Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 100: Chow Tai Fook's hot one

Sunday, April 2, 1978. The employees of Heiyun Group have a rest today. Everyone decided to buy something for their families. Now most of the employees of Heiyun Group are senior white-collar workers with good conditions. Naturally, it is impossible to buy cheap things to go back. At this time, someone suggested to buy some jewelry for relatives such as parents, wife, and sister. It has both face and value preservation, and it is also very convenient to realize cash, the best of both worlds.

After hearing the proposal, someone suddenly said, "On the old lady's birthday, I heard that the proprietress works in Chow Tai Fook, why don't we go to Chow Tai Fook to buy some jewelry, it can also make the proprietress happy, right?"

Heiyun employees who thought it made sense immediately organized and received a wide range of responses. The company bus drove 5 directly out, and the rest can only be purchased in the past next week, otherwise the Chow Tai Fook store will not be able to receive it!

In private, I decided to go to 300 people every week, and I can't go to the store for more than 5 minutes and then queue up to buy jewelry.

The Heiyun employees who said they did what they said drove the bus to Central.

Zheng Zhouyue'e wanted to go to the store today to check the sales in March. Seeing that her daughter hadn't gotten up yet, she waited until 9 o'clock to wake up Zheng Jiajia and take her to the store.

When I was reading the ledger in the store, I saw several buses parked at the entrance of the Chow Tai Fook Jewelry Store, and then I saw the people inside walked down in an orderly manner, all wearing uniform clothes, but the quality should be good.

I ignored the publicity of the shopping guides in other jewelry stores and queued up to come to the Chow Tai Fook jewelry store. Seeing Zheng Jiajia, she was very polite and said, "Madam, today is a holiday. We want to bring some gifts to our family. This is what I want. After that, I handed over the list to Zheng Jiajia."

Many Heiyun employees who did not come to the scene would drag their acquaintances to bring one back, so everyone had to buy about 2 or 3 pieces of jewelry. After having the first employee, many people saw that Zheng Jiajia was very polite, as if she was not here for consumption, a bit like asking someone to do something.

After taking the list, it was very interesting to see what was written on it. A necklace for the mother and a pair of earrings for the wife. Anyway, it is very simple, as long as Chow Tai Fook has it.

After Zheng Jiajia took out two pieces of jewelry according to the list, the Heiyun employee didn't say anything and paid the total price directly. After paying the money and getting the things, go back to the bus to rest, and leave immediately after the bus is full. Everyone didn't say anything superfluous. When I was in the company, I already thought of all the problems that came to my mind. As long as it was the jewelry that Chow Tai Fook's shopping guide took out, I immediately paid to pack it and leave.

Seeing that the business was so hot, the store couldn't be busy at all. Even Zheng Zhouyue'e went to the cashier to help. Seeing that I have to collect money, I suddenly thought that it has been 20 years since I stepped into the front desk! Time is so fast!

After giving birth to my daughter, even if I came to the store, it was more logistical work such as checking accounts and rewarding employees.

But the more you hear it, the more wrong it becomes. Why do all the people who come to buy things call their daughters the proprietress! I am still here, when will my daughter take over.

The uniforms of Heiyun employees only have a simple logo on the left side of the chest. It's hard to find if you don't look carefully, and it will be very obvious when you wear a badge.

At this time, I saw that there was a customer who bought a lot, and the total price was 120,020 yuan. After giving 120,000 yuan, she was still looking for change. Seeing this situation, Zheng Zhouyue'e said: "The 20 yuan is fine, so there is no need to give it."

In fact, this is a very normal business operation, but when the Heiyun employee saw Zheng Jiajia beside him, he asked, "Madam, is it really possible!"

Zheng Jiajia: "Take it!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Boss, there were a lot of people coming to buy today, but I'm afraid your store will be too busy! When you don't go to work next Sunday, so many people will come over!" said the Heiyun employee.

