Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v1 Chapter 442: press conference one


Since everyone wanted to know, there was no need for Bao Zixuan to hide it. It is better to directly and generously display the product in front of the public, and let people know that it is an aircraft developed for the express company to reduce costs.

The most important thing is that the express company is owned by the Morgan family. Americans must think they can easily get this aircraft. And the British did not dare to interfere with it, after all, they did not dare to be too presumptuous in the business of the Morgan family.

The Heiyun Group will hold a press conference tomorrow at the Heiyun factory in Tin Shui Wai. At the same time, after the press conference, all reporters can watch the aircraft up close and take photos.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the Hong Kong media circle. This is the first time that the Black Cloud Group has formally invited reporters to a press conference, and it was after the successful test flight of the aircraft. There will definitely be a lot of untold stories here, and they don't want to miss it.

So a very interesting scene was staged. All the newspaper reporters set off towards Tin Shui Wai that night. They are worried that they will not find a good position the next day. Not only are the reporters on the move, but the intelligence agencies of various countries in Hong Kong are also preparing to participate in tomorrow's press conference. Everyone wants to have a close look at what this aircraft looks like, how it works, and what its military uses.

Before the press conference, Bao Zixuan called Mike Briffin, the deputy chief designer of the aircraft. It has been decided to push him to the front of the stage, and at the same time there is a kind of meaning of buying a horse's bone with a thousand dollars.

Let people see that this person who cannot be reused at the Technical University of Munich can host such a huge project at the Black Cloud Group. If you are really a talent, there is nothing to hesitate, joining Heiyun will definitely be able to display your talent.

Bao Zixuan: "Mike, join me in the press conference tomorrow; you mainly introduce the design principles and product technical parameters."

Hearing this, Mike Briffin was very moved. He only played a supporting role with this product. The boss is willing to give him such a great honor. After the successful test flight, the project has been completely handed over to him, and now he is the chief engineer of the Black Cloud Ground Effect Aircraft.

The design phase has ended, and the next step is to gradually improve the product performance. Calling a designer no longer fits the status, and the first-phase workers of the Weasel Factory have been dismissed. Except for a small number of more than 30 people who stayed to follow up the improvement and improvement of the performance of the ground effect aircraft, all the others returned to their original positions and continued to work.

Mike Briffin said excitedly: "Boss, I don't have any outstanding contributions to this aircraft, so I don't dare to take credit."

Bao Zixuan: "I have enough honors, and who said you didn't make outstanding contributions. You solved many technical problems in the research and development process. It is you who underestimate yourself. And now you are the chief engineer of the ground effect aircraft. Are you only going to develop this product! Even if you agree, I will not agree."

"This product is just a basic version. We can develop smaller and more flexible products downward. We can extend the tonnage of the product to thousands of tons, or even 10,000 tons. It is up to you to achieve this. My task has been Finish."

Hearing this, Mike Briffin was very moved, and he must not betray the trust of his boss. Looking at this super rich 20 years younger than himself, Mike - Briffin really don't know what to say. It's no wonder that people can become super-rich, but this kind of mind is far from it.

Mike Briffin: "Please rest assured, boss, I feel that this product is tailor-made for my major, and it will not disappoint you."

Bao Zixuan: "Prepare well, you can't smash our company's signboard in front of reporters."

Even if Bao Zixuan didn't say anything, Mike Briffin also had to prepare well. He knows that this opportunity is not easy to come by, and it will even bring a lot of criticism within the black cloud. But since he chose to attend the press conference, he wanted everyone to shut up. He can only speak with his achievements, and let everyone see his strength through continuous improvement and development of new products.

Bao Zixuan thinks more about business management, although he doesn't want to manage the business. But at this time it is no longer realistic, and the long time in business will inevitably affect his time in the laboratory.

The best result is that the senior engineer of Heiyun Group can stand alone, and he can just provide an idea in the future. This will allow him to play his role efficiently and make the entire team more motivated. This time it was just because the matter was urgent, otherwise he didn't want to over-engage. Very time consuming and easy to suspect.


