Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 174: Marr's company

After arranging the company affairs, Bao Zixuan was ready to return to school. He is now going to finish his graduation thesis, and he was supposed to finish the graduation thesis of two disciplines. However, because the concept of Industry 4.0 has been put forward in the field of machinery, the advanced industrial works have been discussed and studied by major universities, so the mechanical manufacturing professional papers have been completed in advance. The school has already given him the credits in this area, and now he has not completed the aerodynamics professional thesis, which is not difficult for an engineer who has worked in Rolls-Royce for more than ten years.

The people in the dormitory were taken aback when they saw Bao Zixuan coming back. After all, Romansky and Martin Griff were still working on drawings at Hong Kong Design University. Only Joseph Kane is close to himself here. After all, Thomas Marr and Michael Mellon have been mixed with some commercial colors.

Seeing that Thomas Marr has long lost his handsome German style, it makes people feel like a patient who has been hollowed out by wine. Bao Zixuan has been very busy recently and has not paid attention to the roommate Tomar-Mar. Although he really wants to get the shares of Marr, he still wants the other party to propose it first. It's not about Thomas Marr's feelings, it just doesn't want other roommates to misunderstand. Unnecessary influence is not very good, and there is also the factor of MIT alumni; it is never a glorious thing to start with one's own people.

Thomas Marr said excitedly when he saw Bao Zixuan: "Bao, you're back. It's great, can you lend me some money. I can use Marr's shares as collateral."

Bao Zixuan: "Thomas, how long does it take to lend you 10 million US dollars! If you don't explain the reason, I won't be lending you the money. After all, you can't repay the money in your current state. And I'm continuing to lend you money. Instead, it hurts you."

Although Bao Zixuan thought about it, he must not make his motives too obvious at this time. If the desire to show is too strong, then everyone at MIT will guard you when you work with you in the future. Even if you make friends, you have to be wary, and life will lose its taste. This is typical of the mentality of being a **** and building a torii. However, many people in reality have such a mentality, and Bao Zixuan is not exempt.

Thomas Marr: "Bao, only you can save me now. I'm out of debt again. If you don't lend me money, they'll kill me."

It's a bit baffling, it didn't take long for Thomas Marr to get $10 million. Now that you have spent the money, you still owe a lot of debts. What is the speed of spending money?

Bao Zixuan: "What happened, tell me while Michael and Joseph are with you, or else I won't lend you money. After all, my money didn't come from the wind."

At this time, Thomas Marr knew that Bao Zixuan would never lend him money if he didn't tell the truth, so he could only tell the truth. It turned out that after Thomas Marr received $10 million from Bao Zixuan, there was still more than 7 million left after deducting what he owed Bao Zixuan and distributed to Charlotte, which is not a small amount even in the 21st century. What's more, it is 79 years, which is simply astronomical.

Thomas Marr, who got this huge sum of money, went crazy all of a sudden, and changed his girlfriend every day. In the first period of time, he became the most handsome man at Harvard and MIT, and his life was a quick talk.

Although it is not small to spend on women, it is not enough to owe money. Ruined in the school simply can not satisfy this kid's appetite, in a lingering in the major bars. Being exposed to drugs in a bar is a deadly thing.

No matter what age, people who deal with drugs do not end well. And that's how Thomas Marr fell completely. There is no MIT elite style of the past. Judging from the current state, it is a patient who has been sick for a long time, and this is the end of exposure to drugs.

Bao Zixuan knew that if he couldn't stay away from drugs, he would be useless, which made him a little bit unbearable. After all, he provided Thomas with such a large sum of money, which in disguise accelerated the process of his demise.

It's hard to say how to solve Bao Zixuan now. People who come into contact with drugs can do anything. It seems that I have to move out of the dormitory, otherwise I will not sleep well at night. This is equivalent to keeping a time bomb by my side, and it is the kind that will detonate at any time.

Bao Zixuan: "Thomas, it's not that I won't help you. No one can help you now. You can only call your family to inform you that you are no longer in a normal state. I regret letting you mortgage your shares to lend you money. To you, but to harm you."

Thomas Marr: "Bao, you are the only one who can help me. I've broken with my family. My father knows my school life and doesn't care about me anymore. Leave me alone, really, I beg you, save me. help me."

Although Thomas Marr spoke incoherently, he could still hear some problems. That is, after seeing that his son changed his girlfriend frequently in the United States, Old Marr no longer cares about him. If you know that your son is exposed to drugs, then you must deprive Tomar-Mar of his heir status. The big family has zero tolerance in this area. The heirs will not be clear-headed after exposure to drugs. Once the decision-making mistakes are made, the enterprise will be destroyed.

Bao Zixuan: "Thomas, we really can't help you right now. You must let your family know. Otherwise, you will hate me for the rest of your life."

Thomas Marr: "Bao, now you say the same. Michael has ignored me. Do you have to be so cruel, I really have nothing to do right now."

"I'm selling all of my shares to you, really. There's still 10% of Marr. I only want $10 million. I'll sell it directly to you this time. I have to get rid of these demons now, you don't know they're not human. ."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Thomas Marr to be like this now. It seems that the harm of drugs is greater than expected. A MIT genius has no bottom line, and nothing matters for the drug ancestry.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm not interested, especially when I buy shares from you at this Last time I lent you money because of my roommate's face. I already regret it, I shouldn't have taken it all at once. I'll give you more money. Otherwise, you wouldn't be like this. Do you still look like the high-spirited handsome German guy back then?

"Things are beyond our roommate's control, so that's all for today; I'll go first."

After speaking, he walked towards the door and saw that Bao Zixuan was about to leave; Thomas Marr immediately knelt and hugged his thigh.

Thomas Marr said, "Bao, you really want to save me!"

At this time, Michael Mellon suddenly said: "Bao, you better help Thomas! After this incident is over, Thomas Marr must return to Germany for treatment. I will arrange personnel to **** him back to Germany."

Bao Zixuan suddenly understood why Michael Mellon said that. He also wanted to send Thomas Marr away immediately, and he didn't want to live under the same roof with an addict. Anyone could understand that.

Bao Zixuan: "You are embarrassing me!"

In fact, many things have been tacitly understood by the two of them. Michael Mellon wants to give Bao Zixuan a step up. If he wants to complete the acquisition of Marr, Michael Mellon can get Bao Zixuan's friendship.

Finally, after two people's calculations, Bao Zixuan bought 20% of the German Marr shares from Thomas Marr. The previously mortgaged shares have now been converted from mortgage to sale, for which another $14 million has been paid.

Thomas Marr took a leave of absence from MIT after paying off his foreign debt. Back in Germany, Bao Zixuan had no interest in knowing what was waiting for him. But now Marr has been controlled by Heiyun Group, and Heiyun has been at the forefront of the world in the field of measuring tools.