Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 44: Walkman project

After being molested by the proprietress at the Pink Restaurant, Bao Zixuan returned to the company with everyone. Except for the five people who first came from Xiangjiang, everyone else lived in the community opposite the company.

After a brief shower, Bao Zixuan began to write a development plan for the Walkman, preparing to take advantage of the fact that he didn't have to go to the basic mechanical manufacturing class tomorrow morning. Hold a meeting with the hardware department to complete the development of the Walkman as soon as possible. And not only to be practical, but also to be fashionable. It seems that I need to find a fashion designer to match my design of the shape.

It is a miniature version of the tape recorder. It is a machine that records sound for repeated playback. It uses the magnetic material as a carrier and uses the remanence of the magnetic material to record the sound signal on the carrier. It must have a playback function. Use cassette test tape for playback and recording functions.

It is mainly composed of microphones, tapes, recording heads, amplifier circuits, speakers, transmission mechanisms and other components. And to develop a headset tailored for the Walkman, the sound quality must be good. The control of the software part is very simple, and the control chip used is not very complicated. You can do it by yourself.

Early the next morning, in the meeting room of the North American branch of Black Cloud Company.

Bao Zixuan sat at the top, looked at the 8 hardware engineers below, and said, "I know that everyone is basically cooperating with the research and development of game consoles at the Xiangjiang headquarters recently, and the plan over there can be completed step by step, so I hope Our North American branch relies on the abundant human resources here to do some of our own things.”

After finishing speaking, I sent everyone the drawings I sketched last night, "Our North American branch will develop a product of our own before Christmas this year, that is - a portable tape recorder, I will name him and listen to it. ."

The patents of the recorder are basically in the hands of Philips of the Netherlands. Gu Gucheng has to work hard, and we have to get his patent authorization. You leave tomorrow, and contact attorney Larry Brown and have him arrange for someone to go with you, even if it pays a little extra dollar to bring back the patents I need.

Gujojiro's recent work interest is not very high. After all, Hashimoto Hiroshi, who came to the United States with him, has been reused. Although he is the head of the US branch of the hardware development department, he is more for the procurement office of the Xiangjiang branch. required equipment and components. Make yourself look like a purchasing manager, not a master engineer. At this time, I heard that I finally had a chance to play, and I happily agreed, thinking that I must do things beautifully.

After explaining the research and development of the Walkman, Bao Zixuan was going to return to MIT to find his roommate Thomas Marr to cooperate with him. At the time when the Black Cloud R&D team developed it, I am afraid that Sony's Walkman has already been bought all over the street. That's all, only relying on the strong scientific research reserves of MIT can we have the confidence to develop products before Christmas.

After returning to the dormitory at noon, I saw that Thomas Marr hadn't come back. It seemed that this kid went to pick up girls again, so he had to come back to him in the evening after class first!

This afternoon was a course on CNC machine tools. Bao Zixuan had already completed all the credits, but he thought that in order to produce fast production, he must have his own CNC machine tools. Let’s see how to use the school’s resources to improve his company’s equipment. Thinking of this, he picked up his backpack without hesitation and walked towards the laboratory of CNC machine tools.

Seeing Bao Zixuan coming to the laboratory, everyone including the professor was stunned. After all, many students will not take this class again after they have completed their credits. MIT's studies are very heavy.

This class is taught by Professor Bruman. He has never left MIT's absolute authority in CNC machine tools in his life. He likes Bao Zixuan, a student who is very proficient in computer and mechanical manufacturing, especially after his Industry 4.0 paper expounded the huge role of CNC machine tools, making this The major has suddenly become the most popular major, and many students choose electives.

Looking at Bao Zixuan, "Why are you here? Didn't I finish your credits! Bao, thanks to you, there are so many students now, but there is no machine tool for you to do experiments." Professor Bluman smiled at Baozi Xuan said.

