Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 400: scrambling

The mining capabilities of intelligence organizations and media of various countries are really worthless, through the collection and comprehensive analysis of intelligence in all aspects. Everyone came to the conclusion that the first person who wanted to come and watch the military exercise was Xiangjiang Bao Zixuan, and what made everyone laugh and cry was that he was just out of curiosity and had never seen such a shocking scene with real guns and live ammunition. Just experience it.

This made many people want to cut him after hearing it. Your curiosity and shock scared everyone to death. Everyone thought that the Soviets would have a big move, but now I just use your ideas to upgrade it.

The military training is still going on, and I was going to hold a school opening ceremony. Now that there is no timetable, there is nothing to see if the opening ceremony that neither the principal nor the founder can attend. Inviting friends and dignitaries to come over is not a joke, and a university is to see if it has cultivated outstanding talents, and the rest are secondary.

On August 30, 1981, Bao Zixuan was about to take a special plane to Berlin. Although this exercise was held in Poland, it was very troublesome to apply for a flight route between Hong Kong and Poland. The only option was to go to Germany and then go to Poland by car.

A week ago, the Black Cloud Security Department had arranged for 100 security guards to arrive in Germany and settled down with the cooperation of the branch staff. The fact that Bao Zixuan is going to participate in the Western-81 military exercise has spread throughout Hong Kong, and only one of the richest people in Hong Kong will go. This is also a show of strength.

Since Bao Zixuan returned to Xiangjiang, the media found that he was really a rich man who couldn't find anything to talk about. There was no news after the necklace was delivered by the Hong Kong Governor's Office. I heard that he has been engaged in research and development in Yulin Institute of Technology. He didn't come out to drink, pick up girls, or party like other rich people or children of rich families, as if there was no difference between whether he came back or not.

However, as the only rich man in Hong Kong who had the opportunity to watch the Western-81 military exercise, reporters all wanted to interview him. At present, the military exercises that the Soviets are about to start are the biggest news in the world. After all, it is related to the direction of war and peace. Everyone is very concerned about whether the Third World War will break out, and whether Europe will fall. There are too many things that need everyone's analysis and attention.

When Bao Zixuan arrived at the airport, all the media reporters were waiting for him. Actually, the media could not be blamed. They were all staying at the airport these days, and Bao Zixuan could only watch the exercise by plane. The boat must have come in time, so many people have stayed at the airport these days, for fear of missing the news.

As soon as I arrived at the airport, I was surrounded by so many reporters, and everyone was asking all kinds of questions. Bao Zixuan thought that this might also be an opportunity, so he stopped and said, "There is time, I will only answer three questions; just the three of you."

The reporters who were called were very happy, and this time they were finally able to do business. It seems that there is nothing wrong with pushing forward, this is not the chance.

The three of them summed it up. Fortunately, the three of them were all men, and there was no need to divide them in any order, just come in order. At this time, everyone is crowding, and women have no advantage at all.

The first reporter asked: "Hello, Bao Sheng! It is rumored that you suggested that the Soviet Union use ticket sales to invite the wealthy to watch the Western-81 military exercise. I don't know if the rumor is true."

Bao Zixuan: "You all say it's a rumor, but it's definitely not true. But I want to see it is real. I asked the Black Cloud Soviet Branch to submit an application to the Soviet Ministry of Commerce. It means that I'm a little curious about military exercises. , I want to go and have a look. It doesn't matter if I can't spend some money. I didn't expect the Soviet Union to see this as a good opportunity for propaganda, and it can also earn foreign exchange. That's why the subsequent press conference was invited to 100 people around the world. spectators."

Hear it really is what he wants to watch and let the company apply. As a result, the Soviets saw business opportunities, and only then did the next thing. Reporters don't know what to say, after all, this is people's freedom.

Next, a reporter continued to ask: "Hello, Bao Sheng! I want to ask you, will the Soviets take the opportunity to attack the whole of Europe, and the exercise is just an excuse for them."

