Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 304: German exhibition continues for four

With the introduction of ibm's products, Philips, the bitter owner of the dark cloud, took to the stage. This time they brought LED lights, and Bao Zixuan remembered when he saw this, how he had forgotten about this technology.

Light-emitting diodes are referred to as LEDs. Made of compounds containing gallium, arsenic, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.

When electrons and holes recombine, they can emit visible light, so they can be used to make light-emitting diodes. Used as indicator lights in circuits and instruments, or composed of text or digital displays. Gallium arsenide diodes emit red light, gallium phosphide diodes emit green light, silicon carbide diodes emit yellow light, and gallium nitride diodes emit blue light. Due to chemical properties, it can be divided into organic light emitting diode OLED and inorganic light emitting diode LED.

Light-emitting diode is a common light-emitting device that emits energy through the recombination of electrons and holes. It is widely used in the field of lighting. Light-emitting diodes can efficiently convert electrical energy into light energy, and have a wide range of uses in modern society, such as lighting, flat panel displays, medical devices, etc.

This electronic component appeared as early as 1962. In the early days, it could only emit red light with low luminosity. Later, other versions of monochromatic light were developed. Today, the light that can be emitted has spread to visible light, infrared light and ultraviolet light, and the luminosity has also increased to a certain level. luminosity. And the use has also been used as indicator lights, display panels, etc. at the beginning; with the continuous advancement of technology, light-emitting diodes have been widely used in displays and lighting.

In fact, Philips' ability to achieve commercial use of LEDs so early is also related to the unexpected rise of Heiyun. The exchange of many technical patents from Philips and all of them have achieved great success, making Philips feel that their technical reserves have many bright spots and star products that can be tapped. So I took a fancy to LED technology in the technical reserve. Although the cost is high, it has an absolute advantage in power saving.

It can be said that Philips has been working **** LED research and development in the past few years. It was only after the technological breakthrough in July this year that it was ready to meet you at the Berlin Exhibition. It can be said that it has been a sword in three years.

Philips has also made great efforts in the rapid development of Heiyun. After all, many patents are purchased from Philips. Seeing this technology Bao Zixuan is actually very interested, it seems that it is imperative to continue digging the corner of Philips. However, it is estimated that this time it should not be so simple, after all, the other party is also afraid of suffering.

Philips' products can be said to have been well received by the market. After all, this is a major breakthrough in technology since Edison invented the electric light bulb. Just saving a little bit can attract a lot of customers, and the future prospects must be very broad.

Philips immediately attracted many customers after introducing the product. This is a brand new product. Being able to get the right to sell or sell the concept can attract a group of customers, and it is even more attractive to many environmentalists.

After lunch, almost everyone at the exhibition came to the hall. Bao Zixuan appeared in the center of the stage wearing a decent suit. Many people wanted to see what new products Heiyun was going to launch this time, and what kind of fresh feelings it could bring to them.

There is a saying in the world now that Bao Zixuan and Heiyun are synonymous with Chuangxian. Especially at MIT, it is more obvious, where genius is respected and worshipped. With the endorsement of the world's first polytechnic institute, Bao Zixuan has become a great pioneer.

However, there are also some people who come to watch the fun, and they all hope that the black cloud will appear once Waterloo. That way they will have a chance to catch up, or else they will always be behind others before they will have a chance to succeed. Among them, Sony and Panasonic are the most prominent, and they most want to see Bao Zixuan make a fool of himself.

This time, the Berlin Consumer Goods Exhibition also adopts the current method of live broadcast. After all, many exhibitions are using it after its success in the United States. This is an era of lack of entertainment, and it is a blessing to be able to appreciate scientific and technological knowledge and products for the first time.

Although Bao Zixuan looks average, in the face of huge wealth, none of this is a problem. And most importantly, young, single, and no woman could ignore his presence.

At the same time, at the Hawkins Manor in New York, Phil Hawkins said, "Bao has set up a company with the eldest Miss of the Morgan family. You have to work hard! Diana!"

Diana Rockefeller: "I'm not worried about this. They have become a courier company. This is a traditional industry, and we should still be ourselves."

Louise Rockefeller said with a smile, "How many girls do you think the bag can attract in Germany this time? Does he have a girlfriend now?"

Phil Hawkins: "Probably not, at least I haven't seen him in close contact with that girl. But it is said that the eldest lady of the Morgan family has a good impression of him. It is not good news for us that they are together."

In fact, Phil Hawkins deliberately provoked Diana Rockefeller, and he didn't want to lose Bao Zixuan, his partner and friend. There is still no good solution for the last incident. If Diana can be with Bao Zixuan, it will be beneficial to everyone. To put it bluntly, Phil Hawkins is still considering his own interests, but these Bao Zixuan just don't know it now.

The Berlin Consumer Electronics Show was broadcast by more than 30 TV stations, and it can be said that it can be seen in many places around the world. The image of Bao Zixuan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people this time. After all, many people are curious about what kind of character this is, especially the people of the Warsaw Pact countries are very interested in him.

Seeing that it was almost time, Bao Zixuan took his mobile phone and started explaining the product. Said: "What Heiyun Group brought to Berlin this time is our mobile phone products. The mobile phone has not been commercialized since its inception in 1973. Now there are more than 2,000 engineers in the Heiyun mobile phone department who are constantly developing and innovating. Let us We have the world's first commercial mobile phone, but the function of the first mobile phone is very simple. This time our mobile phone is not only further reduced in size and weight, but also adds a lot of functions. In fact, there is a function we call it For What is a text message! It's like we write a letter, but the letter is expressed electronically. But now a text message can only write 64 words per edit, so He is not a long letter."

Now let me demonstrate to everyone. After Bao Zixuan finished speaking, he started to operate on his mobile phone. In just a few seconds, the woman's mobile phone next to her suddenly rang. Bao Zixuan pointed his mobile phone at the camera, and saw Bao Zixuan's editing information appeared on the two mobile phones, which can be said to be exactly the same.

Bao Zixuan handed the phone to a beautiful reporter in the front row and said with a smile, "Can this lady please show everyone a demonstration."

The beauty reporter smiled and said, "I think this is an invitation no one will refuse."

Bao Zixuan sent a text message to a woman's phone using a man's cell phone, and the beauty reporter's cell phone received the message immediately. Seeing this so fast, the beauty reporter couldn't be more excited.

Bao Zixuan said, "You can try to send me a text message too." So the beauty reporter wrote a text message under the guidance of Bao Zixuan. Looking at it so convenient, those who know it know that the technical advantages of Heiyun on mobile phones have expanded again.

The two then sent each other a few text messages, and everyone was very excited. When the beautiful reporter stepped down, Bao Zixuan took out the calling card from the lady's mobile phone. At this time, the staff also handed it over with the mobile phone box.

Bao Zixuan said, "Thank you for your cooperation. This is your reward this time. I hope you don't dislike it."

Seeing that many people here are envious of this beautiful reporter, it is such a blessing to have been in contact with Bao Zixuan for so long, and to get the latest mobile phone, even some girls are already jealous.
