Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 438: final mock test

Seeing that MacLehose and Guo Desheng separated, his face was not very good, but it made Huo Yingdong very happy. It must be that Guo Desheng didn't get a satisfactory result, and he was probably a little angry. It seems that sometimes you must not provoke honest people, or you will be more angry when you talk.

The charity auction is just a passing scene, and everyone is just showing their hearts. After the dinner, MacLehose and his wife deliberately bid farewell to every guest who came to the banquet at the door. This situation was rare during his tenure, and it seems that MacLehose also knew the importance of making friends with Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong.

Just when the headquarters was holding a Christmas charity dinner, it was inside the Weasel Factory of the Heiyun Group in Tianshui Wai. Everyone does the final test work on the computer. If the expected effect is achieved on the computer, the next step is to prepare for the test flight.

On the surface, there are only 200 people in the Weasel Factory, but there are more than 20,000 people who cooperate with the ground effect aircraft project. Buyers who source parts all over the world; ordinary workers who process parts in workshops; engineers who make titanium alloys for them in steel plants. It can be said that these people are all participants of the project, but they do not know the specific situation until now.

Bao Zixuan sat in front of the main control computer screen, listening to the reports from various departments. Although it is only a computer simulation test, the effect of the actual test is not much different.

Bao Zixuan only changed part of the content on the German drawings. The main reason is to modify the engine, and the Heiyun three-rotor turbojet engine has already been finalized. Only some changes were made locally, and the design of some British Harrier fighters was applied, so that the engine had a certain upward force.

In addition, the material has been improved, making the metal stronger and more stable, and the weight is lighter. This is mainly due to the purchase of a large number of titanium alloys in the Soviet Union and the large amount of rare earth resources provided by China. Let this ground effect aircraft have a qualitative leap compared to the original version, after all, the Germans do not have so many excellent resources. Otherwise, with their industrial and technological strength, where can the Soviets be an opponent.

The engineers input the data of each component into the computer. Combined with the powerful computing power of the Heiyun gy1 computer, there is a feeling that the ground effect aircraft seems to appear in front of everyone.

At this time, Bao Zixuan's beard is very long, and it is estimated that he has not groomed it for a long time. The hair is long on one side, probably because of the haircut before. If you are not particularly familiar with him, you must not recognize him. After all, this appearance is too far from the feeling of the richest man in Xiangjiang, and it is by no means the spiritual guy people imagined.

Bao Zixuan said to everyone: "My colleagues, after 3 months of hard work, Heiyun's first ground-effect aircraft, the Xiangjiang Monster, is about to meet with you. Although we have already assembled it, no one can guarantee that he will be sure of it. no problem."

"Fortunately, we have the most complete industrial computer and large-scale simulation software in the world, otherwise you may take a lot of risks in the early actual testing. Now what we have to do is to find out the shortcomings of each component, and there is For any risks that may be faced during the flight, only the more adequate preparations are made in the early stage, the people who use it can be safer after the actual flight."

Seeing everyone's serious expressions, Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "You don't need to be too nervous, just trust yourself and our teammates."

"Now I announce the start of the first comprehensive simulation test of Xiangjiang Monster, and everyone will implement it according to the established plan."

At this time, I saw that all the engineers were inputting instructions on the keyboard. Although this is the most advanced computer in the world, it cannot be fully automated and requires a large number of engineers to operate.

I only heard an engineer say: "Boss, the engine requests to start."

Bao Zixuan: "You can turn it on and observe the data carefully."

After a period of instructions, the sound of the ground effect aircraft was already heard on the big screen. After the 8 turbojet engines are started, the sound is very loud, after all, where is the thrust placed.

Begin to gradually detect various devices on the aircraft. Although they are all done through computer instructions, they are also done differently.

After Bao Zixuan pressed the Enter key, the aircraft began to sprint forward rapidly. The all-metal fuselage of the aircraft is like a whale in the water where it is desperately accelerating, and the overall feeling is very spectacular.

After taxiing for less than 100 meters, the aircraft finally took off. The scene immediately cheered. If the computer can fly, then there must be no problem with the real object. After all, they are all imitated one-to-one, but one is more real.

Bao Zixuan was also observing the flight attitude of the aircraft, as the speed continued to increase. Some changes have taken place in the attitude of the entire aircraft, and the engineers quickly checked it in the computer. Looking at such a powerful simulation software, everyone feels that this research and development is really worth it.

Not only can it save a lot of experimental costs in the early stage, but also the problems that occur during the computer simulation process can be analyzed at the first time. This allows engineers to modify the product at the first time, so that similar problems do not occur in formal testing.

The speed increased little by little, from 100 kilometers per hour to 200 kilometers per hour; at this time, it had reached 500 kilometers, and the aircraft still had no problems at all. The most important thing is that the output power of the engine only reaches 30%, which fully meets the design standards. After all, only 200 tons of goods are assembled in the simulation at this time.

When the engine speed reached 800 kilometers per hour, everyone was nervous. After all, the engine has to work at full speed at this time, and this has reached the peak value of theory.

Seeing that the engine still has the ability to continue to accelerate, Bao Zixuan decisively entered the afterburner command. Now it's just a mock test, and he wouldn't dare to do it if it was a real test flight.

Sure enough, when the speed reached 836 kilometers per hour, various problems began to appear in the instrument panel. Many signal indicators began to alarm, and the computer gave a response plan to reduce speed and land quickly.

Bao Zixuan ignored it and started to increase the throttle output. When the speed reached 890 kilometers per hour, the engine stopped, and the speed naturally dropped.

After the aircraft landed in the engineers were watching the data analysis of the computer. This is first-hand information, and it has important data support for the future improvement of the aircraft.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Very good, very powerful. Our first test has been completed, and it can be said that we have exceeded the established goal. I hope everyone can make persistent efforts, after all, victory is just around the corner. Check all the data carefully, after all, once you enter the The actual test flight is about human life, and there is no room for sloppyness."

In fact, what really surprised Bao Zixuan was that the things left by the Germans were really useful. I never heard that they had produced such products at that time. Could it be that the product was designed so perfect just by presupposition, the true strength of this designer can't be imagined. In the absence of any data support, even he can't guarantee that he will do better. What kind of people were German scientists during World War II? It would be great if we could find a few.

In the next few days, the weasel factory began to do simulation tests around the Xiangjiang monster. Whether it is in the desert; or in the hills; and dealing with a variety of complex marine conditions, but the performance of this aircraft is very good.

Now, it doesn't make much sense whether Bao Zixuan participates in the simulation test, and the engineers are quite proficient in the application of software. His more tasks began to detect the physical object of the ground effect aircraft, and the Xiangjiang monster was in the Black Cloud Factory.

The engineers and technicians are doing the final outfitting, and it is estimated that the test flight will be ready in a week at most. At this time, the engineers knew that the dawn was just around the corner, and no one wanted to be left behind at a critical moment. That would be so sorry for the hard work of the past few months, and they all want to witness the miracle that belongs to them with their own eyes.