Reborn Capital Empire

v1 Chapter 548: roar joe

?Chapter 548 Roaring Joe


"Bill, where is Steve?"

"Should be with Scott! They've been discussing software design for the next iPod these days. ... Bruce, what happened?"

Bill Oppenheimer, Chief Financial Officer of Apple. It was the first time I saw Guo Shouyun who was so anxious, and instinctively felt that something had happened.

He didn't even tell Jobs about pancreatic cancer, obviously he didn't intend to let more people know. Therefore, Guo Shouyun did not explain.

"I'll tell you later, I'll go to Steve first!"

Looking at the back of him leaving in a hurry, Bill Oppenheimer's eyes flashed and he followed.

Scott Forstall, director of Apple's software department, most of Apple's software design and production, including Apple's OS graphics operating system, iTunes music store, comes from him, and is recognized as a software design genius within the company. Together with Jonathan Ivey, head of the design department, and Jonathan Rubinstein, head of the hardware department, they form the core of Apple's product development and are called "three heroes"! If you add Tim Cook, who is in charge of product sales, the four constitute the core layer of Apple that Jobs relies on most, and he is his right-hand man.

However, when Guo Shouyun came to Scott's office, no one was found.

"Where are Steve and Scott?"

"In Project A!" Scott's assistant replied.

The so-called A project is the iPhone project that is still under development. In order to avoid the appearance of the last century, Microsoft obtained the graphical interface technology from Apple and became the overlord of the computer operating system again. Since his return to Apple, Jobs has tightened security levels in various departments. Especially the iPhone, which is in the research and development state, is even more important.

Inside Apple, Project A has an independent office area, and no one is allowed to enter except for project team members and a few senior Apple executives. High-level executives like Guo Shouyun also need access cards to enter. And he came in a hurry, and did not keep his access card on him.

Just as Guo Shouyun was about to knock on the door, Bill Oppenheimer, who had been following behind, hurried over.

"Bruce, I have an access card here!"

With that said, Bill Oppenheimer put the card hanging on his chest onto the sensor. The closed door opened slowly.

"Thanks, Bill!"

Bill Oppenheimer smiled and followed Guo Shouyun's footsteps into the office area inside. Soon, in the R&D area on the second floor, Guo Shouyun found Steve Jobs, who was wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans, chatting with a middle-aged man with eyes and a serious expression.


Hearing the footsteps, Jobs also noticed Guo Shouyun who was striding forward.

"...You came just in time, look at the IOS system we developed, its performance is more advanced than the Motorola Linux system!"

Looking at the excited Jobs, in normal times, Guo Shouyun would definitely be willing to study the IOX system with him, and then share the joy. But now he's not in the mood at all!

"Steve, we need to chat!"

Looking at the serious expression of his old friend, Steve Jobs frowned after being stunned for a moment.

"Bruce, you saw me at work now. Also, the company's mobile phone project is in a critical period!"

"Steve, it's only a few minutes, it won't delay your work."

Seeing his uncompromising look, Steve Jobs nodded.

"Let's find a quiet place!"

When the words fell, Guo Shouyun went out and found an empty conference room. After letting Matthew stand outside the door and no one can approach, "Steve, why didn't you tell me about your illness? Do you still take me as a friend?"

Looking at the angry Guo Shouyun, Jobs, who had expected it, shrugged, "Bruce, the doctor said it was just a small problem, and I think I can handle it!"

"Let pi! Is pancreatic cancer also a small problem? Do you know that this **** cancer can kill you? What if you die? What will happen to the company? What will Lawrence and Reed do? Are you just thinking about yourself? ?"

Jobs, who was the only one who was used to it, was taught by someone pointing his nose for the first time, and he was still stunned at first. But after reacting, the stubbornness in his bones once again prevailed.

"I said, I can handle it. Also, now that the development of the iPhone is at a critical stage, I can't leave the company!"

"In the name of the chairman of the company's board of directors, I order you to take vacations for medical treatment!"

"It was very clear in the contract we signed that you have no right to intervene in the management of the company!"

"I only take care of you personally, not the company!"

"My personal affairs are my personal freedom, and you have no right to control it!"…

The two met like a cockfight, and neither could convince the other, so in the end, the anger on both sides became more and more intense. The quarrel could not be blocked by the soundproof glass of the conference room.