When many students who took this major heard that this was the famous Bao Zixuan, they spontaneously cheered. Especially the girls are asking Bao Zixuan questions regardless of their image.

After Professor Bluman told the students to keep quiet, everyone started the class again.

Bao Zixuan: "Professor, I suddenly thought of a topic, so I want to come to the laboratory to verify it. Knowing that you are taking classes here, I want to learn more from you."

Professor Bluman: "Okay! You guys will conduct group experiments and operations according to the assignment just now. Please supervise the teaching assistant, and Bao and I will come over." Why didn't I get a chance to participate.

After entering Professor Bluman's personal laboratory, "Tell me, what good ideas do you have, don't you make me happy!" Professor Bluman said to Bao Zixuan.

Bao Zixuan: "How could it be! I think that our current machine tool occupies a large area, and the power used is also very wasteful. It is okay to process large parts, but small parts will be a serious waste of resources. In the past, it was limited by us. The performance and size of the computer are too large, but now the functions of the chip are getting more and more powerful, but the size is getting smaller and smaller. I think the conditions for developing small parts machine tools are mature, and I will write the software control system myself, so I want to move towards this aspect. Start developing the project.”

Professor Bluman: "You don't just think about this! Tell me what else you have. You are now not only my student, but also an entrepreneur. It is impossible to spend energy on developing new products for no reason."

Bao Zixuan: "Sure enough, I can't escape your fiery eyes. I want to survive a small electronic product, and I need a lot of small machine tools, but there is no suitable one on the market."

Professor Bluman took out a few drawings from the drawer, all of which were conceptual drawings of small machine tools. And the variety is very complete, almost including the production of small parts of all shapes. After Bao Zixuan read it once, he knew that the feasibility was very strong, and his eyes were starting to heat up.

After seeing Bao Zixuan's expression, Professor Bluman said: "How about it, like you said, I thought about this issue 5 years ago, but the school is not an enterprise and has never set up a project. And the software operating system and chip The configuration has not met the requirements, and finally it can only be sealed. But I think it should be available for commercial use now, what do you think!"

Bao Zixuan: "I think it's very good. You are always an authority on CNC machine tools. With these, the control system can be put into production immediately, and the efficiency will be very high."

Professor Bluman: "If you like it, take it! After all, it can only be a drawing for and this is just a general drawing. The rest of the materials are in that box, which has not been opened for a long time. They have never seen the light of day."

Bao Zixuan: "Professor, I told you that I am an entrepreneur, and I can't take your research results for nothing. Anyway, the school has not set up a project, so how about I buy it with money. And I use it in the production process. To the laboratory of the school. There is no way to commercialize it without clarifying the patent and ownership. The most important thing is that he has great economic value.”

Professor Bluman: "You're right, I'm too idealistic. I'll cooperate with you whatever you plan to do."

Bao Zixuan: "I have entrusted your laboratory to develop small machine tools in the name of the company, and then the patent and the right to use it will belong to Heiyun Company. Your laboratory will receive 10 million US dollars of research and development funds. And you have finished the research and development, Then the 10 million yuan is the reasonable income of the team. And you will get a 3% profit share during the product patent period, which can reach 5 to 8 million US dollars per year according to my calculation.”

Professor Bluman: "You really have such a high profit, aren't you afraid that I will find someone to start over and exclude you!"

Bao Zixuan: "Are you afraid of being useful? Besides, if a machine tool wants to achieve commercial effects, it must be assisted by a powerful software control system. You know my strength in this regard."

Professor Bluman: "Then follow your plan."

Bao Zixuan immediately called the company and asked someone to connect a lawyer to MIT. After the lawyer drafted the contract, Bao Zixuan and Professor Bruman signed their names. At the same time, Bao Zixuan handed the $10 million check to Professor Bluman, and asked the company's four people and Professor Bluman's assistants to start trial production of small machine tools in the laboratory. And he himself wants to speed up the development of the software.