of understanding of India and more experience.

"Yes. But I hope the boss can give up your insistence and change the place of stay to the 'Taj Mahal Hotel'!"

"Taj Mahal? Is it a famous five-star hotel in Mumbai?"


" You know the rules of Anping Company...!"

"Boss, of course the rules should be followed, but they should also be differentiated according to the situation." Rebecca interrupted without hesitation, "India's security situation is very poor, especially Mumbai, where the frequency of terrorist attacks is the highest in the whole of India. In addition, ordinary There are problems with water and food in star-rated hotels. Unless you want to be in hospital on your first day in India, it's better to stay at the Taj Mahal."

Seeing her serious expression, Guo Shouyun, who had said something beforehand, had no choice but to nod.

"Any more?"

"Yes. During my stay in India, whether I'm washing my face, brushing my teeth or drinking, I only drink bottled water bought in a large supermarket, and never use tap water."

"Nor in the hotel?"


"Isn't the Taj Mahal five-star hotel?"
