Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 187: Fight again at the Los Angeles Electroni

After taking turns having lunch at noon, the exhibitors of Heiyun Group entered the working mode again. The first new product recommendation meeting in the afternoon was very simple, which was aimed at the TV hanging on the wall.

If Heiyun Group wants to win the market in major appliances, it has to take a different path. Only by instilling technological leadership into the entire enterprise, we must also let the world know the technical strength of Heiyun Group.

Ma Chenglong stood in the center of the stage wearing a decent suit. He had been preparing for this conference for a long time.

Ma Chenglong: "Thank you for coming to the press conference of Heiyun Home Theater. I am Ma Chenglong, general manager of Heiyun Home Appliance Company."

"The home theater concept launched by Heiyun Home Appliances this time stems from our technological breakthroughs in surround sound and large-screen LCD TVs."

"The so-called surround sound, usually compared with two-channel stereo, refers to a playback method in which the sound seems to surround the listener. The playback sound field produced by this method, in addition to retaining the sound source direction of the original signal In addition to the sense of sound, it is also accompanied by sound effects that produce a sense of surround and expansion (the feeling that the sound leaves the listener to diffuse or reverberate). When listening to surround sound, the listener can distinguish the sound from the front, back, left and right, that is, surround sound can make The spatial sound source extends from the line to the entire horizontal plane and even the vertical plane, so the spatial reverberation process of the performance hall can be reproduced realistically, and it has a more moving sense of presence. If it is combined with the image of a large-screen TV or movie, it can make visual and With hearing at the same time, the sense of presence is more realistic, more vivid, and therefore more contagious.”

"For the large LCD screen, we can make it up to 60 inches, which is the TV behind me. Now let's control this device, and we turn on all the sound systems."

Then I heard every word Ma Chenglong said sounded very three-dimensional.

Jackie Ma played a promotional video introducing the Black Cloud Factory, and everyone immediately felt like watching a blockbuster in the cinema. After about 5 minutes, the promo video finished playing.

At this time, the audience responded, and it turned out that this was a surround sound home theater. Watching a movie together as a family is really a good choice if you are in a dark room with little space.

Ma Chenglong: "The following is the reporter's question time. I can answer 3 questions. If you still have questions, you can wait until the end of the press conference to consult the staff."

Many reporters are raising their hands enthusiastically, unlike game consoles. The concept of home theater is more about the overall aspect of the family, and it is about the entertainment activities of a family.

Or beauties have the upper hand in this regard. A blond beauty asked: "Hello Mr. Ma, what is the price of this home theater, many people will be concerned about whether they can afford it!"

Ma Chenglong: "The most expensive price of this device is a 60-inch LCD TV with 4 stereos, plus ancillary equipment such as a TV recorder, and the price is $80,000. The cheapest version is $9,999. One set, we will provide a variety of models and specifications for customers to choose. Customers can match according to their actual needs, and Black Cloud employees will come and install them free of charge.”

Hearing this price, many people feel that they are still earning too little, especially the audience in front of the TV. After all, the family that can spend $80,000 to buy a home theater in this era is a phoenix water chestnut.

Then a reporter asked: "Mr. Ma, when will this home theater be available to the market."

Ma Chenglong: "After the exhibition, we will supply the market in small batches. The 60-inch equipment can only be customized. Now we are still working hard to increase the production. However, due to the problem of LCD screen production, there is no way to supply large quantities in the short term."

An Asian reporter asked: "Hello Ma, I would like to ask what are the requirements for this home theater, mainly when it is installed."

Jackie Ma: "First of all, your home must be large enough. Our smallest product can be installed in a 25-square-meter living room. If it is small, it will not meet the requirements and the desired experience. To buy a large screen, it is best to have a separate room. This will achieve the best results, and the experience will be better if the room is soundproofed.”

This makes many customers of Xiangjiang and RB very depressed. After all, the houses in these two places are still too small. But thinking about the price is not what they can afford.

Ma Chenglong continued: "Let's be here today! Thank you all here. If you have any questions, you can ask the staff to answer them."

Many buyers at the scene began to consider whether to order a batch to go back. There should be a market for this stuff in economically developed areas. Especially in Europe and the United States where there are many children at home, it is a good choice for leisure and entertainment.

Ma Chenglong walked off the stage, and now he finally raised his eyebrows. I used to be limited to Asians, and they were not taken seriously in rca. After coming to Heiyun Group, it was possible to organize such an important product recommendation activity, which was unimaginable before. I never thought I would have such a day, and I will definitely be famous in the world after today. Coming to Heiyun Group may be one of the few correct choices he made.

After a short break, Sony began to introduce the main product, the Walkman. Sony's Walkman is mainly small and flexible. This time Sony uses a small tape. Compared with the traditional Walkman, it is much smaller, see this product. Bao Zixuan knew that Sony had advanced this product by 3 years, and it was not introduced to the market until 1983 in the previous life, and now he has seen the actual product. It seems that Sony does have a deep heritage in the field of music playback. It is a bit of a fluke that Heiyun was able to launch the Walkman first. If it does not continue to allocate funds to the Walkman in the future, it is estimated that it will be difficult to catch up with Sony. After all, the technical reserves are too different.

After Sony introduced the products, the first day of the exhibition is coming to an end. After returning to the hotel, all companies are counting the results of the day. If the first day of the exhibition can get off to a good start, it will still play a big role in increasing the self-confidence of employees.

After Konosuke Matsushita returned to the hotel, he heard that all the stores were asking about I knew that this recommendation meeting was very successful, but I thought that Heiyun had several products on stage this time. If it is released on the Internet, then it will be a boost to the sales of Heiyun. I can't believe it. It seems that the rise of this kid has been unstoppable, and now he has entered the automotive field. Does Hong Kong really want to create a world manufacturing giant, which will be very unfavorable for the entire RB manufacturing industry.

Still in the Bao Zixuan room at the Hilton Hotel, several Heiyun executives were reporting the situation.

Although Yokoi is very tired, he still wants to introduce the sales to the boss. This is directly related to the actual effect of the exhibition. He smiled and said: "Your Excellency, our fc red and white machine sold 3 million units today, and many large dealers have not come to order, it can be said to be very successful. The price of Heiyun's supply to dealers is each The machine is $69 with two cassettes, and it seems that sales will not be low now.”

Miyamoto Hat: "Your Excellency President, Super Mario sold a total of 30,000 units today, which is something that none of us expected, and it is expected to increase tomorrow. This game will definitely surpass any of our games, I definitely have it. confidence."

Ma Chenglong: "Boss, the order for home theaters reached 30,000 units today. Now it seems that there are still many local tyrants in the world. Among them, customers from the Middle East have ordered a lot, and these people are really rich."

In fact, this is also very understandable. There are no entertainment activities in the Middle East, and women are generally at home. The TV signal coverage is not very comprehensive, so it is very necessary to watch a movie at home. The most important thing for this group of oil giants is the dollar.

The rest are some scattered orders, but they are only relatively dark clouds. If it is placed in other companies, it will be a huge order. It can only be said that the employees of Heiyun are getting higher and higher, and they don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.