For the first time, Apple employees were horrified to see the company's two giants hyped up like this.

"What's the matter with them?" Scott Foster said.

"I do not know either."

Bill Oppenheimer shook his head.

"Should we go in and persuade?"

"Do you think I don't want to? But look at the bodyguards blocking the door, we can't get in at all!"

He was more curious than anyone about the reason why the two were so angry, but Guo Shouyun didn't give him a chance.

"I'll try it!"

After hesitating for a moment, Scott stepped towards the conference room. But before he could get close, he was stopped by Matthew.

"You heard the quarrel inside, I'll go in and persuade!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Foster, the boss has explained that no one is allowed to approach this conference room without his instructions."

"This is Apple, and I'm Apple's senior vice president and head of software!" Scott exclaimed.

"The boss is the chairman of Apple's board of directors, and I think you should follow his orders!"


"Squeak!" The rubbing of the door interrupted Scott's next words.

"Steve, think about my words again!"


Looking at Guo Shouyun with an ugly face, Scott was about to say hello, but after nodding his head, he strode away.

Watching his fast-moving back, Scott turned and walked into the conference room. Steve Jobs, who had imagined Apple's brilliant vision after the launch of the iPhone in the future and subverting the global mobile phone market because of the smooth development of the IOX mobile phone operating system, was sitting in a chair with his head sullen at this time, and his expression looked incomparable. lost.


"Scott, I want to be alone for a while!"

It was the first time he had seen Jobs so lost and helpless since he had known him. Even when Next's computer business failed and had to spin off its hardware division, Jobs remained confident about the future. But now, there is almost no fighting spirit and anger in him!

"Steve, we are not only colleagues, but also friends, we can negotiate and solve anything!"

"Thank you, Scott. I want to be quiet for a while!"

Hearing this, Scott hesitated for a moment, nodded, walked out of the conference room, and stopped Bill Oppenheimer who was going to enter it.

Guo Shouyun, who walked out of Apple, was still angry. The reason why he was angry was not only because he was worried about the huge uncertainty in the future of Apple without Jobs, but also because of the concern of his friends.

Having been with Jobs for many years, this man has a rough temper and a stubborn personality, and even a little arrogant. But as long as you get his approval, you can become a true friend. Therefore, the relationship between the two is one of Guo Shouyun's few close friends, apart from his own family and the Lincoln family who grew up together.

"Boss, shall we go home?"

Matthew asked carefully.

"No, go to Stanford University Medical Center!"

After thinking about it, Guo Shouyun shook his head.

Matthew didn't dare to ask any more questions, and came to the Stanford University Medical Center as instructed. Throughout the United States, it is one of the authorities on the research and treatment of tumor cells. The Stanford Charitable Foundation under Guo Shouyun is the most influential among its many donor organizations and individuals.

Just thinking of such a relationship, Guo Shouyun soon met Charles Howard, director of the Stanford University Medical Center.

"Hello, Mr. Guo!"

"Hello, Mr. Howard!"

After a brief handshake, the two sat down.

"Mr. Howard, I hope you can keep the next thing a secret!"

After being stunned for a moment, Charles Howard quickly reacted. It's normal for big people to have a lot of things they don't want the public to know about.

"Mr. Guo, please rest assured! We will keep the patient's privacy strictly confidential!"

Seeing his Guo Shouyun knew that he had misunderstood. However, he did not explain, and directly took out Jobs' medical records and handed them over to the other party.

"This is the medical record of a friend of mine. Now he has pancreatic cancer, which is at an early stage. I hope you can organize the best oncologists to discuss a surgical plan as soon as possible, and then tell me!"

"Pancreatic cancer?"


Charles Howard frowned slightly. After he took over the information and read it in detail, he realized that the patient was not the one he thought he was in front of. However, Jobs is a well-known figure in Silicon Valley, and he is no stranger to it, but he understands why Guo Shouyun asked for secrecy.

Apple's soul figure like Steve Jobs, once the news of his cancer spread, Apple's stock price is bound to fall. This is what Guo Shouyun does not want to see. It's not that he is distressed about money, but that he is unwilling to let those greedy financial institutions take the opportunity to manipulate Apple's stock price for profit.
