Reborn Giants: National Male God, Too Good at Flirting

Chapter 308: Devil's Game (6)

"After chasing for so long, there is no result. It's just too embarrassing for the old man!"

The old man snorted coldly.

Jun Sutian covered his eyes and decided to change the subject: "I have already checked the matter you asked me to investigate last time. This matter was indeed handled by that person's subordinates."

Jun Sutian took out a USB flash drive from his clothes and threw it to Mr. Jun.

"That old man doesn't seem to give up."

Grandpa Jun looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, and his eyes showed a cold look.

Jun Sutian continued: "Suli is already clearing the door. The attacks we encountered these times are not groundless. It is very likely that the enemy has planted many traitors within us. After all, this matter is very involved, and I don't know him. What method was used to make foreign high-ranking officials use them. With the strength of the Jun family alone, this matter will become very difficult to handle. "

Grandpa Jun looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, his eyes were flat.

He didn't say anything, a deep gaze flashed across his eyes.


Night, silent as water.

There is no trace of light in the dark sky, like a roll of dark silk, which makes people feel a chill.

Qin Zheng was wearing a trench coat at the moment, sitting on the roof of a ten-story building.

She sat on the very edge, her feet did not land, but were suspended in the air. Below was an endless darkness, ten stories high, which made people feel a sense of fear for no reason.

Qin Zheng's expression was indifferent. At this moment, she was holding a sniper rifle in her hand and was loading bullets one by one into the magazine.

The cold wind howled, his hair was blown up by the wind, and the hem of the windbreaker blew to one side.

The messy broken hair touched his face, and Qin Zheng's eyes were as cold as ice.

"The goal has come."

Tang Yi's voice came from the headset, and Qin Zheng's eyes turned downward: "Received."

After finding a commanding height, Qin Zheng hid in an absolutely safe place.

He raised the top of the sniper rifle in his hand and placed it on a building.

Qin Zheng lowered his head, closed one eye, and looked at a place through the scope.

There, it was a dark room, similar to an office.

One person held a document in his hand and handed it to the other.

"Did the Jun family find you?"

"No, I poured dirty water on another person. I didn't expect that Ye Chen would be so stupid and fall into the trap so easily. Not only was I not discovered by the Jun family this time, but I also got rid of the Jun family. One of the fighters."

" that so?"

The man hiding in the dark smiled contemptuously: "It seems that you are still not suitable to be a qualified undercover agent. Your mission has been completed. I hope you will be smarter when you are reborn as a human being in your next life."

He quickly took out his gun, and the man standing in the dark was shot down before he could figure out what was going on.

"Marven Ye, it looks like we were discovered~"

Tang Yi sat in the monitoring room, watching this scene, his lips twitched.

Qin Zheng crawled on the ground: "I had expected it."

She looked indifferent.


Press the trigger and a bullet shoots out of the sniper rifle.


The window made of glass was pierced, and the bullet was smashing like a bamboo.

"Reaction speed is good."

Qin Zheng aimed expressionlessly.