This is the topic that everyone is most concerned about, after all, it is related to their lives. Everyone held their breaths and waited for Bao Zixuan's answer.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm not a member of the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee, so how can I know what they think. But I don't think it should be. The main theme of the world is peace. If war is launched rashly, it will bring destruction to the entire human race. Five permanent members of the United Nations The country has nuclear weapons, and no one dares to attack the other, even if the crazy people have wives, children, children, parents and brothers; no matter what, we have to think about them.”

"I have dealt with the Soviets many times. They are very friendly to their friends and they are also a hospitable family. If you are sincere, they will not turn you away. If you have the opportunity, you can go to the Soviet Union to see There are still many historical and cultural monuments, and the vast Siberia is also a great place to explore.”

Bao Zixuan's words made the reporter ponder, but his remarks had a very important impact on the world. The most direct consequence is that after the exercise, a lot of people from all over the world applied to travel to the Soviet Union, and they all wanted to see where they were going. But Bao Zixuan said that where it is not bad, it should not be too bad. After the Soviet Ministry of Tourism knew the truth, they specially sent him a letter of thanks, and if they had the power, they might have to give him honors.

In fact, Bao Zixuan's original intention was that since he was going to see the Soviet performance soon, he had to give people a good impression. It is also necessary to say something nice. After all, there are still many things to trouble others, and it is understandable to form a good relationship first.

Indeed, his goal was achieved, and the Soviets quickly knew about the remarks at Xiangjiang Airport. Bao Zixuan really regarded them as friends, and when he arrived in Poland, the Soviets really treated him differently and gave him convenience everywhere.

However, it is not so comfortable to hear things in the ears of Americans. These are two completely opposite countries. If you help the enemy to speak, then what have I become, laying the groundwork for the later suppression of the black cloud.

Seeing that the reporters did not continue to ask questions, everyone was thinking. Bao Zixuan asked the second reporter who asked him, "Which newspaper or TV station are you from?"

The reporter happily replied: "I'm from the British BBC Broadcasting Company."

In fact, he has been staying at the airport for the past few days, and his supervisor can't stand it. Seeing this intern with a big shoulder and a round waist made him stay at the airport, it can be considered that he has completed the errand assigned by the headquarters. To be precise, this reporter does not completely belong to the BBC. He is currently only an intern, and he is also an intern reporter who has not been issued with staff uniforms.

Bao Zixuan: "If I were you, I would suggest to the headquarters to contact the Soviet Union immediately. How can I get the rights to broadcast TV, then the ratings in the world will never be low."

The intern reporter seemed to understand something, said, "Thank you," and started to walk out.

The last reporter asked: "Hello, Bao Sheng! What is the purpose of your visit to observe the exercise this time?"

Bao Zixuan: "Just out of curiosity, I want to see the scene of hundreds of thousands of people charging together, but I don't dare to shoot like this. If you have something you like, you can buy some back. I heard that there are many things worth buying in Poland. I haven't had a good rest after that. It's also a chance to relax as a vacation."

The reporter wanted to continue asking questions, but Bao Zixuan had already arranged for a bodyguard to **** him away. No reporters who knew his character dared to approach him. After all, he was a rich man who had been beaten by reporters. What's more, people have already answered three questions, which is very face-saving.

The BBC reporter reported the situation to the supervisor immediately after returning to the company, and explained Bao Zixuan's suggestion to the supervisor. Although the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union is not very friendly, it is the most important thing for the media to have news reports. He immediately picked up the phone and reported the situation in Xiangjiang and what Bao Zixuan said to the headquarters in detail. This was an opportunity to get exclusive news, and the BBC should not miss it.

Bao Zixuan's words are not only because the BBC saw a business opportunity, but other media are not fools. If it weren't for the news of Mars hitting the Earth in recent days, all the focus must have been on Poland, on the Occidental-81 military exercise. If you can get the first-hand news, there will definitely be ratings. Several major TV stations in the world have sent broadcast applications to the Soviet Union, all hoping to follow up and report on the exercise, and each of them has paid a lot of money.

One of the largest military exercises in history, after Bao Zixuan made such a fuss, seems to have become a movie the whole world watched together, and it became more performative; I don't know how the Soviets would react when they understood it.