Heiyun employees lined up in an orderly line to wait at the entrance of the Chow Tai Fook jewelry store. No matter what the people in other jewelry stores next to them said, none of them were shaken. The most important thing was that they were very polite after entering the store. became a very strange phenomenon.

After the list is handed over to the shopping guide, you can buy whatever style the store comes up with, and the shopping guide will not let the shopping guide take it a second time. It was the first time that Zheng Zhouyue'e had been in business for so many years. She couldn't help but ask curiously, "Where are you from! Which company or tour group is it from?"

The person being asked looked at Zheng Jiajia and said, "Can the lady boss say it!"

Zheng Jiajia heard what the person said, and immediately said, "They belong to the Heiyun Group. I'll explain it to you when I get home."

Then he said to Heiyun's employees: "Do you have any other requirements, Chow Tai Fook can try to meet them."

Heiyun employee: "It's good, we just think that the lady boss is here for us to buy things at ease. We all want to prepare gifts for our family members. It's fine if I don't cause you any trouble. I'll take my leave first."

The employees of Heiyun Group have been lining up at the entrance of Chow Tai Fook to buy jewelry, and the picture of not going to other places to take a look makes the shopping guides of other jewelry stores itchy. Who are these people? No matter what they say, they are unmoved. Chow Tai Fook drugged them. This scene was also filmed by the media.

It was not until 4 o'clock in the afternoon that all Heiyun employees left. It's not that they don't buy it, it's that the jewelry in the Chow Tai Fook jewelry store is almost sold out.

After the last bus of the Black Cloud Group left, all the Chow Tai Fook shopping guides were too tired to stand up.

Manager Li came over and asked everyone to rest for a while, and then sorted out the list in his hand. At the same time, HSBC staff was also called to come and take the cash.

Manager Li came to Zheng Zhouyue'e again and said, "Madam, what the **** is going on today! I haven't seen such a customer since I started doing business with the old man. There are no requirements at all, and I leave after paying the order. , and the jewelry that the shopping guide took out today has not been brought back by the other party. Why is this!"

At this time, Zheng Yutong and Zheng Jiachun both came to the store, looking at the storefront that looked like it had been robbed and said, "What the **** is going on!"

Zheng Zhouyue'e: "You better ask your precious daughter! All the people who come to buy jewelry today are for his Zheng Jiajia: "Let's go home and talk! "

Zheng Zhouyue'e: "Lao Li, make a count, all shopping guides today will be rewarded with an additional 200 yuan."

After hearing this, the shopping guide said together, "Thank you, Mrs. Boss."

After the four returned home, Zheng Zhouyue'e said to her daughter, "What's the matter! My lady boss."

Zheng Jiajia thought about her words on the way back, looked at her family and said, "Didn't I go out with an emerald brooch the day before yesterday! It's not my friend's birthday, but the mother of the boss of the Black Cloud Group. ."

"I thought that things were expensive to sell to others. Although it's not much money to put on a brooch, it's still a good idea, isn't it? I didn't expect the old lady to be very happy when she saw me giving gifts, plus that day was another whole day. The Heiyun Group congratulates the old lady together."

"The old lady asked who I am! Is it Zheng Yutong's daughter? After I nodded. He thanked me specially at the banquet and called me Chow Tai Fook's little proprietress, so all the employees of Heiyun Group remember me. After all I was the only outsider who attended the banquet, and the rest of the more than 10,000 people were all employees of the Black Cloud Group."

"The old lady said that she would come to me if she was buying gifts, and in the future, the internal rewards of the Black Cloud Group and the gifts for the annual meeting will be purchased from me. Although the old lady doesn't care about anything, there are only two people in their family, and Bao Zixuan is another. Dutiful son, after all, the old lady brought him up since he was a child, and the American media has reported that it is not easy."

"At that time, the vice president in charge of logistics procurement was introduced to me, and I could just contact her about anything."