For example, although it was only 3 months this time, the outside world had already started looking for him; what if it was 3 years or even longer! The outside world does not think that he was killed, which is very detrimental to the development of the company. After all, Heiyun was really inseparable from him at this time. He was a sole proprietorship, and he didn't have any descendants. If Bao Zixuan had an accident, Heiyun Group would not be able to keep it, and his mother would not be able to end well.

In the early morning of the next day, Tianshuiwei area can be said to be full of traffic; in the impression of local residents, it has never been so lively. It seems that the influence of the richest man is so great that he can call all these reporters who usually don't even look at them.

The person who sold the land before now has some regrets, and he knew that he was waiting. The Black Cloud Group has been expanding to the surrounding areas, and many places have been included in their pockets. Bao Zixuan's plan is to vigorously develop Tianshuiwei, after all, it can complement Shekou.

Today, not only is the Heiyun factory open to reporters, but Yulin Institute of Technology has also entered their field of vision. Although it was known that the richest man Bao built a university here, the location is too remote. Many people think that Bao Zixuan may be building a factory under the guise of teaching land. But when they came here today, they found that they were wrong. This university is definitely the best university in Hong Kong. Heung Kong University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong are really not comparable to it, and they may be slightly less famous now. However, everyone believes that the investment of the richest man in Bao, regardless of the cost, will definitely surpass any old colleges and universities in Hong Kong.

What made the reporter even more unbelievable was that the breakfast for the students here is so rich, it can be said that it is definitely not bad compared to the buffet breakfast in a five-star hotel. And what makes them even more speechless is that they don't need to spend a penny, as long as you don't waste food.

Moreover, several students interviewed said that it was like this every day, and it was definitely not specially prepared. At this time, everyone really didn't understand Bao's richest man, and what was he doing all this for. If it goes on like this, it will lose a lot of money every year, and there is no tuition fee for students here.

Is it because of conscience that he wants to give back to the society, the richest man Bao should not be at this stage yet! It seems that there must be some untold secrets here, so we need to dig it out.

The reporters who came this time came from almost every country. When reporters from various countries came to the Flag Square, they all felt that it was too wasteful to have only a few flagpoles on the periphery of such a large square. And there are only a few national flags hanging on it, do you look down on other countries?

A French reporter interviewed a student and said, "Student, may I ask why there is no French flag here."

The student replied: "That's because there are no French students here, and the flag here is determined by the students. That country has students studying here, so their country's flag is hoisted every Monday morning. It's like I'm from Japan, if you raise the national flag of France every Monday, you will not be scolded to death. At that time, you can only commit suicide to thank the people and die in shame.”

French reporter: "With so many national flags, are the flags raised on Monday?"

Japanese student: "Of the flag will be raised on Monday and lowered on Friday."

French reporter: "Then the national anthem of that country is played when the flag is raised on Monday, whether it is the national anthem of the United Kingdom or China."

Japanese reporter: "No, we don't need to play the national anthem. The school gives everyone a walkman, which can be heard with headphones when the national flag is raised."

French reporter: "Are you saying that the school gives everyone a walkman for free?"

Japanese student: "Not just Walkman, laptops, clothes, daily necessities and everything you can think of are distributed free of charge by schools. We don't have to spend a single cent here."

"When I left Japan, my family prepared 50,000 yen for me. Now I haven't moved a penny, everything here is free. As for getting more resources, it's not buying with money, Instead, exchange credits. As long as you have enough credits, you can exchange for anything you want."

Hearing a Japanese student say this, the French reporter felt that Yulin Institute of Technology is really attentive in many things, and now it seems that Bao Zixuan is really willing to devote himself to education.

I can't see what his purpose is, why Bao Zixuan is not French. How come there is no such university in France? He is really envious of the students here.

Thinking about when I was studying, I was looking at the students of Yulin Institute of Technology. There is simply no comparison. This aspect must be reported well. It is best to attract the attention of the French education department. Then I have not come here for nothing.