Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 401: cloudy poland

Bao Zixuan didn't make much stopover in Berlin and went directly to Poland by car. In fact, it's not just him, all the rich people basically follow this itinerary, and they don't want to stay in East Germany for too long. This is the place with the most spies in the world, and no one wants to cause trouble.

The Republic of Poland, referred to as Poland, is a democratic republic located in Central Europe consisting of 16 provinces. It is connected to Ukraine and Belarus to the east, Lithuania and the Russian enclave Kaliningrad to the northeast, Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, and the Baltic Sea to the north.

Poland established the Kingdom of Poland at the end of the 10th century. In 1569, it merged with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to form the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, becoming one of the European powers. It began to decline in the second half of the 18th century. And in Russia, Pau and Austria three times divided up Poland and lost the country. During the Napoleonic Wars, it was briefly restored with the support of France, and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw was established. After the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, it was again divided by Opus. After World War I regained independence and established a bourgeois republic. But it was soon divided between the Soviet Union and Germany in World War II. The People's Republic of Poland was established after the war. The Solidarity strike broke out in 1980. In 1989, a presidential and parliamentary system was implemented. In the same year, it was renamed the Republic of Poland. It joined NATO in 1999 and the European Union in 2003.

In recent years, Poland's position in the EU and on the international stage has been increasing day by day. Especially in the early years of the 21st century, Poland has become an integral part of the Western camp.

Speaking of Poland is sympathetic and ridiculous. They were the first to be destroyed in World War II. After the victory, the Soviet Union occupied their territory and did not return it. The final result was that Poland ran to occupy a piece of German territory, which is East Prussia, which is also the destination of Bao Zixuan's trip.

The car was driving on the streets of Warsaw, Bao Zixuan looked at the Poles on the street with a very solemn expression. It is also the fact that no one will feel safe by pinning their fate on God and other nations. The Soviet Union suddenly came with more than 500,000 troops. This is no joke. If Poland is really used as a springboard to march to Europe, then Poland is destined to be wiped out in one go. This is the sadness of living between great powers. No matter who wants to attack anyone, you will be cleaned up first.

In fact, the Soviet Union has another purpose in organizing military exercises in Poland, which is to show the leadership of the Solidarity strike that just broke out how powerful the Soviet Union is.

People tend to think that the collective upheaval of Eastern Europe in 1989 was a prelude to the collapse of the Soviet empire, but the seeds of the crisis were planted ten years ago.

Ustinov, the then Soviet Minister of Defense at the time, demanded an intervention, believing that Poland must be ensured as an important link between the Soviet Army in Germany and the Soviet Union. The subordinates of Ustinov, headed by Marshal Viktor Kulikov, the commander-in-chief of the Warsaw Pact Joint Armed Forces, proposed several times to "save" Poland at all costs: without Poland, the Warsaw Pact would be meaningless.

However, this proposal was opposed by the Supreme Leader Brezhnev, and Andropov firmly supported the General Secretary's decision this time. Both of them are in their 70s and 80s, especially Brezhnev has lost the decisiveness and courage of the year, which has caused the Soviet Union to lose control of Poland in the future.

After seeing that the intervention of sending troops was rejected, Ustinov, who was unwilling to lose control of Poland like this, submitted a military exercise report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and put the exercise location in Poland, just to be able to deter Poland. anti-Soviet sentiment.

The exercise effect did play a very good role, not only Poland, but also the whole world was frightened by the powerful military strength of the Soviet Union; the exercise at least kept the Poles in peace for a long time. Then the Soviet Union invested more than 4 billion US dollars in economic aid in Poland, trying to do both, but in the end it was unsuccessful. Until the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Poland implemented a presidential system; at that time, the Soviet Union was full of holes in the country, and it was impossible to estimate other countries.

At present, the domestic economy continues to decline, and the anti-Soviet sentiment among the Poles continues to rise. Now the Soviets still have to conduct such a large-scale military exercise in their homeland, the mood of the Poles at this time can be imagined.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand the mood of the Poles at this time. They yearn for democracy and freedom, but they must agree to the Soviet Union. As soon as there was a little sign, the Soviets drove in an army of 500,000 people. If this were to fight, it was estimated that the destructive power of the Germans would be greater than that of the Germans.

Bao Zixuan drove all the way to their residence, Belvedere Palace. The palace served as the official residence of Marshal Josef Piłsudski from 1945-1952. But now the mission is the director of the Western-81 military exercise. It can be seen that the domineering Soviet people occupied the official residence of the father of the country for their own use.

The Soviets were quite interesting this time. They requisitioned the palace for temporary use. Not only as the director of the exercise, but also as the residence of the rich to watch the military exercise. Bao Zixuan was led by a Soviet officer to his residence. It can be said that the treatment of Bao Zixuan this time is unprecedented, and the second best room is reserved for him.

The Soviet Union took a comprehensive consideration of several aspects. First, Bao Zixuan was the first non-military personnel who wanted to come to watch the military exercise, and the idea of ​​buying tickets also originated from him, which provided a new idea for the Soviet Union.

The second is because his remarks at Xiangjiang Airport made the Soviets very happy, and Bao Zixuan has a huge global influence. His words changed some people's views on the Soviet Union to a certain extent.

The third reason is that among all the entrepreneurs who cooperated with the Soviet Union, Bao Zixuan and his Heiyun Group had the largest trade volume, and they never deliberately lowered prices. They were the most reliable partners in the Soviet Union's foreign trade.

Based on the above points, the Soviets gave him the second best room here. The best room is the place where Defense Minister Ustinov wants to stay, and no one dares to argue with him.

After coming to the room, I saw that in addition to the master bedroom inside, there were two small rooms; it was estimated that the bodyguards and servants lived. It seems that the Soviets are quite thoughtful, knowing that the people who come here are either rich or expensive; they must bring servants and bodyguards.

In fact, what Bao Zixuan didn't know was that he was the only one who could bring two bodyguards. As for the others, they can only follow one follower, which shows that the Soviets are really interested in him.

At this time, a girl who looked like a maid came over and said in Russian: "Hello! Sir! I am Andalina Robert, your servant these days. You can tell me anything you need."

Following the voice, Bao Zixuan saw the girl who was talking to him, a typical Eastern European beauty. He should be Polish by appearance, but being able to speak fluent Russian proves that his knowledge should not be However, Bao Zixuan is also worried about the identity of the other party. If something happens to Yanzi, he wants to dump him in the future. It's hard to estimate.

But seeing the other party's expression forcefully smiling, it probably doesn't look like a swallow. Otherwise, the language and actions could not be so rigid, it was more like being forced over.

In fact, Bao Zixuan guessed very accurately, but they were not forced. Most of them were forced by life. After knowing that many rich people would buy tickets to watch the military exercise, they temporarily recruited a group of beautiful women for training.

When watching military exercises, no one will bring their girlfriends or wives over. Not to mention the danger, everyone will feel weird.

Although it is a military exercise, the rich crowd is no better than the soldiers. They come here for enjoyment, and it is the most perfect when they are satisfied both visually and physically and mentally. As a result, many high-quality girls were recruited temporarily, in addition to their daily wages. What they value more is the tip and what happens, and it's better to be able to find someone to take them out of here. At this time all over Poland was cloudy and no one wanted to stay here any longer.

Poland at this time was a seemingly peaceful country, but everyone knew that it was a country where war could break out at any time. Everyone is watching, as if the eyes of the world are focused on here, but this is not a good thing for the Poles.