Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 162: find a lobbyist

After Shen Bi read the newspaper, she knew that things were going to go bad. HSBC just wanted to clean up her buck teeth and didn't pay much attention to media public relations. They think this is Hong Kong, and no company or newspaper would dare to offend HSBC; otherwise, they would not even think of getting a loan.

However, the Hong Kong Newspapers are all special. The original purpose of the Oriental Daily's Majia's newspaper was to launder money. There is so much money that there is nowhere to spend it, so how can I still need a loan from HSBC.

As for Sing Tao Daily, there is no financial need at all, but Hu Wenhu has left a rich legacy to his daughter. Mr. Jin Yong's Ming Pao also has no financial needs, and every year he can't spend the money just to buy the copyright. Other tabloids are cooperating with small banks, HSBC hardly cooperates with Hong Kong Newspaper. This is a thing that has been ignored before. Almost all of HSBC's most important customers come from real estate companies. This is also a very dangerous thing.

I don't usually show it, but all the critical moments are leaked out. Now HSBC is also facing a serious crisis in public relations, and may have to offend its biggest customers. Although HSBC has no shortage of customers, it is afraid of a chain reaction. Once customers lose trust in HSBC, the blow to the credit-first banking industry is absolutely devastating.

In fact, every time the HSBC New Year's banquet, many bigwigs do not really want to attend, and some people even think that it is pointless to come. It's just because Shen Bi's face is not easy to refuse, and today there are club members who openly molested the actress at the banquet.

After being rejected, he intensified his threats, and finally took out the knife. What's more, it hurt Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Hong Kong, which shows how high HSBC's banquets have reached.

Shen Bi knew that if this matter was not handled properly, it would have a serious impact on HSBC's reputation. At the same time, she knew that Bao Yugang was coming to attend Mrs. Dong Haoyun's 66th birthday.

As the first Chinese director of HSBC, Bao Yugang has a deep friendship with Shen Bi. In addition, the influence in Hong Kong is the best candidate to be a lobbyist. Shen Bi hoped that Bao Yugang and Bao Zixuan would have a good conversation and not take anger on HSBC. For this, Shen Bi can make up for it in other places.

This time, Shen Bi kept his posture low and went directly to Bao Yugang's office. Although Bao Yugang has been the richest man in Hong Kong for many years, the assets he controls are really not enough in front of HSBC. Most of the meetings are in Shen Bi's office or at home. As a senior manager, Shen Bi is more powerful than the big boss Bao Yugang. This is the strength of HSBC and its position in Hong Kong.

Bao Yugang said to Shen Bi, "Why does Shen Sheng have time to come to me today!"

Shen Bi: "You were there when Bao Sheng was at the HSBC banquet yesterday, and you saw that Bao Zixuan was injured. There is no need to hide between you and me. Now all the Hong Kong media have reported bad news to HSBC, I hope you can talk to Bao Zixuan. Let’s have a good chat. Although we are Oxford alumni, we have only met once or twice, and we are not very familiar with each other.”

"I know that you are all going to Dong's house for a banquet today. I hope you can express HSBC's goodwill."

Bao Yugang knew that Shen Bi's presence would be bad, so he usually didn't invite him to come to his office. Why did he kill him all of a sudden today! It turned out that he wanted to be a lobbyist, but he was not very familiar with Bao Zixuan. If it is not good to offend the other party rashly because of this matter, what should I do!

However, Shen Bi's request is not easy to refuse. He and HSBC have a deep cooperative relationship. Now Bao Yugang can't offend Shen Bi at all. Due to the sudden rise of Heiyun Group, the entire Dong family's shipping business has been driven. The business of Baoyu Steel's fleet is even worse than that in the previous life, which is itself a cold winter for shipping, and a large number of customers have been lost.

Let the charter king have the idea of ​​abandoning the ship and landing in advance. If the plan is implemented, the demand for funds will greatly increase, and the help of HSBC will be needed. It is difficult to acquire a controlling stake in a large real estate company with its own funds alone.

Bao Yugang: "Shen Sheng, Bao Zixuan hasn't expressed his opinion on what happened yesterday. Does HSBC want to post it in such a hurry!"

Shen Bi knew that Bao Yugang didn't really want to be this lobbyist. After all, it was a thankless task. In exchange, he doesn't want to do it himself, but he won't let our Mr. Ship King do what he wants.

Shen Bi: "Bao Sheng, just because HSBC didn't say anything right now, it was the first time that HSBC decided to resolve the matter in advance. If Bao Zixuan brought it up himself, then HSBC would have to pay more with his strength."

Bao Yugang, who knew he couldn't escape, said, "Whatever HSBC can give, I will try my best."

Shen Bi: "HSBC can provide low-interest loans with a limit of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. In addition, there will be a reduction or exemption for Heiyun Group in terms of foreign exchange and remittance fees."

Bao Yugang knew that Heiyun Group’s exchange and turnover at HSBC was very large, and these two items would cause HSBC to lose a lot. In addition to the low-interest loan of 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, it seems that HSBC is very sincere. But I'm also worried that Bao Zixuan won't buy it, after all, this kid is the cheapest person in Xiangjiang.

Bao Yugang: "I'll try it! But I can't guarantee that Bao Zixuan will give me face. Our friendship is not good enough for him to make changes for me."

Shen Bi: "Then work hard to make a living, and I won't blame you for the success or failure of the talks. It's just to let Bao Zixuan know a kindness of our HSBC. Let him see that HSBC does not evade problems and is still positive after the incident. solve."

Bao Yugang: "But Shen Sheng, I've always wanted to say something. If it wasn't for your sake, I wouldn't really want to attend the HSBC banquet. Now the grade is really too low, gangsters, socialites, and the three teachers of the society only need a little money. Anyone who puts it in HSBC can come in."

"I'm not saying that we are higher than others, but security is still so poor now. Now I heard some criticism from several bigwigs, and I didn't want to Now I'm looking for excuses All right."

In fact, Shen Bi had already seen the problem long ago, but once the opening was opened, it would be difficult to close it. Invite people to come over this year, but you are too embarrassed not to send invitations next year. Everyone has to face, and if you do, you will definitely lose a customer.

Although HSBC is the quasi-central bank of Hong Kong, its status is aloof. However, there are also many small and medium-sized banks competing with them, and it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand in Hong Kong, but also to take into account the impact.

Shen Bi: "Thank you Baosheng for reminding us, we must pay attention in the future. I used to be involuntarily, and it was difficult to return to the past after letting go of many things, but now it is just right to rectify this matter, otherwise HSBC has nothing else to do. Leading the rest of Hong Kong's banks forward."

Bao Yugang: "Shen Sheng is an expert in bank management. I can't comment on anything. You can do it since you know it."

Shen Bi drank tea in Bao Yugang's office for a while before leaving. He was in a good mood when he left. But this time it was Bao Yugang's turn to have a headache. He was thinking about how to talk to Bao Zixuan about this.

Because of this incident, the media has everything to say about Bao Zixuan. It can be said that his reputation has been seriously damaged. For the richest man in Hong Kong, reputation is more important than money. If the money is gone, you can make more money. If your reputation is bad, it is very difficult to restore it.

Bao Yugang thought about it for a long time and couldn't find a good solution. Thinking that he could only tell the truth when he saw Bao Zixuan, let's show HSBC's goodwill and attitude towards problems first! Then you can only see tricks and tricks, which is a relatively annoying thing for so many years.

Bao Zixuan stayed in the office for a day, and the employees of Heiyun Group knew that the boss was injured at the HSBC banquet and did not dare to disturb him. He didn't leave the company until after get off work in the afternoon and drove towards Dong's house.